“any day now”例句

单词 any day now
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔SOON〕His ship was due back from the Pacific any day now. 他的船将在这几天从太平洋返航。朗文写作活用〔SOON〕The letter should be with you any day now. 你这几天应该能收到信。朗文写作活用〔any day now〕Any day now, the decision could be made.决定会在近日做出。韦氏高阶〔blow〕The situation is becoming very tense. It is bound to blow any day now.局势变得非常紧张,这些天随时都会出事。英汉大词典〔day〕Kelly's expecting the baby any day now (=very soon).凯莉很快就要生孩子了。朗文当代〔day〕The baby's due any day now.就这几天婴儿就要出生了。剑桥高阶〔day〕The letter should arrive any day now.信该很快就到了。牛津高阶〔expect〕We were expecting him home again any day now.我们期盼着他某一天再回家。柯林斯高阶〔look〕We are looking for George to arrive any day now.我们在期待着乔治,他说不定哪天就到。英汉大词典〔now〕Any day now, he'll be walking through that door.他随时都会走过那扇门。韦氏高阶〔now〕I'm expecting the package any day now.我想包裹很快就会到。麦克米伦高阶〔now〕Jim expects to be sent to Europe any day now.吉姆预计随时会被派到欧洲去。柯林斯高阶〔pop〕He could pop off any day now.他说不定哪一天就会死。英汉大词典〔pour〕Any day now, the Northern forces may pour across the new border.北方的军队现在随时都可能大批越过新边界。柯林斯高阶The baby was due last week, so it could arrive any day now.婴儿出生原先预计在上星期,因此现在哪一天出生都有可能。剑桥国际The baby's due any day now (= very soon, esp. within the next few days).婴儿没几天就要生了。剑桥国际

