
单词 manuscript
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ABOUT/APPROXIMATELY〕The manuscripts date from circa 400 B.C. 这手稿可以追溯到大约公元前400年左右。朗文写作活用〔BOOKS〕She sent off the completed manuscript to 34 publishers before getting it accepted. 她把完成的书稿寄给了34家出版商后,此书才得以出版。朗文写作活用〔CHANGE/NOT CHANGE〕The publisher will not accept your manuscript until it has been thoroughly revised. 在你未将自己的手稿彻底审订之前,出版商是不会接受它的。朗文写作活用〔COMPLETE/NOT COMPLETE〕After spending years piecing together fragments, we now have the whole original manuscript. 经过多年拼凑断简残篇,我们现在得到了一份完整的原始手稿。朗文写作活用〔DISAGREE〕Scholars differ widely about when the two manuscripts were written. 学者们对这两份手稿的创作时间看法很不一样。朗文写作活用〔FIRST〕This is a photograph of the manuscript. The original is in the city museum. 这是手稿的照片。原稿在市博物馆里。朗文写作活用〔MSS.〕Manuscripts.手稿美国传统〔NAME〕She wrote her novels under the pen name George Eliot, because the publishers would not accept a manuscript written by a woman. 她用笔名乔治·艾略特写小说,因为出版商不愿意接受女子的来稿。朗文写作活用〔SURVIVE〕The museum possesses the only surviving manuscript of Cicero's letters. 这家博物馆藏有西塞罗存留至今的唯一书信手稿。朗文写作活用〔TRANSLATE〕It is a Latin translation of a Greek manuscript. 那是希腊文手稿的拉丁文译本。朗文写作活用〔VALUE〕Rogers had purchased a valuable Hebrew manuscript from a dealer in Jerusalem. 罗杰斯从耶路撒冷的一位商人那里购得了贵重的希伯来文手稿。朗文写作活用〔WRITE〕The finished manuscript was sent to the publisher on 3 January. 完成的手稿于1月3日寄给出版商。朗文写作活用〔WRITE〕We were shown some of the ancient manuscripts and rare books that are kept in the British Library. 我们看了大英图书馆收藏的一些古代手写本和珍本。朗文写作活用〔accept〕His manuscript has already been accepted for publication.他的稿子已被采纳,予以出版。21世纪英汉〔accept〕She's still trying to get her manuscript accepted for publication.她仍在尽力让自己的稿件得以发表。韦氏高阶〔accept〕The manuscript was accepted for publication last week.手稿于上周获得认可,准备出版。剑桥高阶〔agent〕Bob sent the manuscript off to his agent.鲍勃把手稿寄给了他的经纪人。外研社新世纪〔amanuensis〕One who is employed to take dictation or to copy manuscript.誊写员;听写员:一个被雇来听写或抄手稿的人美国传统〔amendment〕A correction or an alteration, as in a manuscript.稿件改正,稿件修改美国传统〔append〕It was a relief that his real name hadn't been appended to the manuscript.他的真名并未附在手稿上, 这让人松了一口气。外研社新世纪〔append〕It was a relief that his real name hadn't been appended to the manuscript.令人庆幸的是,手稿未落上他的真实姓名。柯林斯高阶〔authenticity〕He challenged the authenticity of the manuscript.他质疑那份手稿的真实性。文馨英汉〔autograph〕A manuscript in the author's handwriting.手稿:作者以手写体写出的草稿美国传统〔autograph〕He has been scrutinizing Beethoven's autograph symphony manuscripts.他一直在仔细研究贝多芬的交响乐手写稿。外研社新世纪〔blur〕His damp fingers blurred the manuscript.他的湿手弄脏了稿子。英汉大词典〔calligraphy〕There's some wonderful calligraphy in these old manuscripts.这些古老的手稿中有些地方书法极好。剑桥高阶〔castoff〕Printing A calculation of the amount of space a manuscript will occupy when set into type.【印刷术】 版面计算:对一个手稿在排版时所占的篇幅的计算美国传统〔catalogue〕The manuscripts have never been systematically catalogued.这些手稿一直没有系统地编过目录。朗文当代〔check over〕He always checked the manuscript over carefully before passing it to the typist.他总是先将手稿仔细检查一遍再交给打字员。21世纪英汉〔check〕Check over the manuscript carefully before passing it to the typist.把稿子交给打字员之前先仔细检查一下。英汉大词典〔codex〕A manuscript volume, especially of a classic work or of the Scriptures.抄本:一种手稿书籍,尤指经典著作的或权威性著作的美国传统〔code〕The manuscripts - written in a mysterious code - were a clever hoax.这些手稿是用难以理解的密码写成的, 真是巧妙的花招。外研社新世纪〔coeval〕This manuscript is coeval with that one.这件手稿和那件是同年代的。英汉大词典〔collatable〕She collated the final proof with the original manuscript.她将清样与原稿核对。21世纪英汉〔collection〕She had the task of organizing the collection of rare manuscripts.她的任务是整理稀有的手稿藏品。牛津搭配〔conservation〕Valuable manuscripts were saved from deterioration under the program of library conservation.在图书保存计划的实施中,许多珍贵的手稿从破坏中被抢救出来美国传统〔consider〕Her manuscript is being considered for publication.她的手稿正在被考虑出版。麦克米伦高阶〔copyedit〕To correct and prepare (a manuscript, for example) for typesetting and printing.交付排版:对(手稿等)进行修改或做文字编辑工作以将其付排或付印美国传统〔copyholder〕An assistant who reads manuscript aloud to a proofreader.校对助手:向校对员大声读原稿的助手美国传统〔copy〕Abbr. c.,C.Material, such as a manuscript, that is to be set in type.缩写 c.,C.稿件:将要付排的材料,如手稿等美国传统〔copy〕The monks copied their manuscripts out by hand.修道士用手抄写手稿。朗文当代〔copy〕They laboriously copied out manuscripts.他们费劲地抄出数份手稿。牛津搭配〔cork〕All of his manuscripts were kept corked up.他的全部手稿都封存着。英汉大词典〔cosmetic〕He made cosmetic changes in the manuscript.他在原稿做字面上的修饰。文馨英汉〔cover〕The manuscript is being sent to you under separate cover.手稿已另函寄给您。韦氏高阶〔criticize〕He criticized the manuscript very favourably.他对这份稿件评价很高。英汉大词典〔cursive〕A manuscript written in cursive characters.草书手稿:用草写体写成的手稿美国传统〔custodian〕The court appointed him custodian of the dead author's manuscripts.法庭指定他为那位已故作家的手稿的保管人。韦氏高阶〔cut〕The editor made only a few cuts in the manuscript.编辑对原稿仅作了几处删节。英汉大词典〔cut〕The editor reserves the right to cut manuscripts received.本报编辑保留来稿的删节权。英汉大词典〔cut〕You'll have to make a few cuts in your manuscript if you want us to publish it.如果你想让我们出版你的作品,就必须对稿子做一些删节。韦氏高阶〔delete〕He made several deletions to the manuscript.他在原稿上删去了好几处。牛津高阶〔deluge〕A deluge of manuscripts began to arrive in the post.大量的手稿开始通过邮递涌来。柯林斯高阶〔destroy〕The ancient manuscripts were destroyed by fire.古代手稿被大火吞噬了美国传统〔doubtful〕I think the manuscript is of doubtful authenticity.我认为手稿的真实性值得怀疑。英汉大词典〔draft〕He reviewed an earlier draft of this manuscript.他复查了一下这份手稿的早期草稿。牛津搭配〔dross〕We read all the manuscripts but 95 percent are dross.我们把所有的手稿都读了一遍,但其中的95%都没有价值。剑桥高阶〔duplication〕He sent the manuscript out for duplication.他把原稿送出去复印了。韦氏高阶〔edit ... out〕All the objectionable words and phrases were edited out of the manuscripts.所有可能引起异议的词句都从手稿中删掉了。21世纪英汉〔encrusted〕The manuscript is bound in gold and silver and encrusted with jewels.手抄本封面是金银装帧的,上面嵌满了珠宝。剑桥高阶〔error〕He found several errors in his manuscript.他在原稿中发现有几处差错。英汉大词典〔existence〕This is the oldest Hebrew manuscript in existence.这是现存最古老的希伯来语手稿。牛津高阶〔extant〕Few of the manuscripts are still extant.手稿大都散逸无存。朗文当代〔extant〕The manuscript is still extant.那份手[原]稿仍然存在。文馨英汉〔extant〕Two 14th-century manuscripts of this text are still extant.这个文本仍有两份14世纪手抄本存世。外研社新世纪〔extant〕Two fourteenth-century manuscripts of this text are still extant.这个文本仍有两份14世纪手抄本存世。柯林斯高阶〔faintness〕The faintness of the handwriting made the manuscript difficult to read.字迹模糊使手稿难于阅读。剑桥高阶〔foliate〕To number the leaves of (a manuscript, for example).编号:为(如一本手稿的)的页数编号美国传统〔foliation〕The process of numbering consecutively the leaves of a book or manuscript.编张数号:给一本书或一本手稿标出连续页码的过程美国传统〔folio〕A large sheet of paper folded once in the middle, making two leaves or four pages of a book or manuscript.对折纸:在中间对折的一张大纸,制成书或手稿中的两张或四页美国传统〔footnote〕Abbr. fn.A note placed at the bottom of a page of a book or manuscript that comments on or cites a reference for a designated part of the text.缩写 fn.脚注:放在书或手稿的页底的注释,对文中的标明的一部分加以评论或引出参考书目美国传统〔fragment〕Literary scholars are piecing together her last unpublished novel from fragments of a recently discovered manuscript.文学研究者们正在把最近发现的她最后一部未发表小说的手稿残片一点点拼凑起来。剑桥高阶〔fraktur〕A style of black letter formerly used in German manuscripts and printing.哥特体字:黑色字母的一种,以前用于德语原稿和印刷品中美国传统〔ghost word〕A word that has come into a language through the perpetuation of a misreading of a manuscript, a typographical error, or a misunderstanding.错别字,误用词:由于误读稿件、印刷错误或错误理解而引入语言中的字美国传统〔glass sth in/over〕The manuscripts are now glassed over, to prevent them from being damaged.手稿现在罩上了玻璃罩,以防损毁。剑桥高阶〔gloss〕A brief explanatory note or translation of a difficult or technical expression usually inserted in the margin or between lines of a text or manuscript.注释,注解:简短的说明注释或翻译,常关于较难的或技术性的表达词句,一般插在备注栏或课文或稿件的行间美国传统〔hand〕The manuscript was written in the author's own hand.麦克米伦高阶〔hunt down〕I hunted down the manuscript in the British Museum.我在不列颠博物馆里找来找去终于找到了那份原稿。21世纪英汉〔hunt〕He hunted down the written manuscript in the library.他在藏书楼终于找到了手稿。英汉大词典〔illuminate〕The manuscripts had been illuminated by medieval monks.这些手稿曾由中世纪修道士装饰过。外研社新世纪〔illuminator〕One who illuminates manuscripts or other objects.解释者:解释文体或其它对象的人美国传统〔interpolate〕The lines were interpolated into the manuscript at a later date.这几行文字是后来加到稿子中的。牛津高阶〔interpolate〕The old manuscript was interpolated by many writers.这部旧文稿曾被好多作家篡改过了。英汉大词典〔interpolate〕These odd assertions were interpolated into the manuscript some time after 1400.这些奇怪的论断是于1400年后的某个时间被加入手稿的。柯林斯高阶〔key〕The changes to the manuscript are being keyed by the typist.打字员正在录入对原稿的改动。韦氏高阶〔kill〕I had killed myself over my manuscript during the summer.在夏季我将全部精力都扑在我那篇稿子上。 英汉大词典〔labour〕The editor laboured over the manuscript till early morning.那编辑通宵达旦费劲地修改那份稿件。英汉大词典〔lacuna〕There was a lacuna in the manuscript where the ink had faded.原稿中有一处墨迹褪色,留下一段空白。英汉大词典〔lie〕He has the manuscript lying by him.他把手稿放在手边。英汉大词典〔light〕I thought I might have lit upon an ancient manuscript.我想,我可能是找到了一份古代的手稿。朗文当代〔litter〕The manuscripts are littered with accounts of miraculous happenings.这些书稿中满是有关奇迹的记载。英汉大词典〔loan〕The National Library has loaned several manuscripts.国家图书馆出借了几部手稿。朗文当代〔loot〕The priceless manuscripts were looted during civil war in the early nineties.珍贵的手稿在九十年代早期的内战中被人浑水摸鱼偷走了。外研社新世纪〔lose〕It was thought the manuscript had been lost forever .原以为这份手稿永远不见了。朗文当代〔mail〕She mailed me a copy of her manuscript. = She mailed a copy of her manuscript to me.她给我寄了一份她的手稿副本。韦氏高阶〔manuscript〕Because printing had not been invented, it circulated originally in manuscript.由于当时印刷术尚未发明, 它起初是以手抄本的形式流传的。外研社新世纪〔manuscript〕He had seen a manuscript of the book.他见过这本书的手稿。柯林斯高阶〔manuscript〕He sent the 400-page manuscript to his publisher.他将400页的手稿寄给了他的出版商。剑桥高阶〔manuscript〕He was delighted when the manuscript was accepted for publication.他很高兴自己的稿子获采用,可以出版。牛津搭配〔manuscript〕Her autobiography remained in manuscript (= was not published).她的自传一直没有出版。牛津搭配〔manuscript〕I am grateful to him for letting me read his early chapters in manuscript.他允许我拜读了其手稿的前几章, 对此我十分感激。外研社新世纪〔manuscript〕I am grateful to him for letting me read his early chapters in manuscript.他让我拜读了其手稿的前几章,对此我十分感激。柯林斯高阶〔manuscript〕I only have one copy of the manuscript.我只有一份底稿。牛津搭配〔manuscript〕I read her poems in manuscript.我读过她的诗作的手稿。牛津高阶〔manuscript〕I read his novel in manuscript.我读过他的小说的手稿。朗文当代〔manuscript〕It is thought that the manuscript is the work of a monk and dates from the twelfth century.那部手抄本被认为出自12世纪一位僧侣之手。剑桥高阶〔manuscript〕Please send me a copy of your manuscript when it's finished.写完后请给我寄一份原稿复印件。麦克米伦高阶〔manuscript〕She discovered an original manuscript of the song in Paris.她在巴黎发现了这首歌的原稿。外研社新世纪〔manuscript〕The library owns the author's original manuscript.这家图书馆拥有作者的原始稿。韦氏高阶〔manuscript〕The text ran to dozens of pages in manuscript form.手稿文本有几十页。牛津搭配〔manuscript〕Unfortunately, parts of the original manuscript have been lost.遗憾的是,部分原始手稿丢失了。朗文当代〔markup〕Detailed stylistic instructions written on a manuscript that is to be typeset.标示字体:写于待排版手稿上的详细文体提示美国传统〔matter〕He had decided to publish the manuscript no matter what.他决定无论如何都要出版那部手稿。柯林斯高阶〔matter〕He had decided to publish the manuscript no matter what.他已经决定无论如何都要将手稿付印。外研社新世纪〔mention〕The earliest mention of the town is in a 16th-century manuscript.16 世纪的一个手抄本里最早提到该镇。牛津搭配〔miniature〕A small portrait, picture, or decorative letter on an illuminated manuscript.彩饰:经过装饰的书稿上的小人像、图画或装饰性字母美国传统〔mistake〕The manuscript contains numerous spelling mistakes.这份手稿有许多拼写错误。韦氏高阶〔mix〕Two pages of his manuscript were mixed up with the newsletters.他的2页手稿和时事通讯混在一起了。英汉大词典〔obelus〕A mark (— or ÷) used in ancient manuscripts to indicate a doubtful or spurious passage.存疑符号:用于古代手稿中表示存疑或谬误的段落的符号(—或÷)美国传统〔original〕The original manuscript has been lost.原稿已经遗失。牛津高阶〔out〕Printing A word or other part of a manuscript omitted from the printed copy.【印刷术】 遗漏:印刷件上漏排的字或稿子的其他部分美国传统〔over the transom〕The manuscript arrived over the transom.手稿是未经约定主动投过来的。韦氏高阶〔oversight〕I had the oversight of their collection of books and manuscripts.我负责照管他们收藏的书籍和手稿。外研社新世纪〔oversight〕I had the oversight of their collection of books and manuscripts.我负责照管他们收藏的书籍和手稿。柯林斯高阶〔palimpsest〕A manuscript, typically of papyrus or parchment, that has been written on more than once, with the earlier writing incompletely erased and often legible.重写本:尤指纸莎草纸或羊皮纸的底稿,已被写了不止一次,以前写的东西已被不完全擦掉,通常是清晰易读的美国传统〔papyrology〕The study of papyrus manuscripts.纸草学:对古文书稿迹的研究美国传统〔per〕Changes were made to the manuscript per the author's instructions.根据作者的提示,手稿做了改动美国传统〔possession〕The manuscript is just one of the treasures in their possession.这部手稿只是他们的珍藏之一。牛津高阶〔postdate〕Most manuscripts postdate the stories that have circulated by word of mouth for centuries.大部分故事都是在口头流传数个世纪后才有书面记载的。剑桥高阶〔postscript〕Additional information appended to the manuscript, as of a book or an article.附言,续篇:如一本书或一篇文章正文后的附加信息美国传统〔precis〕A precis of the manuscript was sent to the magazine New Idea.手稿的摘要寄给了《新思想》杂志。外研社新世纪〔printer〕The manuscript had already been sent off to the printers.原稿已经寄给印刷厂了。柯林斯高阶〔printer〕The manuscript had been sent off to the printers.手稿已寄给印刷商。外研社新世纪〔printer〕The manuscript was sent to the printer yesterday.原稿昨天送到印刷厂了。韦氏高阶〔proof〕He edited the proofs of the manuscript.他校订了手稿的校样。韦氏高阶〔provenance〕If I knew the provenance of the manuscript, I might be able to understand it better.假如我知道这手稿的历史,我也许能更好地理解它。英汉大词典〔publisher〕He submitted the manuscript to publishers of children's books.他将书稿提交给一些儿童图书出版公司。韦氏高阶〔quire〕A collection of leaves of parchment or paper, folded one within the other, in a manuscript or book.对折的一叠手:在手稿或书中,互相对折在一起的一叠羊皮纸或纸美国传统〔reader〕A person employed by a publisher to read and evaluate manuscripts.审稿人:被某出版者雇用来阅读并评估稿件的人美国传统〔reconstruct〕It is not possible to reconstruct the complete symphony from these manuscript sketches.想要通过这些手写草稿恢复这一交响乐的全貌是不可能的。牛津搭配〔rejection slip〕A printed note accompanying a manuscript rejected for publication and returned to the author.退稿附条:附在被拒绝发表并退回给作者的手稿中的打印条美国传统〔rejection〕Seventeen publishers rejected the manuscript before Jenks saw its potential.17家出版社回绝了这部手稿,直到詹克斯看到了它的潜在价值。柯林斯高阶〔rejection〕The publisher's rejection of his manuscript depressed him.出版社将他的书稿退回,这使他感到沮丧。英汉大词典〔reject〕Many publishers rejected the manuscript.很多出版商都退回了这部手稿。外研社新世纪〔rest〕The original manuscript rests in the museum.原始手稿在博物馆里美国传统〔revamp〕He revamped the manuscripts to make them presentable.他重写了手稿,以可示人。英汉大词典〔revamp〕To revise or reconstruct (a manuscript, for example).修订或重整(例如手稿)美国传统〔revise〕His publishers made him revise his manuscript three times.出版公司让他把手稿修改了3次。剑桥高阶〔run to〕The finished manuscript ran to the best part of fifty double-sided pages.完成的手稿占了双面都写满字的足足50页纸。柯林斯高阶〔rush out〕We had to rush the manuscript out so that it could be copied.我们得快点把手稿写出来,这样才能复印。韦氏高阶〔scribe〕A professional copyist of manuscripts and documents.抄写员:专门抄写手稿和文献的人美国传统〔scriptorium〕A room in a monastery set aside for the copying, writing, or illuminating of manuscripts and records.文书房:在寺院里被留出来用于复写、写作或者注解手稿和记录的房屋美国传统〔shop〕He shopped his manuscript around, but no publishers were interested.他四处推销自己的手稿,但是没有哪家出版商感兴趣。韦氏高阶〔slat〕He slatted my manuscript and went out.他摔下我的手稿就走了。21世纪英汉〔slush〕Informal Unsolicited manuscripts submitted to a publisher.【非正式用语】 自投的稿件:未受到约稿而投给出版者的稿件美国传统〔source〕The author has done extensive work in the sources —official records, manuscripts, letters, diaries, etc.作者花了很大工夫钻研原始资料——官方档案、原稿、信函、日记等等。英汉大词典〔stemma〕The genealogy of the manuscripts of a literary work.家谱:文学著作原稿的系谱美国传统〔submission〕The university is setting up a website to allow electronic submission of manuscripts.该大学正建立一个网站,以便学生提交手稿的电子版。牛津搭配〔survive〕A few pages of the original manuscript still survive.有几页原始手稿依然存世。朗文当代〔survive〕None of Shakespeare's plays survives in its original manuscript form.莎士比亚戏剧的手稿都没有保存下来。剑桥高阶〔task〕She was tasked with proofreading the manuscript.她被指派校对原稿。韦氏高阶〔terminus ad quem〕The date of the author's death was the only terminus ad quem for the manuscript.作者过世之日就是唯一的截稿日美国传统〔textual criticism〕The study of manuscripts or printings to determine the original or most authoritative form of a text, especially of a piece of literature.校勘学:为确定文本最初或最具权威形式的关于手稿或印刷品的研究,尤指文学作品美国传统〔text〕After examining all three manuscripts, he published a new text of the poem.检查了全部三种手稿后,他出版了这首诗的新版本美国传统〔text〕Her text is believed to be the oldest surviving manuscript by a female physician.她的文献据信是现存最古老的、由女性内科医生留下的手稿。柯林斯高阶〔text〕Her text is believed to be the oldest surviving manuscript by a female physician.她的著作据信是现存最古老的女性内科医生的手稿。外研社新世纪〔transcribe〕He had been asked to transcribe an ancient manuscript.他被要求抄写一本古老的手稿。朗文当代〔turn around〕I'd receive the manuscript of a novel each month and have two weeks to turn it around and get it turned in.我每个月收到一部小说手稿, 用两周时间完成, 然后再把它交上去。外研社新世纪〔typescript〕A typewritten copy, as of a manuscript.打字稿:用打字机打的,如手稿美国传统〔typesetter〕The manuscript has been sent to the typesetter.稿件已经发给排版工人了。韦氏高阶〔unpublished〕After his death, his daughter found an unpublished manuscript among his papers.他死后,女儿在他的文件中发现了一部未发表的手稿。剑桥高阶〔whereabouts〕The present whereabouts of the manuscript is unknown.手稿目前下落不明。牛津搭配〔yellow〕The manuscript was yellow with age.手稿因为时间久远而发黄了。外研社新世纪After following various verification procedures, he declared the manuscript to be genuine.经过了各种验证手续之后,他宣布那手稿是真实的。剑桥国际Copying manuscripts all the time is dreary work. 老是抄写手稿是件枯燥乏味的差事。译典通He pulled a manuscript from his inside coat pocket. 他从上衣里面口袋内抽出一份手稿。译典通He read through the manuscript. 他把手稿从头到尾看了。译典通He sent the 400-page manuscript to his publisher two months late.他迟了两个月才将400页手稿送到出版商处。剑桥国际His publishers forced him to revise his manuscript three times.他的出版商迫使他修改了3次手稿。剑桥国际I read the book in manuscript before any changes were made.我读过那本书的未经修改的原稿。剑桥国际It is a facsimile of the original manuscript.这是原始手稿的复制本。剑桥国际It is thought that the manuscript is the work of a monk and dates from the twelfth century.那部手抄本被认为是12世纪的一位僧侣的作品。剑桥国际Literary scholars are piecing together her last unpublished novel from fragments of a recently discovered manuscript.文学学者们最近发现了她最后一部没有发表的小说的手稿残片,现在正在把它一点点拼凑起来。剑桥国际Most manuscripts postdate the stories which have circulated by word of mouth for centuries.大部分故事都是在口头流传数个世纪后才有书面记载的。剑桥国际None of Shakespeare 's plays survives in its original manuscript form.莎士比亚的戏剧原稿已不可得。剑桥国际Some ancient manuscripts were discovered in the temple. 在寺院里发现了一些古代的手稿。译典通The manuscript is bound in gold and silver and encrusted with jewels.手稿用金银丝带装帧封面,外镶宝石。剑桥国际The manuscript was accepted for publication last week.手稿于上周被许可出版。剑桥国际The manuscript you sent us has a folio missing. 你送来的原稿少了一页。译典通The editor labored over the manuscript till early morning. 编辑辛辛苦苦修改稿件直到清晨。译典通The faintness of the handwriting made the manuscript difficult to read.字迹模糊使手稿难于阅读。剑桥国际The lost manuscript was found in a repository in France.丢失的手向在法国一存放处被找到。剑桥国际The original manuscript is in Paris -- this is just a facsimile.原作手稿在巴黎----这只是复制品。剑桥国际The writer revised the manuscript. 作者订正手稿。译典通There is no guarantee that all or any of the manuscripts of unknown/uncertain provenance originated in Italy.不能保证这些不为人知/不可辨认的手稿的全部或其中任何一张是来自意大利的。剑桥国际There's some wonderful calligraphy in these old manuscripts.这些古老的手稿中有些精美的书法。剑桥国际They found this authentic manuscript of the book from an ancient tomb. 他们从一个古墓里发现了该书的真正手稿。译典通This is the extant manuscript of the poem. 这是现存的该诗的原稿。译典通To my mortification, my manuscript was rejected. 使我感到失面子的是:我的稿件被退了回来。译典通We read all the manuscripts but 95% are dross.我们读了所有的文稿,但95%都是废话。剑桥国际

