“difficult situation”例句

单词 difficult situation
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔DEAL WITH〕People who cope successfully with difficult situations usually look ahead and anticipate the circumstances. 能成功应付困境的人一般都会向前看,预计未来情况。朗文写作活用〔EXPERIENCED/NOT EXPERIENCED〕She has plenty of experience of dealing with difficult situations. 她应付困境很有经验。朗文写作活用〔HAPPEN〕You have to learn to deal with difficult situations when they crop up. 你必须学会应付突然出现的困难局面。朗文写作活用〔NICE〕It was a difficult situation, but he managed to remain remarkably good-humoured. 那是个困难的情况,但是他依然努力保持非常好的心情。朗文写作活用〔SOLVE〕We are faced with a very difficult situation, but there must be a way out. 我们正面临一个非常困难的局面,不过肯定是有办法解决的。朗文写作活用〔address〕He handled a difficult situation with great skill and address.他曾以高超的技巧和圆通应对困境。外研社新世纪〔by the hand〕You can't expect me to lead you by the hand through every difficult situation.你不能每次遇到困境都指望我帮你一把。韦氏高阶〔compliment〕I must compliment you on your handling of a very difficult situation.我必须表扬你对困难局面的处理。剑桥高阶〔correct〕We are finding ways to correct this difficult situation.我们正在想办法应对这个困难局面。韦氏高阶〔daunt〕It was a difficult situation, but nothing daunted, she refused to quit.形势艰难,但她无所畏惧,毫不退却。韦氏高阶〔deus ex machina〕In Greek and Roman drama, a god lowered by stage machinery to resolve a plot or extricate the protagonist from a difficult situation.解围之神:希腊或罗马戏剧中,用舞台机关送下来的消除剧情冲突或使主人公摆脱困境的神美国传统〔envy〕It's a difficult situation you're in. I don't envy you.你的处境很困难,我不会羡慕你。牛津高阶〔extraordinarily〕It was an extraordinarily difficult situation.这是极其困难的情况。麦克米伦高阶〔extricate from〕He extricated himself from a difficult situation.他从困境中摆脱出来。21世纪英汉〔extricate〕You've tried to extricate yourself from difficult situations.你已经尽力让自己摆脱困境了。外研社新世纪〔grant〕I grant you (= it is true that), it's a difficult situation but I feel sure he could have handled it more sensitively.不错,这种局面是很棘手,但是我确实觉得他本可以更加理智地来处理。剑桥高阶〔have inner resources〕He can't cope with difficult situations on his own - he has no inner resources.他不能独力应付困难局面——他心理素质很差。剑桥高阶〔involve〕This task may involve him in delicate and difficult situations.这项工作可能会使他陷入如履薄冰的艰难境地。外研社新世纪〔just〕We hope to be just in our understanding of such difficult situations.我们希望对如此困难的局面有一个公正的认识。英汉大词典〔maneuver〕Somehow, she always manages to maneuver herself out of difficult situations.不知怎的她总能设法摆脱困境。韦氏高阶〔nodus〕A difficult situation or problem; a complication.结点,难点:困难的形势或问题;错综复杂美国传统〔plunge〕He's always plunging in at the deep end(= becoming involved in difficult situations without being well enough prepared).他总是贸然行动,屡屡卷入困境。牛津高阶〔plunge〕It's a difficult situation. You can't just plunge in and put everything right.情况棘手,不是贸然行动就解决得了的。朗文当代〔put a gloss on sth〕Politics is all about putting a good gloss on unpleasant or difficult situations.政治无非就是用粉饰太平的手段来掩饰令人不快或困难的局面。剑桥高阶〔resourceful〕Able to act effectively or imaginatively, especially in difficult situations.机敏的:能有效或有创造力地行动,尤指在困难情况下美国传统〔row〕A difficult situation to endure.难以忍受的困难境地美国传统〔sensible〕He was very sensible of the difficult situation she was in.他很清楚她所处的困境。朗文当代〔situation〕He found himself in a difficult situation financially.他发觉自己在经济上陷入了困境。英汉大词典〔situation〕Her news put me in a difficult situation.她的消息让我陷入困难的境地。剑桥高阶〔situation〕She coped well in a difficult situation .她面对困境应付自如。朗文当代〔sport〕Informal One who accepts rules or difficult situations well.【非正式用语】 适者:很好地接受规则或适应困境之人美国传统〔think〕It was a difficult situation, when you think about it.仔细想来,当时处境是很困难的。牛津高阶〔tough sth out〕It's a difficult situation, but if we can just tough it out, things are bound to get better soon.处境的确很艰难,但如果我们能挺过去,情况很快就会好转的。剑桥高阶〔woman〕They have womaned the door at Bar Code for eight years and are old hands at diffusing difficult situations.他们把控条形码管理已达8年之久, 在使棘手的事态扩大化方面真是行家里手。外研社新世纪Financially, the company is in a difficult situation.公司资金周转有困难。牛津商务Granted/ I grant you (= It is true that), it's a difficult situation but I feel sure he could have handled it more sensitively.我承认这是一个困难的局面,但我感到他肯定可以处理得更理智些。剑桥国际He can't cope with difficult situations on his own -- he has no inner resources (= he does not have the ability to help himself).他无法独立克服困难----他没有自发力量。剑桥国际He was equal to the difficult situation. 他能对付那困难的局面。译典通Her management of a difficult situation was impressive.她应付困境的能力令人难忘。剑桥国际His astute handling of this difficult situation saved her from disaster.他对这一棘手情况的老到处理使她免于陷入危难。剑桥国际I must compliment you on your handling of a very difficult situation.我必须赞扬你对困难局面的应付自如。剑桥国际I think she coped admirably with a very difficult situation.我认为她出色地应付了一个非常困难的局面。剑桥国际I was amazed at her ability to cope with the difficult situation. 她对付困境的能力使我惊讶。译典通Politics is all about putting a good gloss on unpleasant or difficult situations.政治就是用曲解来处理不愉快或困难的局面。剑桥国际She is extremely quick-witted (= intelligent) and can always talk her way out of difficult situations.她的头脑极其敏锐,总是能利用口才从困境中脱出身来。剑桥国际She seems to be coping magnificently in a difficult situation.她能很好地应付困境。剑桥国际She's not very good at keeping/staying calm in difficult situations.她并不善于在困难的情况下保持冷静。剑桥国际The agency's success is a case study of / in leadership in a difficult situation.这机构的成功是困难情况下领导有方的例证。牛津商务We need to find a way of digging ourselves out of this hole (= getting out of the difficult situation that we are in).我们需要找到把自己从困境中挽救出来的方法。剑桥国际We're in a difficult situation at the moment, but if we can just tough it out (= continue to exist during it), things are bound to get better soon.目前我们处在困境中,但是如果我们能够坚持下去,事情肯定很快就会好转的。剑桥国际

