
单词 flammable
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔BURN〕Hydrogen is a highly flammable gas. 氢是高度易燃气体。朗文写作活用〔Molotov cocktail〕A makeshift bomb made of a breakable container filled with flammable liquid and provided with a usually rag wick that is lighted just before being hurled.燃烧弹:一种用装满可燃液体的可炸裂性容器制成的临时替用炸弹,通常用碎布捻成引线,在扔出前点燃美国传统〔VERY〕Danger: highly flammable materials! 危险:易燃品!朗文写作活用〔alkane〕Alkanes, such as butane and methane, are very flammable.丁烷,甲烷等烷烃均为易燃物品。剑桥高阶〔benzine〕A colorless, flammable, liquid mixture of hydrocarbons obtained in distilling petroleum, used in cleaning and dyeing and as a motor fuel.轻油精,石油醚:一种无色、易燃的碳氢液体混合物,从石油蒸馏而得,用在清洗和染色中并用作发动机燃料美国传统〔celluloid〕A colorless, flammable material made from nitrocellulose and camphor and used to make photographic film.赛璐珞,明胶:一种由硝酸纤维和樟脑制成的无色、易燃材料,用以制作照相胶卷美国传统〔cymogene〕A flammable gaseous fraction of petroleum, consisting chiefly of butane.粗丁烷:石油中易燃的气体部分,主要由丁烷组成美国传统〔cymogene〕A flammable gaseous fraction of petroleum, consisting chiefly of butane.粗丁烷:石油的易燃气态馏分,主要是由丁烷所组成美国传统〔explosively〕Hydrogen is explosively flammable when mixed with oxygen.氢气与氧气混合时会发生爆炸性燃烧。柯林斯高阶〔fiery〕Easily ignited; flammable.易点燃的;易燃烧的美国传统〔flammable〕Caution! Highly flammable liquid.小心! 高度易燃液体。朗文当代〔flammable〕Caution! This solvent is highly flammable.小心!这种溶剂是高度易燃品。剑桥高阶〔flammable〕Hydrogen is highly flammable.氢是高度易燃的。文馨英汉〔flammable〕These materials are highly flammable.这些材料极其易燃。牛津搭配〔flashover〕The temperature point at which the heat in an area or a region is high enough to ignite all flammable material simultaneously.燃点:能够同时点燃某一区域或范围内所有可燃物所需的温度美国传统〔ligroin〕A volatile, flammable fraction of petroleum, obtained by distillation and used as a solvent.石油类:是石油当中易挥发,易点燃的成分。通过蒸馏获得,用作溶剂美国传统〔nonflammable〕Not flammable, especially not readily ignited and not rapidly burned.不易燃的:不易燃的,尤指不容易点燃或不能快速燃烧的美国传统〔pyroxylin〕A highly flammable nitrocellulose used in the manufacture of collodion, plastics, and lacquers.焦木素,木棉:一种极易燃的硝酸纤维素,用于制造股棉,塑料和漆美国传统〔safety lamp〕A miner's lamp with a protective wire gauze surrounding the flame to prevent ignition of flammable gases.安全灯:一种灯焰周围有一层保护性钢丝网纱以防止引燃可燃性气体的矿灯美国传统〔torch〕A portable light produced by the flame of a stick of resinous wood or of a flammable material wound about the end of a stick of wood; a flambeau.火把,火炬:由可燃树木棍或棍端上的可燃材料燃烧形成的火焰发出的可携带式的光亮;火炬美国传统〔touchy〕Easily ignited; flammable.易燃的:容易被点燃的;可燃的美国传统〔wildfire〕A highly flammable material, such as Greek fire, once used in warfare.燃烧剂:极易点燃的材料,如希腊火,过去曾用于战争美国传统The internal combustion engine can run on almost anything that is flammable.几乎任何可燃的原料都能驱动内燃机。剑桥国际This solvent is highly flammable (=burns very easily), so don't use it near a naked flame.这种溶剂极其易燃,切勿在明火附近使用。剑桥国际

