
单词 gridlock
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔gridlocked〕Congress remains gridlocked.国会现在仍处在僵局中。韦氏高阶〔gridlock〕A car breaking down at rush hour could cause gridlock across half the city.在交通高峰时间,一辆车抛锚就可能使半个城市都陷入交通瘫痪。剑桥高阶〔gridlock〕An accident caused gridlock at rush hour yesterday.一场事故造成了昨天高峰时段的交通大拥堵。韦氏高阶〔gridlock〕Car-sharing may help to ease traffic gridlock.拼车可能有助于缓解交通拥堵。外研社新世纪〔gridlock〕Congress is in gridlock.国会因意见分歧而陷入僵局。牛津高阶〔gridlock〕Disagreements about funding have caused legislative gridlock in Congress.资金上的分歧导致国会出现立法僵局。韦氏高阶〔gridlock〕He agreed that these policies will lead to gridlock in the future.他承认, 这些政策会在未来导致僵局。外研社新世纪〔gridlock〕He agreed that these policies will lead to gridlock in the future.他认为这些政策将来会导致僵局。柯林斯高阶〔gridlock〕Police had closed the freeway, creating a gridlock as rush hour approached.警察关闭了高速公路, 在高峰时间到来时造成了交通堵塞。外研社新世纪〔gridlock〕The battle over spending led to gridlock.费用之争使事情陷入了僵局。朗文当代〔gridlock〕The streets are wedged solid with near-constant traffic gridlock.交通堵塞丝毫不见缓解,街道被堵得水泄不通。柯林斯高阶〔gridlock〕The streets are wedged solid with near-constant traffic gridlock.几乎一刻不停的交通堵塞使街道变得水泄不通。外研社新世纪〔gridlock〕We were caught in a gridlock.大堵车把我们困住了。韦氏高阶A car breaking down at rush hour could cause gridlock across the entire city.一辆车在交通高峰时抛锚可以导致整个城市的交通全面大堵塞。剑桥国际If every driver wants to make a move at the same time, the traffic will become a gridlock. 如果每一位驾驶者都同时往前移动,交通就会瘫痪。译典通Traffic has gridlocked. 交通全面大阻塞。译典通

