“government agent”例句

单词 government agent
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔FIND〕Some people believe that Jenkins was murdered by government agents because he stumbled across a military secret. 有些人认为詹金斯是被政府特工谋杀的,因为他无意间发现了一项军事机密。朗文写作活用〔LIE〕Logan said government agents are still spreading disinformation about leaders of the political reform movement. 洛根说,政府的密探仍在继续散布有关政治改革运动领导人的谣言。朗文写作活用〔SPY〕Everyone knew the organization had been infiltrated by government agents, but could not prove it. 每个人都知道组织内部混进了政府的特工人员,但无法证实。朗文写作活用〔blunder〕Government agents had blundered again and arrested the wrong man.政府特工又犯了大错,抓错人了。麦克米伦高阶〔debrief〕To instruct (a government agent, for example) not to reveal classified or secret information after employment has ceased.责令保密:责令(例如,一政府特工人员)在停止工作后不得泄漏机密情报美国传统〔infiltrate〕Government agents had been infiltrating paramilitary groups.政府人员已经暗中打入准军事集团。麦克米伦高阶〔ludicrous〕It is ludicrous to suggest that she was a government agent.说她是一名政府特工人员实在荒谬。麦克米伦高阶〔monitor〕Government agents have been monitoring the enemy's radio communications.政府特工一直在监听敌方的无线电通信。韦氏高阶〔revenuer〕A government agent in charge of collecting revenue, especially one responsible for halting the unlawful distilling or bootlegging of alcohol.财政部缉私酒官员:常管募集政府收入的机关,尤指负责禁止不法酿酒或非法携带出售美国传统A plot to assassinate the President was uncovered by government agents. 刺杀总统的阴谋被政府特工人员发觉了。译典通

