
单词 particle
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ADVANCED〕Bonner's research in particle physics was ahead of its time and widely misunderstood. 邦纳的粒子物理学研究在当时是超前的,遭到普遍的误解。朗文写作活用〔Higgs boson〕A hypothetical, massive subatomic particle with zero electric charge whose existence would explain the masses of the elementary particles.希格斯粒子:一种假设的、不带电荷、大量的次原子微粒,其存在可以解释大量基本粒子的存在美国传统〔Lorentz force〕The orthogonal force on a charged particle traveling in a magnetic field.劳仑兹力:作用于穿过磁场的电荷粒子的垂直力美国传统〔SMALL〕The problem was caused by minute particles of dust getting in the disk drive. 这个问题是磁碟驱动器里进了微小尘粒引起的。朗文写作活用〔WIMP〕A subatomic particle that has a large mass and interacts with other matter primarily through gravitation.弱相互作用重粒子:一种大质量的次原子粒子,主要透过万有引力与其它物质进行相互作用美国传统〔accelerator mass spectrometry〕Mass spectroscopy in which a particle accelerator is used to disassociate molecules, ionize atoms, and accelerate the ions.加速物质光谱测定法:物质光谱学中用于分离分子、电离原子和加速离子的粒子加速器美国传统〔adverbial particle〕In ‘come back’, ‘break down’ and ‘fall off’, ‘back’, ‘down’ and ‘off’ are all adverbial particles.在 come back、break down 和 fall off 中,back、down 和 off 都是副词小词。牛津高阶〔aerosol〕A gaseous suspension of fine solid or liquid particles.浮质:细小的固体或液体微粒的气态悬浮物美国传统〔aerosol〕A substance, such as paint, a detergent, or an insecticide, packaged under pressure with a gaseous propellant for release as a spray of fine particles.气雾剂:在压力下与气态压缩气体同装一处,以雾状细小微粒形式喷洒的物质,例如颜料、洗涤剂或杀虫剂美国传统〔agglomerate〕These small particles agglomerate together to form larger clusters.这些颗粒聚结形成较大的团。牛津高阶〔airborne〕The airborne radioactive particles have covered a huge area of Russia.依靠空气传播的放射性粒子覆盖了俄罗斯一大片地区。剑桥高阶〔alpha decay〕The radioactive decay of an atomic nucleus by emission of an alpha particle.衰变:放射一个α粒子而导致的原子核的放射性衰变美国传统〔alpha particle〕A positively charged particle, indistinguishable from a helium atom nucleus and consisting of two protons and two neutrons.α粒子:与氦原子核难以区分的带正电的粒子,包括两个质子和两个中子美国传统〔alpha ray〕A stream of alpha particles or a single high-speed alpha particle.α射线,α粒子:一个α粒子流或一个高速运动的α粒子美国传统〔angular momentum〕The vector product of the position vector (from a reference point) and the linear momentum of a particle.角动量:(有参照点)的矢量和粒子线性动量的向量积美国传统〔apoptosis〕Disintegration of cells into membrane-bound particles that are then eliminated by phagocytosis or by shedding.细胞凋亡:细胞分解成带膜的颗粒,然后在噬菌作用或脱落作用下被清除美国传统〔atomize〕To reduce to tiny particles or a fine spray.使雾化,使成微粒,使成粉末:使成为极小颗粒或微小尘埃美国传统〔atom〕A part or particle considered to be an irreducible constituent of a specified system.原子:某成分或元素,被视为是某一特定结构中不可分的组成部分美国传统〔aventurine〕An opaque or semitranslucent brown glass flecked with small metallic particles, often of copper or chromic oxide.金星玻璃:一种不透明或半透明的棕色玻璃,掺有小的金属颗粒,通常为铜或氧化铬美国传统〔behave〕Under certain conditions, electrons can behave like waves rather than particles.在一定条件下,电子可以作波状运动,而不是粒子状运动。柯林斯高阶〔beta decay〕The radioactive decay of an atomic nucleus accompanied by emission of a beta particle.β衰变:伴随β粒子释放的原子核放射性衰变美国传统〔beta〕A beta particle.β粒子美国传统〔body〕Dust particles and other foreign bodies can irritate the eyes.尘粒和其他异物会刺激眼睛。韦氏高阶〔bubble〕Ink particles attach themselves to air bubbles and rise to the surface.墨汁颗粒附着在气泡上,浮到表面上。柯林斯高阶〔capsid〕The protein shell that surrounds a virus particle.壳体,衣壳:包裹着一个病毒粒子的蛋白质外壳美国传统〔capture〕Physics The phenomenon in which an atom or a nucleus absorbs a subatomic particle, often with the subsequent emission of radiation.【物理学】 俘获:一种原子或原子核吸收亚原子粒子的现象,随后常伴有辐射现象美国传统〔cement〕Geology A chemically precipitated substance that binds particles of clastic rocks.【地质学】 结合沉淀物:使碎屑岩的微料结合起来的一种化学沉淀物美国传统〔charged particle〕An elementary particle, such as a proton or an electron, with a positive or negative electric charge.带电粒子:一个携带正或负电荷的基本粒子,如质子或电子美国传统〔charmed particle〕A particle with nonzero total charm.粲粒子:有非零全粲的粒子美国传统〔chylomicron〕One of the microscopic particles of emulsified fat found in the blood and lymph and formed during the digestion of fats.乳糜微粒:在血液和淋巴液中发现的乳化脂肪的细小颗粒,在脂肪的消化过程中生成美国传统〔cloud〕A visible body of very fine water droplets or ice particles suspended in the atmosphere at altitudes ranging up to several miles above sea level.云:十分细小的水滴或冰粒组成的可见的一团,悬垂于海面上高度达几英里的大气中美国传统〔cohere〕Particles of wet flour cohered to form a paste.湿面粉的颗粒粘在一起形成一个面团。21世纪英汉〔cohere〕Particles of wet sand cohere.潮湿的沙粒会粘在一起。英汉大词典〔cohesionless〕Composed of particles that do not cohere. Used of soil.无内聚性的:由不能粘着的质点组成。用于土壤美国传统〔color〕A particle or bit of gold found in auriferous gravel or sand.微粒:金矿或沙堆中发现的金属美国传统〔concrescence〕The amassing of physical particles.增殖:身体某一部分的增生美国传统〔concrete〕A mass formed by the coalescence of particles.用石灰等制成的块体美国传统〔concrete〕Formed by the coalescence of separate particles or parts into one mass; solid.凝固的:通过将各分离的部分结合在一起形成的;坚固的美国传统〔concrete〕To form into a mass by coalescence or cohesion of particles or parts.用各分离的部分混合成的大块美国传统〔corpuscle〕A discrete particle, such as a photon or an electron.微粒:有某种特性的微粒,如光子或电子美国传统〔corpuscle〕A minute globular particle.一种很小的球状微粒美国传统〔cosmic dust〕Clouds of fine solid particles of matter in interstellar space.宇宙尘:星际空间中的很细的固体微粒物质带美国传统〔couple〕The technique requires the coupling of a particle accelerator and a mass spectrometer.这种技术要求将粒子加速器和质谱仪连接起来。柯林斯高阶〔crumble〕To break into small fragments or particles.弄碎:把…弄碎成小块或小粒美国传统〔current density〕Physics The number of subatomic particles per unit time crossing a unit area in a designated plane perpendicular to the direction of movement of the particles.【物理学】 粒子流密度:在与粒子的移动方向垂直的指定平面上每单位时间内通过每单位面积的亚原子粒子的数量美国传统〔deuteron〕The nucleus of a deuterium atom, consisting of a proton and a neutron, regarded as a subatomic particle with unit positive charge.氘核:氘原子的原子核,由一个质子和一个中子组成,被视为带单位正电荷的亚原子美国传统〔dilatancy〕The increase in volume of a granular substance when its shape is changed, because of greater distance between its component particles.膨胀性:由于粒子成分之间的距离较大,颗粒物质当形状发生变化时所具有的体积增加的性能美国传统〔dirt〕Sunlight steamed through the dirt particles in the air.阳光透射过空气中的灰尘微粒。牛津搭配〔disintegrate〕To become reduced to components, fragments, or particles.崩溃,瓦解:减小到零件、碎片或粒子状美国传统〔dispersant〕A liquid or gas added to a mixture to promote dispersion or to maintain dispersed particles in suspension.分散剂:加入混合物中以促进粒子分散或维持粒子分散悬浮状态的液体或气体美国传统〔dust bunny〕A mass of fine, dry particles of matter, especially hair and skin particles, that is formed by static electricity.毛皮屑微粒:大量而干燥的物质微粒,特别是指毛发及皮肤微粒,通常是由静电所造成美国传统〔dust particles〕You can see the dust particles floating through the air.你可以看见空气中飘浮的尘埃颗粒。韦氏高阶〔dust〕Dust particles floated in the sunlight.阳光里飘浮着尘粒。朗文当代〔dust〕Remove any particles of dust on the surface of the paint.去除油漆表面的灰尘颗粒。牛津搭配〔electrostatic precipitation〕The removal of very fine particles suspended in a gas by electrostatic charging and subsequent precipitation onto a collector in a strong electric field.静电除尘:从气体中清除掉悬浮微粒,方法是施加强静电场,使微粒子沉积至收集器上美国传统〔entrain〕Chemistry To carry (suspended particles, for example) along in a current.【化学】 流体带走(如悬浮微粒等)美国传统〔excite〕When energetic particles or quanta of radiation pass through a crystal, they excite a few of its atoms into a higher energy state.辐射性的高能粒子或量子穿过晶体时, 会把晶体的一些原子激发成更高的能态。外研社新世纪〔existence〕Scientists were able to verify the existence of this particle.科学家能够证实这种粒子的存在。牛津搭配〔fallout〕The particles that descend in this fashion.辐射尘:以这种方式落下的放射性粒子美国传统〔floc〕A flocculent mass formed in a fluid through precipitation or aggregation of suspended particles.絮凝物:在流体中由于悬浮颗粒的沉淀或聚集而成的絮凝块美国传统〔flux〕The rate of flow of fluid, particles, or energy through a given surface.流动率:流体、微粒或能量通过一设定的表面时流动的速率美国传统〔funnel〕These fires create convection funnels, and throw a lot of particles into the upper atmosphere.这些火焰造成了对流漏斗,把许多微粒抛向上层大气。柯林斯高阶〔fuse〕Particles are fused to form a new compound.微粒熔化后形成了新的化合物。韦氏高阶〔fuzz〕To cover with fine light fibers, hairs, or particles.使成绒毛状:用精细轻纤维、毛或颗粒等覆盖美国传统〔gamma decay〕The decay of an unstable elementary particle by photon emission.通过光子射出的不稳定基本粒子的衰变美国传统〔gemmule〕A hypothetical particle of heredity postulated to be the mediating factor in the production of new cells in the theory of pangenesis.胚芽,芽球:在泛生论学说中,指遗传中的一种假定粒子,被假定认为在新细胞的产生中起媒介作用美国传统〔gluon〕A hypothetical massless, neutral elementary particle believed to mediate the strong interaction that binds quarks together.胶子:假设的无质量的中性基本粒子之一,被认为能传递一种把夸克结合在一起的强大的相互作用力量美国传统〔granule〕A small grain or pellet; a particle.小颗粒或小团;微粒美国传统〔granule〕Biology A cellular or cytoplasmic particle, especially one that stains readily.【生物学】 微粒:细胞或细胞质的微粒,尤指易受污染的美国传统〔gravitation〕Particles are attracted to each other by gravitation.粒子靠引力相互吸引。剑桥高阶〔ground glass〕Glass that has been ground into fine particles, as for use as an abrasive.玻璃粉:被研磨成细小粉末的玻璃,如用为磨料美国传统〔gyromagnetic ratio〕The ratio of the magnetic moment to the intrinsic angular momentum of a spinning particle.回转磁比率:一个旋转粒子的磁矩与其内部角动量之比美国传统〔gyromagnetic〕Of, relating to, or resulting from the magnetic properties of a spinning, electrically charged particle.回转磁的:充电旋转粒子的磁性的,与之相关或由这种磁性产生的美国传统〔heavy ion〕A charged microscopic particle that forms when an ion attaches to a dust mote or similar object.重离子:带电的微小粒子,在离子附着于灰尘微粒或类似物质时会形成美国传统〔high-energy〕Of or relating to elementary particles with energies exceeding hundreds of thousands of electron volts.高能粒子的:能量超过成千上万电子伏特的基本粒子的美国传统〔homogenize〕To reduce to particles and disperse throughout a fluid.使成为颗粒并在液体中分散开来美国传统〔hypercharge〕A quantum number equal to twice the average electric charge of a particle multiplet or, equivalently, to the sum of the strangeness and the baryon number.超荷:一个量子量,等于一个粒子多重线谱的平均电极;或者相当于量子数和重子的数量的总和美国传统〔hypostasis〕A settling of solid particles in a fluid.沉淀:固体颗粒在液体中的着位美国传统〔illuviation〕The deposition in an underlying soil layer of colloids, soluble salts, and mineral particles leached out of an overlying soil layer.淀积作用:胶状物,可溶性盐和矿物微粒从上层土壤向下层过滤的沉淀过程美国传统〔incept〕Amoebas incept food particles.阿米巴摄取食物微粒。英汉大词典〔induce〕To produce (radioactivity, for example) artificially by bombardment of a substance with neutrons, gamma rays, and other particles.感生:通过用中子流、r射线线和其它一些粒子流射向一个物质而产生(例如,放射现象)美国传统〔inelastic collision〕A collision between two particles in which part of their kinetic energy is transformed to another form of energy. The total amount of energy remains the same.非弹性碰撞:两个物体间的互相碰撞,在这个碰撞过程中,它们的一部分动能转化为其它能量形式。能量的总和不变美国传统〔inelastic scattering〕The scattering of particles resulting from inelastic collision.非弹性散射:由于非弹性碰撞而引起的物体或粒子的散射美国传统〔inflame〕The shifting magnetic fields energize particles in the Earth's atmosphere and inflame the northern lights.不断转移的磁场使地球大气中的粒子能量增加, 从而点亮了北极光。外研社新世纪〔intermediate vector boson〕Either of two bosons, the W particle or the Z particle, that are quanta of the weak interaction.中度向量玻子: W质点或是Z质点两种玻子之一,为交互作用微弱的量子美国传统〔introduce〕Particles of glass had been introduced into the baby food.这种婴儿食品中被掺进了玻璃碎屑。牛津高阶〔isolate〕Virus particles were eventually isolated from the tissue.终于将病毒粒子与组织分离开了。剑桥高阶〔laser cooling〕The slowing down of atoms or molecules by the use of a laser whose frequency has been adjusted to remove momentum from the particles.激光致冷技术:利用激光降低原子或分子的运动速度,即调整激光频率来移除粒子中的动能美国传统〔lung〕These particles are breathed into the lungs.这些颗粒被吸入了肺里。牛津搭配〔magma〕Pharmacology A suspension of particles in a liquid, such as milk of magnesia.【药理学】 乳剂:液体中的悬浮物质,诸如镁乳美国传统〔magnetic force〕A force that exists between two electrically charged moving particles.磁场强度:存在于两个带电荷运动粒子之间的吸引力美国传统〔magnetic monopole〕A hypothetical particle that has only one pole of magnetic charge instead of the usual two. A magnetic monopole would be a basic unit of magnetic charge.磁单极子:只有一个磁极而不是通常的两个磁极的一种假想的粒子。磁单极子是磁荷的基本单位美国传统〔magnetically〕The electrically charged gas particles are affected by magnetic forces.带电气体粒子会受磁力影响。柯林斯高阶〔matter〕A proton is an elementary particle of matter.质子是物质的基本粒子。柯林斯高阶〔matter〕An atom is the smallest indivisible particle of matter.原子是物质不可分割的最小粒子。外研社新世纪〔micelle〕An organic particle of colloidal size found in coal.胶态离子:见于煤中的胶粒大小的有机颗粒美国传统〔micrometeorite〕A tiny particle of meteoric dust, especially one of many that fall to the surface of the earth or moon.微陨星:微小的陨星颗粒,特指大量坠向地球或月球表面的微陨星美国传统〔microsome〕A small particle in the cytoplasm of a cell, typically consisting of fragmented endoplasmic reticulum to which ribosomes are attached.微粒体:细胞质内的小颗粒,通常由核蛋白体附着的零碎内质网组成美国传统〔minute〕There were minute particles of dust in the air.空气中含有粉尘微粒。韦氏高阶〔mite〕A very small object, creature, or particle.微粒、微物:一个很小的物体,动物或粒子美国传统〔moment of inertia〕The product of the mass of a particle and the square of its distance from a reference.一质点的质量与从一参照点到它距离的平方的乘积美国传统〔nephelometer〕An apparatus used to measure the size and concentration of particles in a liquid by analysis of light scattered by the liquid.混浊计:通过分析扩散的光来测量液体中颗粒的大小和密度的仪器美国传统〔neutrality〕A neutron is simply a neutral particle in the nucleus of an atom.中子就是原子核里不带电的粒子。柯林斯高阶〔neutral〕A neutron is simply a neutral particle in the nucleus of an atom.简单说, 中子就是原子核内一种不带电粒子。外研社新世纪〔neutral〕Of or relating to a particle, an object, or a system that has a net electric charge of zero.电中性的:粒子、物体或系统电位为零的或与之有关的美国传统〔neutral〕Of or relating to a particle, an object, or a system that has neither positive nor negative electric charge.中性的:粒子、物体或系统电位既非正也非负的或与之有关的美国传统〔nongraded〕Consisting of particles of essentially the same size, as soil.同样的:由最基本的同样大小的微粒所构成的,如土壤美国传统〔not a particle of〕There is not a particle of evidence to support their claim.没有任何证据能支持他们的主张。韦氏高阶〔nuclear emulsion〕Any of several photographic emulsions used to detect and visually display the paths of charged subatomic particles, especially of charged cosmic ray particles.核乳胶:照片的感光乳剂,用于侦测并形象地显示带电亚原子微粒,尤指带电宇宙射线微粒的路径美国传统〔nucleus〕Meteorology A particle on which water vapor molecules accumulate in free air to form a droplet or ice crystal.【气象学】 凝结核:水汽分子在其上积聚并在自由空气中形成小滴或冰晶的粒子美国传统〔optical tweezers〕A technique that uses a single-beam laser directed through an objective lens to trap, image, and manipulate micron-sized particles in three dimensions.光学钳子:引导单束光激光穿过物镜于补捉、成像并于三度空间操纵微米大小粒子的技术美国传统〔otolith〕One of many minute calcareous particles found in the inner ear of certain lower vertebrates and in the statocysts of many invertebrates.耳石:某些低等脊椎动物的内耳和许多无脊椎动物的平衡囊中的细小石灰质微粒美国传统〔particle beam〕A beam of atoms or subatomic particles that have been accelerated by a particle accelerating device, aimed by magnets, and focused by a lens.粒子束流:一束由粒子加速器加速过的原子或亚原子粒子,用磁石定方向,用透镜集中美国传统〔particle physics〕The branch of physics that deals with subatomic particles.粒子物理学:研究亚原子粒子的物理学分支学科美国传统〔particle〕Electrons are atomic particles.电子是原子粒子。剑桥高阶〔particle〕He has not a particle of sense.他一点都不明智。英汉大词典〔particle〕In the sentence "I tidied up the room", the adverb "up" is a particle.在句子 I tidied up the room 中,副词 up 是个小品词。剑桥高阶〔particle〕It doesn't make a particle of difference.这不会造成一丁点的改变。外研社新世纪〔particle〕She wouldn't give me even the slightest particle of information about what she'd been doing.对于她所做的事情,她一丁点消息都不会透露给我。剑桥高阶〔particle〕The phrasal verb “look up” consists of the verb “look” and the adverbial particle “up.” 动词短语look up由动词look和副词小品词up构成。韦氏高阶〔particle〕There is not a particle of truth in the statement.通篇陈述没有一点真话。英汉大词典〔particle〕There is not a particle of truth in what he said.他说的没一点真话。韦氏高阶〔particle〕There was not a particle of evidence(= no evidence at all)to support the case.没有丝毫证据支持这个论点。牛津高阶〔particle〕There's not a particle of evidence to support his story.没有丝毫证据支持他的说法。麦克米伦高阶〔particle〕There's not a particle of truth in what he says.他所说的没有半点是真的。朗文当代〔particulate matter〕Material suspended in the air in the form of minute solid particles or liquid droplets, especially when considered as an atmospheric pollutant.粒状物质:悬浮于空气中以固体或液体微分子状存在的物质,尤指大气污染物美国传统〔parton〕A hypothetical elementary particle believed to be a constituent of hadrons.部分子:一种假定的元素粒子,被认为是强子的组成部分美国传统〔path〕The charged particles move in spiral paths.带电粒子呈螺旋状运动。剑桥高阶〔placer〕A glacial or alluvial deposit of sand or gravel containing eroded particles of valuable minerals.砂矿,砂积矿床:一种砂砾或碎石的冰河沉积物或冲积沉积物,包括有价值的矿物成份美国传统〔polyhedrosis〕Any of several diseases of insect larvae, caused by infestation with polyhedral virus particles.多面体病:一种昆虫幼虫疾病,由多面体病毒微粒感染而引起美国传统〔prepositive〕A word or particle put before another word.前置或前缀的词:放在另一个单词前的单词或小品词美国传统〔presume〕The book presumes some familiarity with the basic principles of particle physics.该书假定人们对粒子物理的基本原则已经有所了解。麦克米伦高阶〔primary wave〕An earthquake wave in which rock particles vibrate parallel to the direction of wave travel. It can travel through solids and liquids.地震纵波:岩石微粒的振动平行于地震波传播方向的地震波,它可通过固体和液体美国传统〔provoke〕The hit may provoke the nucleus to eject a particle.这一撞击可以导致原子核射出粒子。英汉大词典〔quark〕Atoms are made up of smaller particles - protons, neutrons and electrons - some of which are made up of even smaller ones, called quarks.原子是由更小的粒子,即质子、中子和电子组成的,其中有些是由更小的叫做夸克的粒子构成的。剑桥高阶〔radiation〕A stream of particles or electromagnetic waves emitted by the atoms and molecules of a radioactive substance as a result of nuclear decay.核衰变产生的微粒或电磁波:放射物的原子或分子由于核衰变放出的一束微粒或电磁波美国传统〔radiation〕Energy radiated or transmitted in the form of rays, waves, or particles.辐射:以射线、波或微粒的形式放射或传播的能量美国传统〔radioactive decay〕Spontaneous disintegration of a radioactive substance accompanied by emission of ionizing radiation in the form of particles and gamma rays.放射性衰变:放射性物质的自发的分裂,伴随有放出微粒或r射线形式的电离辐射美国传统〔repulsion〕Physics The tendency of particles or bodies of the same electric charge or magnetic polarity to separate.【物理学】 斥力:具有相同的电荷或磁极的粒子或物体相分离的倾向美国传统〔ribosome〕A minute, round particle composed of RNA and protein found in the cytoplasm of living cells and active in the synthesis of proteins.核糖体:一种微小圆形的由RNA及蛋白质构成的微粒,发现于活细胞的细胞质中,且活跃于蛋白质的合成中美国传统〔rooster tail〕A projected mass of fine particles, as of water or snow, having an arced shape similar to that of a rooster's tail.鸡尾形状:一个突起的精细颗粒团块,如水或雪的,呈拱形,类似于公鸡的尾巴美国传统〔sand〕The loose, granular, gritty particles in an hourglass.砂粒:砂漏中的疏松的、微小的、粒状的颗粒美国传统〔sawdust〕The small particles of wood or other material that fall from an object being sawed.锯末:从被锯的木头或其它物质上掉下的碎屑美国传统〔scintillation〕Physics A flash of light produced in a phosphor by absorption of an ionizing particle or photon.【物理学】 交光:磷光体通过吸引电离子或光子产生的闪光美国传统〔scintillator〕A substance that glows when hit by high-energy particles or photons.闪烁器:一种物质,当受到高能微粒或光子冲击时会发光美国传统〔screen〕A coarse sieve used for sifting out fine particles, as of sand, gravel, or coal.筛子:一种粗筛,用于筛选优良的东西,比如沙子、碎石或者煤美国传统〔screen〕To separate or sift out (fine particles of sand, for example) by means of a sieve or screen.筛选:用筛子或粗筛分离或筛选(例如优良的沙子)美国传统〔scrubber〕Scrubbers in factory chimneys can extract harmful particles before they are vented into the atmosphere.工厂烟囱里的清洗器可以在废气排到大气之前吸收有害颗粒。剑桥高阶〔secondary wave〕An earthquake wave in which rock particles vibrate at right angles to the direction of wave travel. It can travel through solids but not through liquids.次级波:一种地震波,其范围内的岩石颗粒随波振方向成直角振颤,这种波能穿过固体但不能穿过液体美国传统〔seed〕Meteorology To sprinkle (a cloud) with particles, as of silver iodide, in order to disperse it or produce rain.【气象学】 人工降雨:用颗粒如碘化银晶体撒在云里,从而驱散云或人工降雨美国传统〔semolina〕The gritty, coarse particles of wheat left after the finer flour has passed through a bolting machine, used for pasta.精制麦麸:当精粉通过筛粉机器后,余留下的砂砾状粗糙的小麦剩余物的颗粒,用作食用面糊美国传统〔separateness〕The pans were held in both hands and swirled around to separate gold particles from the dirt.双手握住淘选盘不停旋动将沙金和尘土分开。柯林斯高阶〔settle〕To become clear by the sinking of suspended particles. Used of liquids.使澄清:通过沉淀悬浮颗粒而变澄清。用于液体美国传统〔sift〕To put (flour, for example) through a sieve or other straining device in order to separate the fine from the coarse particles.筛分:将(如面粉)放入筛子或其它过滤装置中以便把精细的颗粒从粗颗粒中分离出来美国传统〔silt〕A sedimentary material consisting of very fine particles intermediate in size between sand and clay.泥沙,淤泥:由大小介于沙和泥之间的非常细小的微粒构成的沉淀性物质美国传统〔skin〕A lot of dust is made up of particles of dead skin.灰尘多由死皮颗粒组成。牛津搭配〔slurry〕A thin mixture of a liquid, especially water, and any of several finely divided substances, such as cement, plaster of Paris, or clay particles.灰浆:一种液体,尤指水和几种颗粒细致的物质的很稀混合物,如水泥、巴黎灰泥或粘土微粒的混合物美国传统〔smoke〕A cloud of fine particles.烟云:小颗粒结合而成的云状物美国传统〔smoke〕The vaporous system made up of small particles of carbonaceous matter in the air, resulting mainly from the burning of organic material, such as wood or coal.烟:由空气中的含碳物质小颗粒形成的气态结构,主要由于燃烧木头或煤炭等有机物而形成美国传统〔snowmaking〕Production of artificial snow in the form of granular ice particles for use on ski slopes.人工造雪:以小冰粒形式的人工造雪,用于滑雪斜坡美国传统〔soil〕The top layer of the earth's surface, consisting of rock and mineral particles mixed with organic matter.土壤:地球表面的最表层,由岩石与有机物质混杂在一起的矿物粒构成美国传统〔solar wind〕A stream of ionized particles ejected at high speeds from the surface of the sun.太阳风:从太阳表面高速喷射出来的离子粒子流美国传统〔so〕The particles are so small as to be almost invisible.这些微粒小得几乎看不见。朗文当代〔spallation〕A nuclear reaction in which many particles are ejected from an atomic nucleus by incident particles of sufficiently high energy.裂变:带有充足的高能量的外来粒子将许多粒子从原子核中排斥出的核反应美国传统〔sparkle〕A small spark or gleaming particle.小火花:小火花或发光的小颗粒美国传统〔spark〕A glistening particle, as of metal.(金属的)发光的颗粒美国传统〔spliceosome〕A nucleoprotein particle that aids in the splicing of messenger RNA in eukaryotes.剪接体,剪裁体:协助真核细胞中信使核糖核酸进行拼接的核蛋白质微粒美国传统〔sprinkle〕To scatter drops or particles on.把液体或颗粒洒在…上美国传统〔sprinkle〕To scatter something in drops or particles.洒,撒:以水滴或颗粒状的方式散射美国传统〔stable〕Physics Having no known mode of decay; indefinitely long-lived. Used of atomic particles.【物理学】 稳定的:未发现有衰竭方式的;无限期存在的用于原子微粒美国传统〔standard model〕A model of fundamental forces and particles that explains their behavior and interactions in terms of symmetries and the destruction of symmetries.标准模式:基本力与粒子的模式,从对称和对称破坏的角度解释了它们的行为和交互作用美国传统〔stardust〕Minute particles of matter that fall to Earth from the stars. Not in scientific use.宇宙尘:从客观存在的恒星落入地球上的微小物质颗粒。不在科学上使用美国传统〔streamline〕The path of one particle in a flowing fluid.流连:流动液体中某微粒的轨迹美国传统〔subatomic particle〕Any of various units of matter below the size of an atom, including the elementary particles and hadrons.亚原子粒子:尺寸小于原子的各种物质单位之任何一种,包括基本粒子及强子美国传统〔supercollider〕A high-energy particle accelerator.超加速器:一种高能粒子加速器美国传统〔synchrotron radiation〕Electromagnetic radiation emitted by high-energy particles when accelerated to relativistic speeds in a magnetic field.同步加速器辐射:高能量粒子在某磁场中当被加速至相对速度时放出的电磁辐射美国传统〔tartar〕Dentistry A hard, yellowish deposit on the teeth, consisting of organic secretions and food particles deposited in various salts, such as calcium carbonate.【牙科学】 牙垢,牙结石:一种牙齿上的坚硬的浅黄色沉淀物,包含有机分泌物和各种以盐(如,碳酸钙)的形式沉淀下来的食物微粒美国传统〔tend〕The particles tend to unite.粒子易于结合。21世纪英汉〔throw off〕The belt may make a squealing noise and throw off sooty black particles of rubber.传送带会发出刺耳的噪音并释放出乌黑的橡胶颗粒。柯林斯高阶〔tunneling〕In quantum mechanics, the passing of a particle through a seemingly impenetrable barrier without a cause that is explainable by classical physics.隧道效应:量子力学中粒子穿过似乎无法穿透的屏障且用非量子物理学无法解释原因美国传统〔ultracentrifuge〕A high-velocity centrifuge used in the separation of colloidal or submicroscopic particles.超高速离心器:用于分离胶质微粒和普通显微镜下看不出来的微粒的高速离心器美国传统〔vapour〕The particles then form a vapour.然后这些微粒形成了蒸气。牛津搭配〔vibration〕A rapid linear motion of a particle or of an elastic solid about an equilibrium position.振动:在一个平衡位置附近一个粒子或弹性固体迅速的直线运动美国传统〔virion〕A complete viral particle, consisting of RNA or DNA surrounded by a protein shell and constituting the infective form of a virus.病毒粒子:一整个病毒粒子,由被蛋白质外壳包围的核糖核酸或脱氧核糖核酸组成,并构成一个病毒的传染形式美国传统〔viroid〕An infectious particle, similar to but smaller than a virus, that consists solely of a strand of RNA and is capable of causing disease in plants.类病毒:一种传染性微粒,与病毒相象但比病毒小,由核糖核酸单链构成,能在植物中引起疾病美国传统〔wave function〕A mathematical function used in quantum mechanics to describe the propagation of the wave associated with any particle or group of particles.波函数:数学函数,在量子力学中用来描绘与任何粒子或粒子群有关波的传播美国传统〔wave mechanics〕A theory that ascribes characteristics of waves to subatomic particles and attempts to interpret physical phenomena on this basis.波动力学:将波的特征归结于亚原子粒子的理论并试图在此基础上阐释物理现象美国传统〔wind〕The unmanned capsule will bring particles of solar wind back to Earth.这个无人航天舱将把太阳风粒子带回地球。牛津搭配〔world line〕The path in space-time traveled by an elementary particle for the time and distance that it retains its identity.世界线:基本粒子在时空中保持其同一性的时间和位置的运行通路美国传统〔world〕Unexpected things can happen in the world of subatomic particles.在亚原子粒子世界中可能会有出人意料的情况发生。剑桥高阶Atoms consist of positively-charged protons, negatively-charged electrons and neutral particles called neutrons.原子由带正电荷的质子、带负电荷的电子和称为中子的不带电微粒构成。剑桥国际Bizarre and unexpected things can happen in the world of subatomic particles.在亚原子粒子世界中可能会发生异乎寻常,出乎意料的事情。剑桥国际Dust particles must have got into the motor, which is why it isn't working properly.灰尘一定钻进发动机里去了,不然它不会出故障。剑桥国际He discovered some pinpoint particles in the liquid. 他在液体中发现了一些极其微小的细粒。译典通He is studying the properties of these particles. 他在研究这些粒子的性质。译典通Photons, or individual particles of light, travel over huge distances in space.光子,即光粒子,在空间里行经极大的距离。剑桥国际Such fine particles suspend readily in water. 这种微粒极易悬浮在水中。译典通The charged particles move in spiral paths.带电粒子呈螺旋形移动。剑桥国际There is not a particle of truth in his report. 他的报告没有一点真实性。译典通When volcanoes erupt, they throw out a lot of ash which consists of fine particles of lava.火山爆发时,喷发出大量火山灰,其中含有岩浆的微粒。剑桥国际

