“port in”例句

单词 port in
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔bring ... up〕The ship brought up at a port in New York.这艘船抵达纽约一港口。21世纪英汉〔free port〕A port or an area of a port in which imported goods can be held or processed free of customs duties before reexport.自由港,无税港口:港口或港口的某处,在此地进口的货物在再出口之前能免缴关税被保存或加工美国传统〔graveyard〕This had once been the greatest port in the world, now it was a graveyard of rusting cranes.这里一度是全球最大的港口,现在堆满了锈迹斑斑的吊车。柯林斯高阶〔graveyard〕This had once been the greatest port in the world, now it was a graveyard of rusting cranes.这里曾经是世界上最大的港口, 现在却成了一个堆着生锈吊车的垃圾场。外研社新世纪〔home port〕The port in which a vessel is registered or permanently based.船籍港:船只登记或作为永久基地的港口美国传统He swung the wheel to port in a desperate attempt to avoid a collision.他将舵轮转向左边,奋力想避免碰撞。剑桥国际New York is still the second biggest port in the USA.纽约仍是美国第二大港。剑桥国际Singapore has lost business to ports in Malaysia.新加坡的港口生意被马来西亚港口夺去了。牛津商务The Colossus of Rhodes was a very large bronze statue of Apollo at the entrance to Rhodes port in ancient times.罗德斯的巨像是古时在罗德斯港入口处的一座巨大的阿波罗青铜塑像。剑桥国际Zimbabwe is a landlocked country, so much of its trade depends on having access to ports in Mozambique.津巴布韦是个内陆国家,所以许多贸易需要通过莫桑比克的港口。剑桥国际

