
单词 makeup
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔CHARACTER〕Stubbornness has always been a significant part of his makeup. 倔强一直是他的典型性格。朗文写作活用〔FORBID〕My mom wasn't allowed to wear makeup until she was 16. 我妈妈到16岁才被允许使用化妆品。朗文写作活用〔Pan-Cake〕A trademark used for a semisolid cosmetic or theatrical makeup pressed into a flat cake and usually applied with a damp sponge.水粉饼:一种商标,用于一种半干化妆品或演员用的化妆品,压成扁平饼状,常和湿海绵一起使用美国传统〔apply〕I washed my face and applied fresh makeup.我洗了脸并重新化了妆。韦氏高阶〔apply〕She applied heavy makeup to her face.她在脸上浓妆艳抹。英汉大词典〔au naturel〕She wears makeup for special occasions, but otherwise prefers an au naturel look.她在重要场合时才化妆,平时喜欢素颜。韦氏高阶〔beneath〕She blushed beneath her makeup.脂粉掩饰不住她的羞赧。英汉大词典〔biz〕These trendy makeup brushes are just the biz.这些时髦的化妆用刷非常受欢迎。麦克米伦高阶〔blackface〕Makeup for a conventionalized comic travesty of Black people, especially in a minstrel show.扮演黑人的化妆:滑稽模仿黑人的传统喜剧的化妆,尤其是在黑脸歌唱团表演中美国传统〔blackface〕An actor wearing such makeup in a minstrel show.唱黑人歌曲的黑人歌手:在黑人歌唱团表演中如此化妆的演员美国传统〔blusher〕Makeup used on the face and especially on the cheekbones to give a usually rosy tint.胭脂:用于使脸部尤其是面颊红润的化妆品美国传统〔camouflage〕The makeup camouflages blemishes.化妆品可以遮瑕。韦氏高阶〔census〕According to the latest census, the racial makeup of the town has changed dramatically in the last 50 years.根据最近一次人口普查,小镇的种族构成在过去50年发生了巨大变化。韦氏高阶〔check〕She checked her makeup in the mirror.她对着镜子检查自己的妆容。韦氏高阶〔cold cream〕She uses cold cream to remove her eye makeup.她使用洁面膏卸去眼妆。韦氏高阶〔constitutional〕Of or relating to one's physical makeup.体质的:(一个人)身体素质的或与之有关的美国传统〔constitution〕The composition or structure of something; makeup.构造:某物的组成或结构;构造美国传统〔dab〕She dabbed makeup on her face.她在脸上搽化妆品。英汉大词典〔dawdle over〕Don't dawdle over your makeup, we don't want to be late for the concert.你别慢吞吞地化妆,我们不想音乐会迟到。21世纪英汉〔do〕It took her a few minutes to do her makeup.她花了几分钟时间上妆。韦氏高阶〔dressing room〕A room, as in a theater, for changing costumes or clothes and applying makeup.更衣室:剧院等用于换装、换衣或化妆的房间美国传统〔dust off〕Use loose powder to set your makeup, dusting the excess off with a brush.用散粉定妆, 再用刷子扫去多余的散粉。外研社新世纪〔dust off〕Use loose powder to set your makeup, dusting the excess off with a brush.用散粉来定妆,将多余的粉掸掉。柯林斯高阶〔eyeliner〕Makeup used to outline the eyes.眼线笔:用来加强眼的轮廓的化妆品美国传统〔foundation〕A cosmetic used as a base for facial makeup.粉底:脸部化妆前用的一种化妆品美国传统〔gob〕She wore gobs of makeup.她浓妆艳抹。韦氏高阶〔greasepaint〕Theatrical makeup, especially a preparation of grease mixed with colorings.化装:戏剧化装,尤指用油彩化的装美国传统〔half〕She was standing there half dressed, putting on her makeup.她衣服穿了一半,站在那里化妆。朗文当代〔heavy〕She was wearing sunglasses and heavy makeup.她戴着太阳镜,化着浓妆。韦氏高阶〔heighten〕Her makeup heightened her beauty.她化妆后更美了。英汉大词典〔helper T cell〕A T cell that activates B cells to release antibodies and killer T cells to destroy cells having a specific antigenic makeup.赫尔珀淋巴细胞:一种T(淋巴)细胞,使B(淋巴)细胞活化并释放抗体及杀伤细胞以便摧毁那些带有某种特定抗原构造的细胞美国传统〔immunogenetics〕The study of the interrelation between immunity to disease and genetic makeup.免疫遗传学:研究对疾病的免疫力和基因结构相互之间关系的学科美国传统〔interclass〕This political party is interclass in its makeup.这个政党的成员中各个阶级的人都有。英汉大词典〔jumpsuit〕I was wearing a purple jumpsuit, high heeled shoes, and lots of makeup.我穿着紫色连衫裤和高跟鞋,脸上抹着厚厚的化妆品。柯林斯高阶〔light〕She was wearing light makeup.她化了淡妆。韦氏高阶〔make-up〕She checked her makeup one last time, and then walked out with a spring in her step.她最后检查了一下妆容,然后步履轻盈地走了出去。柯林斯高阶〔make-up〕There was some fatal flaw in his makeup, and as time went on he lapsed into long silences or became off-hand.他的性格有致命的缺陷,随着时间的推移,他陷入了久久的沉默,或者变得漠然。柯林斯高阶〔makeup〕He'll have to pass the makeup to graduate.他必须要补考及格才能毕业。韦氏高阶〔makeup〕His daring attitude toward risks is a major part of his makeup.敢于冒险是他的性格的一个主要特征。韦氏高阶〔makeup〕I didn't recognize him when he was in his theatrical/stage makeup.他上了舞台装之后我都认不出他了。韦氏高阶〔makeup〕Lying is not in her makeup.她不会说谎的美国传统〔makeup〕People of a nervous makeup are excitable.神经质的人容易激动。英汉大词典〔makeup〕She applied her makeup lightly/heavily.她化了淡妆/浓妆。韦氏高阶〔makeup〕She is wearing full stage makeup.她全身戏装打扮。英汉大词典〔makeup〕She put on some makeup before the party.聚会之前她化了点妆。韦氏高阶〔makeup〕She's too young to wear makeup.她年龄太小了,还不宜化妆。韦氏高阶〔maquillage〕Cosmetic or theatrical makeup.日常化妆或剧场化妆美国传统〔nag〕He's always nagging at Paula for wearing too much makeup.他老是抱怨葆拉化妆太浓。朗文当代〔overcompensate〕She overcompensated for her bad skin by wearing too much makeup.为掩饰皮肤的粗糙,她把妆化得太浓了。韦氏高阶〔paint〕A cosmetic, such as rouge, that is used to give color to the face; makeup.化妆品:一种用来给皮肤上色的化妆品,如胭脂;化妆品美国传统〔phenotype〕The observable physical or biochemical characteristics of an organism, as determined by both genetic makeup and environmental influences.表现型:有机体上可观察到的物理或生化特征,如由遗传组成或环境影响决定美国传统〔pin〕Lucy pinned back her hair and began to put on her makeup.露西用发夹把头发别在后面,然后开始化妆。麦克米伦高阶〔population genetics〕The branch of genetics that deals with the genetic makeup of populations.群体遗传学:遗传学的一支,研究人口的遗传基因的组成美国传统〔pull〕The poor woman was pulled to pieces. Her makeup, her accent, her political opinions; nothing escaped criticism.那个可怜的女人备受指摘;她的气质、她的口音、她的政治观点,没有一项不遭批评的。英汉大词典〔punk〕Of or relating to a style of dress worn by punk rockers and often characterized by unusual clothing, hairstyles, and makeup.庞克风格:属于或有关庞克乐师的衣着风格并常以不寻常的衣着、发型和化装为特征美国传统〔put on〕She puts on far too much makeup.她涂了太多的化妆品。韦氏高阶〔put〕Melanie was putting on her makeup in front of the mirror.梅拉妮正在镜子前面化妆。麦克米伦高阶〔reapply〕She reapplied her makeup.她重新化了妆。韦氏高阶〔scrub off〕I scrubbed off the heavy stage makeup.我擦掉了厚厚的舞台妆。韦氏高阶〔skin〕Choose makeup that matches your skin tone.选择适合你肤色的化妆品。韦氏高阶〔smooth〕She smoothed on some moisturizer before she put on her makeup.她在化妆前先抹上润肤霜。韦氏高阶〔take off〕Always take off your makeup before going to bed.睡觉前一定要卸妆。韦氏高阶〔throw away〕I'm not advising you to throw away your makeup or forget about your appearance.我不是建议你扔掉化妆品,或者不修边幅。柯林斯高阶〔touch〕There is not a touch of makeup on her face.她脸上未敷一点脂粉。英汉大词典〔trace〕Only a trace was left of the eye makeup.只有少许眼妆残留。外研社新世纪〔wash off〕This makeup washes off easily.这种化妆品易清洗。韦氏高阶〔youthen〕She youthened her appearance with makeup.她通过化妆使自己显得年轻。21世纪英汉〔youthen〕She youthened her appearance with makeup.她靠化妆使姿容重现青春。英汉大词典

