
单词 视力衰退
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔cursed〕In recent years I've been cursed with worsening eyesight.近年来我饱受视力衰退的痛苦。剑桥高阶〔eyesight〕Failing eyesight finally forced her into an old people's home.视力衰退最终使她不得不住进养老院。牛津搭配〔fail〕Failing eyesight forced him to retire early.视力衰退迫使他提前退休。朗文当代〔fail〕If my eyesight fails, I'll have to stop doing this job.如果视力衰退,我就得放弃这份工作。剑桥高阶〔thwart〕Her ambition to become an artist was thwarted by failing eyesight.她想成为艺术家的梦想随着视力衰退而破灭了。外研社新世纪I think her father's going senile/blind/ deaf.我认为她父亲正在变老/视力衰退/听力衰退。剑桥国际If my eyesight fails, I'll have to stop doing this job.如果我的视力衰退,我就必须停止做这项工作。剑桥国际Many of those aged 75 or over will have failing eyesight.很多75岁和年逾75的老人都视力衰退剑桥国际

