
单词 malevolent
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔devil〕A wicked or malevolent person.恶棍,恶人:邪恶的或恶毒的人美国传统〔devil〕To give credit to a disagreeable or malevolent person.公平对待坏人:对难相处的或充满邪恶暴力的人给予信任美国传统〔hateful〕Feeling or showing hatred; malevolent.憎恨的:感觉显示仇恨的;充满憎恨的美国传统〔ill nature〕A disagreeable, irritable, or malevolent disposition.恶意:一种难相处的、易怒的或不怀好意的脾气美国传统〔ill-natured〕Having a disagreeable, irritable, or malevolent disposition.脾气坏的:具有难相处的、易怒或敌视的脾气的美国传统〔kelpie〕A malevolent water spirit of Scottish legend, usually having the shape of a horse and rejoicing in or causing drownings.水妖:苏格兰传说中的一个凶猛水妖,通常具有马形,喜欢或让人溺水美国传统〔larva〕Roman Mythology A malevolent spirit of the dead; a lemur.【罗马神话】 死人变成的恶鬼;狐猴美国传统〔malevolence〕Her stare was malevolent, her mouth a thin line.她目光狠毒,唇紧抿。柯林斯高阶〔malevolence〕The quality or state of being malevolent.恶毒:处于邪恶的状态或具有恶毒的特征美国传统〔malevolent〕He gave her a dark, malevolent look.他阴险地看了她一眼。朗文当代〔malevolent〕Her stare was malevolent, her mouth a thin line.她目光恶毒, 嘴抿成一条线。外研社新世纪〔malevolent〕I could feel his malevolent gaze as I walked away.我走开时能感觉到他正恶狠狠地盯着我。剑桥高阶〔malevolent〕The central character is a malevolent witch out for revenge.主角是一个想复仇的恶毒女巫。剑桥高阶〔malevolent〕These people seemed malevolent.那些人似乎不怀好意。文馨英汉〔malign〕Having or showing malice or ill will; malevolent.恶意的:具有或表现出恶意或不良愿望的;含有恶意的美国传统〔peri〕In Persian mythology, a beautiful and benevolent supernatural being or fairy, earlier regarded as malevolent.妖精:波斯神话中美丽且仁慈的超自然生物或精灵,过去曾被视为魔怪美国传统〔unblinking〕The cat stared at him, malevolent and unblinking.那只猫恶毒地盯着他,眼睛一眨也不眨。英汉大词典〔wolf〕One who feigns congeniality while actually holding malevolent intentions.披着羊皮的狼:假装意气相投但实际上怀着恶毒意图的人美国传统Her stare was malevolent. 她凝视的目光含有恶意。译典通I could feel his malevolent gaze as I walked away and wondered what he would do next.我离开时能感觉到他恶狠狠的目光,我想知道他接着会干什么。剑桥国际I felt his malevolent gaze on the back of my neck all the way downstairs.在我下楼时,我一直感到他在背后恶意地盯着我看。剑桥国际The central character is a malevolent witch out for revenge.主角是一个想复仇的恶毒女巫。剑桥国际

