
单词 gambler
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔GAMBLING〕De Niro plays Sam ‘Ace’ Rothstein, a professional gambler. 德尼罗饰演一名职业赌徒—“赌神”萨姆·罗恩坦。朗文写作活用〔GAMBLING〕I'm not a heavy gambler, but I like to have a flutter from time to time. 我并不贪赌,但偶尔也会玩一把。朗文写作活用〔GAMBLING〕It was rumoured that he was a heavy gambler and lost large sums in Monte Carlo. 有传言说他是一个大赌棍,在蒙特卡洛输掉大笔大笔的钱。朗文写作活用〔GAMBLING〕Jack was a great drinker and gambler. 杰克是个大酒徒、大赌棍。朗文写作活用〔GAMBLING〕Rogers was not much of a gambler. When he bet on the horses, he almost always lost. 罗杰斯赌运不是很好,他赌马几乎总是输。朗文写作活用〔INTELLIGENT〕Zachar is a streetwise guy from New York, a gambler who grew up playing the horses at Belmont Park. 佐恰尔是个从纽约来的机警的家伙,是个在贝尔蒙特赛马场里赌马长大的赌徒。朗文写作活用〔OFTEN〕My father was a habitual gambler, until my mother packed her bags and threatened to leave. 我爸爸曾经嗜赌成性,直到妈妈收拾行李威胁要离开他。朗文写作活用〔PUT〕Gamblers plunked nickels and quarters into the slot machines. 赌徒们把五分和二角五分的硬币用力塞进吃角子老虎机里。朗文写作活用〔WASTE〕Howard was a terrible gambler, and had squandered away the family fortune. 霍华德是个大赌棍,把全部家产都挥霍掉了。朗文写作活用〔adventure〕A cautious gambler, Septimus never adventured more than £5 on anything that was not a dead cert.塞普蒂默斯是个谨慎的赌徒, 没有绝对把握不会拿超过5英镑的钱去冒险。外研社新世纪〔anonymous〕Gamblers Anonymous赌博者互诫协会外研社新世纪〔big〕Des is a big gambler, you know.要知道,德斯是个大赌徒。朗文当代〔bottom〕The gambler has hit bottom financially and emotionally.这个赌徒把钱赌得精光,情绪一蹶不振。英汉大词典〔call〕The gambler called the previous player by making an equal bet.那个赌客下同等赌注叫上家摊牌。英汉大词典〔card〕The gambler had stacked the cards against Bill.那个赌徒洗牌作弊,使比尔上当失利。英汉大词典〔compulsively〕He was a compulsive gambler and often heavily in debt.他嗜赌成癖,常常债台高筑。柯林斯高阶〔compulsive〕He was a compulsive gambler and often heavily in debt.他嗜赌成癖, 经常债台高筑。外研社新世纪〔flux〕There has been such a wholesale flux of gamblers to the place.已经有一大批这样的赌徒涌入这个地方。外研社新世纪〔gambler〕Donoghue was a heavy gambler and his betting was ruinous.多诺霍嗜赌成性, 赌博令他倾家荡产。外研社新世纪〔gambler〕He had never been afraid of failure: he was a gambler, ready to go off somewhere else and start all over again.他从来都不害怕失败:他是个冒险家,随时准备到别处从头再来。柯林斯高阶〔gambler〕He's not afraid of failure: he's a gambler.他不怕失败;他愿意冒风险。外研社新世纪〔gambler〕If a publisher doesn't want to be a gambler, he shouldn't be a publisher.出版商如果不愿冒风险,就不该当出版商。英汉大词典〔gambler〕In business, he was a gambler.生意场上他是个投机者。麦克米伦高阶〔gambler〕Most compulsive gamblers are not successful.多数嗜赌成癖的赌徒都输多赢少。牛津搭配〔gambler〕The casino attracts many wealthy gamblers.赌场吸引了许多有钱的赌徒。韦氏高阶〔gamble〕Stevens was a compulsive gambler .史蒂文斯是一个嗜赌成癖的赌徒。朗文当代〔gamester〕One who plays games, especially a gambler.玩游戏的人,尤指赌博的人美国传统〔ilk〕He kept away from gamblers and other men of that ilk.他避开赌徒以及诸如此类的人。英汉大词典〔ill〕Most gamblers can ill afford their habit.大多数赌徒都承担不起赌博这个恶习所带来的后果。朗文当代〔incorrigible〕Gamblers are incorrigible optimists.嗜赌的人是死不悔改的乐天派。柯林斯高阶〔incorrigible〕Gamblers are incorrigible optimists.赌徒都是不可救药的乐观主义者。外研社新世纪〔layabout〕The plaintiff's sole witness, a gambler and layabout, was easily discredited.原告唯一的证人嗜赌成性、游手好闲, 其证词很不可信。外研社新世纪〔layabout〕The plaintiff's sole witness, a gambler and layabout, was easily discredited.原告唯一的证人嗜赌成性,游手好闲,其证词一下子就被推翻了。柯林斯高阶〔mugging〕I used to be a very heavy gambler, but not any more. It's a mug's game.我曾经是个赌棍,但现在再也不赌了,那是傻瓜的游戏。柯林斯高阶〔mug〕I used to be a heavy gambler, but not any more. It's a mug's game.我曾经是个大赌徒, 但现在再也不赌了, 那是件傻瓜才干的事。外研社新世纪〔notoriety〕He gained a certain notoriety as a gambler.他落了个赌徒的恶名。牛津高阶〔piker〕A cautious gambler.小心翼翼的赌博者美国传统〔pity〕Compulsive gamblers are more to be pitied than condemned.对嗜赌成瘾者要多些同情,少些谴责。牛津高阶〔player〕A gambler.赌徒美国传统〔prey〕Gamblers and confidence men prey on Jack and many of his friends.赌棍和骗子常靠骗取杰克及其许多朋友的钱财过活。英汉大词典〔problem〕Problem gamblers are far more likely to gamble alone.问题赌徒更有可能独自赌博。外研社新世纪〔recoup〕The gambler recouped his losses in the next game.这个赌徒在随后一局中赢回了输掉的钱。剑桥高阶〔sharper〕One that deals dishonestly with others, especially a cheating gambler.诈骗者:不诚实的和别人打交道的人,尤指欺骗别人的赌徒美国传统〔shill〕One who poses as a satisfied customer or an enthusiastic gambler to dupe bystanders into participating in a swindle.雇佣骗子的骗局:一个假装成满意的顾客或一个热心的赌徒以欺骗旁观者使其参与一项骗局的骗子美国传统〔smart money〕Games Bets or a bet placed by experienced gamblers or those having privileged information.【游戏】 注钱:赌博老手或知情者下的一笔或数笔赌注美国传统〔sport〕A gambler at sporting events.赌徒:以体育赛事作赌之人美国传统〔velvet〕The winnings of a gambler.赌徒赢得的钱美国传统〔womanize〕He was a gambler, a womanizer, and a drunk.他是个赌徒、色鬼加酒鬼。剑桥高阶He is an inveterate and compulsory gambler. It is impossible for him to quit. 他是个积习已深的强迫性赌徒,要他戒赌是不可能的。译典通He was posing as a wealthy Las Vegas gambler who wanted lawmakers to legalize casinos in Arizona.他假装成一个富有的拉斯维加斯赌徒,要求立法者使亚利桑那州的赌场合法化。剑桥国际He's joined a self-help group for compulsive gamblers.他加入了一个针对嗜赌成癖者的自助组织。剑桥国际Horse racing is not the sport of kings but a game for gamblers.赛马不是王者之运动,而是赌徒的游戏。剑桥国际The gambler recouped his losses in the next game.赌徒在下一场赌博中扳回了输掉的钱。剑桥国际The gamblers fleeced Adams of all his money. 那些赌棍把亚当斯的钱都诈骗光了。译典通The heaviest gamblers are usually men aged 45 to 64.赌瘾最大的人通常是45岁到64岁之间的人。剑桥国际The newspapers accused local police of laxity in dealing with gamblers. 报纸指责当地警察在对付赌徒方面执法不严。译典通

