“public fund”例句

单词 public fund
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔IF〕Whole industries would have collapsed but for a massive injection of public funds. 如果不是公共资金的大笔注入,整个整个的工业部门早就垮了。朗文写作活用〔OBVIOUS〕For over six years, the mayor and his cronies have flagrantly misused public funds. 六年多以来,市长和他的同僚一直明目张胆地滥用公款。朗文写作活用〔USE〕He is accused of misusing public funds. 他被控滥用公共基金。朗文写作活用〔activity〕It will only be possible to stimulate business activity with an injection of public funds.只有注入公共资金才有可能刺激商业活动。牛津搭配〔appropriation〕A legislative act authorizing the expenditure of a designated amount of public funds for a specific purpose.批准支出:一种立法行为,授权支出用于特定目的的指定公基金数额美国传统〔appropriation〕Something appropriated, especially public funds set aside for a specific purpose.拨款:某些分拨的东西,尤指拨作特殊目的的公共基金美国传统〔connive〕The officials allegedly connived to take public funds for personal use.据称,官员们密谋挪用公款以供私用。麦克米伦高阶〔deficit spending〕The spending of public funds obtained by borrowing rather than by taxation.赤字开支:通过借贷而不是纳税所获得的公共基金的开支美国传统〔divert〕The government is trying to divert more public funds from west to east.政府正试图将更多的公共基金从西部转到东部。柯林斯高阶〔divert〕They were charged with illegally diverting public funds for private use.他们被控非法将公款挪作私用。韦氏高阶〔embezzle〕He was found guilty of embezzling $150 000 of public funds.他被判犯有盗用 15 万元公款罪。牛津高阶〔injection〕The solution proposed is the injection of public funds.提出的解决办法是投入公积金。英汉大词典〔misapply〕He has been accused of misapplying public funds.他已被指控滥用公共基金。韦氏高阶〔misappropriate〕He was indicted for misappropriating public funds.他因盗用公款而被提起公诉。英汉大词典〔pocket〕Dishonest officials have been lining their pockets with public funds.贪官将公共基金中饱私囊。牛津搭配〔private〕The minister has been using public funds to finance private dealings.部长一直在挪用公共基金作为私人交易的经费。麦克米伦高阶〔propose〕It was proposed to pay the money from public funds.有人提议用公款支付这笔钱。牛津高阶〔public library〕A noncommercial library often supported with public funds, intended for use by the general public.公共图书馆:由公众基金支持的一种供大众使用的非营利性图书馆美国传统〔public works〕Construction projects, such as highways or dams, financed by public funds and constructed by a government for the benefit or use of the general public.公共工程:如高速公路或水坝等由公共基金赞助,并由政府实施的为公众的利益或用途而建造的工程美国传统〔revenue〕A governmental department set up to collect public funds.税署:为收集公共基金而建的政府部门美国传统〔review〕The committee has agreed to undertake a review of the way in which public funds are being used.委员会同意对公共基金的使用方式进行审核。麦克米伦高阶〔treasury〕Public funds or revenues.国库:政府资金或收入美国传统〔treasury〕A place in which private or public funds are received, kept, managed, and disbursed.金库:一个私人或公共资金被接收、保存、管理或支出的地方美国传统He was charged with peculation of public funds.他被指控侵吞公款。牛津商务He was jailed for pocketing public funds. 他因侵吞公款进了牢房。译典通It was proposed to pay the money from public funds.有人提议用公款付这笔钱。牛津商务The Academy is the major dispenser of public funds for research in the humanities.人文学研究的公共基金主要由该研究院发放。剑桥国际The agency made illegitimate use of public funds. 这个机构非法动用公款。译典通The government will put more public funds into the banking system.政府将向银行系统注入更多的政府资金。牛津商务

