
单词 颁布法令
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔decree〕The Emperor issued the decree repealing martial law.皇帝颁布法令取消了军事管制。朗文当代〔decree〕The President issued a decree making the day a national holiday.总统颁布法令,规定这一天为全国假日。韦氏高阶〔decree〕The government decreed a national holiday.政府颁布法令,规定了一个全国假日。韦氏高阶〔edict〕In 1741 Catherine the Great issued an edict of toleration for Buddhism.1741年,叶卡捷琳娜大帝颁布法令,允许佛教的存在。柯林斯高阶〔edict〕The City Council issued an edict against spitting in the street.市议会颁布法令禁止随地吐痰。剑桥高阶〔issue〕The king issued a decree forbidding all protests.国王颁布法令,禁止所有抗议活动。韦氏高阶〔mandate〕Quebec mandated that all immigrants send their children to French schools.魁北克省颁布法令,强制所有移民将子女送进法语学校就读。柯林斯高阶〔privilege〕The Russian Federation has issued a decree abolishing special privileges for government officials.俄罗斯联邦已经颁布法令废除政府官员的特权。柯林斯高阶

