
单词 格陵兰岛
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Baffin Island〕An island of northeast Northwest Territories, Canada, west of Greenland. It is the fifth-largest island in the world.巴芬岛:加拿大西北地区东北部的一个岛屿,位于格陵兰岛西部,是世界第五大岛屿美国传统〔Davis Strait〕A strait of the northern Alantic Ocean between southeast Baffin Island and southwest Greenland.戴维斯海峡:大西洋北部一海峡,位于巴芬岛东南部和格陵兰岛西南部之间美国传统〔Denmark Strait〕A channel between Greenland and Iceland connecting the Arctic Ocean with the northern Atlantic Ocean.丹麦海峡:位于格陵兰岛和冰岛之间的海峡,连接着北冰洋与北大西洋美国传统〔Farewell〕The southernmost point of Greenland.费尔韦尔角:格陵兰岛的最南端美国传统〔Greenland Sea〕A section of the southern Arctic Ocean off the eastern coast of Greenland.格陵兰海:位于格陵兰岛东海岸的北冰洋南部的一部分美国传统〔Inuit〕A member of any of the Eskimo peoples of North America and especially of Arctic Canada and Greenland.因纽特人:北美特别是加拿大北冰洋地区和格陵兰岛的爱斯基摩人之成员美国传统〔Labrador Sea〕An arm of the northern Atlantic Ocean between eastern Canada and southwest Greenland.拉布拉多海:北大西洋的一个分支,位于加拿大与格陵兰岛西南部之间美国传统〔Scoresby Sound〕An arm of the Norwegian Sea indenting eastern Greenland. It has numerous fjords branching generally westward toward the icecap.斯科斯比松:挪威海的一个港湾,伸入格陵兰岛东部。它有许多大体上向西扩展到冰盖的狭长海湾美国传统〔sled〕He explored Greenland on a dog sled.他乘狗拉雪橇去格陵兰岛探险。牛津搭配

