“for the service”例句

单词 for the service
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔economic〕We have to keep fares high enough to make it economic for the service to continue.我们必须保持票价够高才能赚钱, 从而保证能继续提供这项服务。外研社新世纪〔nominal〕They charge a nominal fee for the service.他们只收取极少的服务费。韦氏高阶〔toll〕Church bells tolled as people gathered for the service.人们聚在一起做礼拜时,教堂的钟声缓缓敲响。韦氏高阶〔toll〕The bells were tolled for the service.礼拜的钟声敲响了。韦氏高阶〔tryout〕I have a 30-day free tryout period before I have to start paying for the service.我有30天的免费试用期,之后才开始缴纳服务费。韦氏高阶Consumers are looking for the service that offers the best value for money.消费者正在寻求最合算的服务。牛津商务More than 200 000 subscribers have registered for the service.20 多万用户注册了这项服务。牛津商务There's no charge for the service.这项服务免费。牛津商务You can sign up for the service online or by calling a toll-free number.你可以通过在线方式或拨打免费电话订购这一服务。牛津商务You will be billed monthly for the service.你将按月收到服务费账单。牛津商务Your billing cycle begins on the day you sign up for the service.你的计费周期从你签署服务协议的那天开始计算。牛津商务

