
单词 primate
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Homo sapiens〕The modern species of human beings, the only extant species of the primate family Hominidae.智人:人类的现代种类,是人科灵长目动物唯一现存的种类美国传统〔ape-man〕Any of various extinct primates, such as pithecanthropus, sometimes considered intermediate in evolution between the anthropoid apes and modern human beings.猿人:已经灭绝的灵长目动物的一种,如爪哇猿人,有时被认为是从类人猿到现代人类演化过程的中间阶段美国传统〔ape〕Any of various large, tailless Old World primates of the family Pongidae, including the chimpanzee, gorilla, gibbon, and orangutan.无尾猿,类人猿:一种猩猩科大而无尾的东半球灵长目动物,包括黑猩猩、大猩猩、长臂猿和猩猩美国传统〔australopithecine〕Of, relating to, or characteristic of these extinct humanlike primates.南方古猿的:属于、关于或有这类已灭绝的人形猿特征的美国传统〔be〕The human being is a primate.人类是灵长类动物美国传统〔catarrhine〕A catarrhine primate, such as a gorilla.狭鼻灵长类动物:狭鼻灵长类动物,如大猩猩美国传统〔distinguish from〕Superior intelligence and the use of lauguage distinguish man from the other primates.高超的智力和语言的运用使人类有别于其他灵长目动物。21世纪英汉〔hominization〕The evolutionary process leading to the development of human characteristics that distinguish hominids from other primates.人性化:一种进化过程,它导致人类特性的发展形成,从而使人区别于灵长目其他动物美国传统〔leg〕One of the lower or hind limbs in human beings and primates.腿:人类或灵长目动物下肢或后肢中的一只美国传统〔missing link〕A theoretical primate postulated to bridge the evolutionary gap between the anthropoid apes and human beings.被推定存在于类人猿和人类之间的过渡动物:被假设来弥补从类人猿到人类的进化空白的仅存在于理论上的一种灵长目动物美国传统〔order〕Carnivora, Primates, and Rodentia are three orders of the class Mammalia.食肉目、灵长目和啮齿目是属于哺乳纲的三个目。英汉大词典〔posterior〕Relating to the caudal end of the body in quadrupeds or the dorsal side in human beings and other primates.背后的,尾部的:与四足兽的身体尾部有关的,或与人类和其他灵长动物的背部有关的美国传统〔prehominid〕Any of several extinct primates regarded as an immediate ancestor of the hominids.猿人:被认为是人类直接祖先的一种已灭绝的灵长目动物美国传统〔prehominid〕Of or relating to these extinct primates.猿的:这些已灭绝的灵长目动物的或与之相关的美国传统〔primacy〕Ecclesiastical The office, rank, or province of primate.【基督教会】 首席主教(或都主教,大主教)的职责,阶层或教区美国传统〔primate〕Among primate species, brain size varies.灵长类动物的大脑大小不同。外研社新世纪〔primate〕He was made the Roman Catholic Primate of All Ireland last year.他去年被任命为全爱尔兰天主教大主教。剑桥高阶〔primate〕The woolly spider monkey is the largest primate in the Americas.绒毛蛛猴是美洲最大的灵长类动物。外研社新世纪〔primate〕The woolly spider monkey is the largest primate in the Americas.绒毛蛛猴是美洲最大的灵长类动物。柯林斯高阶〔primatology〕The branch of zoology that deals with the study of primates.灵长类学:动物学的分支,主要研究灵长目动物美国传统〔prosimian〕A primate of the suborder Prosimii.原猴亚目中的灵长动物美国传统〔prosimian〕Of or belonging to the Prosimii, a suborder of primates that includes the lemurs, lorises, and tarsiers.原猴亚目的:是或属于灵长目(包括狐猴)的一个亚目一原猴亚目的美国传统〔protohuman〕A protohuman primate.原人美国传统〔protohuman〕Of or relating to various extinct hominids or other primates that resemble modern human beings.原人的:各种已灭绝的人科动物或其它类似于现代人类的灵长目动物的或与它们相关的美国传统〔quadrumanous〕Having four feet with opposable first digits, as primates other than human beings.四足如手的:有四足和与其他脚趾相对的第一个足趾的;如除人类以外的灵长类动物美国传统〔scale〕Primates are high up on the evolutionary scale.在进化等级中,灵长类动物是最高等的类群。韦氏高阶He was made the Roman Catholic Primate of All Ireland last year.他去年被任命为全爱尔兰的罗马天主教大主教。剑桥国际These small but colourful primates are found in the jungles of eastern Brazil.这些身材矮小、毛色艳丽的灵长目动物是在巴西东部的丛林中发现的。剑桥国际

