
单词 自禁
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔SHOW〕Kris couldn't hide her delight at my situation. 对我的情况,克丽丝喜不自禁。!朗文写作活用〔bowl sb over〕She was bowled over when she heard she'd won the competition.她听说自己赢了比赛喜不自禁剑桥高阶〔cannot help something〕I can't help loving you.我情不自禁地爱上了你。韦氏高阶〔childlike〕I still can't help liking him. He has a childlike quality.我仍然会情不自禁地喜欢他, 因为他有着孩子般的性情。外研社新世纪〔composure〕Dimbleby lost his composure and it was all he could do to stop tears of mirth falling down his cheeks.丁布尔比情难自禁, 他唯一能做的就是忍住高兴的泪水。外研社新世纪〔compulsive〕She watched him compulsively.她情不自禁地注视着他。牛津高阶〔contain〕Evans could barely contain his delight: 'I'm so proud of her,' he said.埃文斯喜不自禁:“我真为她骄傲。”他说。柯林斯高阶〔despite〕Adam grinned despite himself.亚当情不自禁地咧嘴笑了。外研社新世纪〔devastating〕It is always devastating to be diagnosed with a terminal illness.被诊断患有不治之症总会令人悲不自禁麦克米伦高阶〔dissolve into tears/laughter〕When she saw his picture, she dissolved into tears.看见他的照片,她情不自禁地哭了起来。剑桥高阶〔dissolve〕I dissolved into helpless laughter.我情不自禁地笑起来美国传统〔get〕When they get with a rock group they just really get it on.每当他们同摇滚乐队在一起就会情不自禁地跟着摇滚一场。英汉大词典〔helpless with〕The crowd was helpless with laughter.人群情不自禁地发出笑声。韦氏高阶〔helpless〕My colleague and I looked at each other and then dissolved into helpless laughter.我和同事互相看着对方, 然后情不自禁地笑了。外研社新世纪〔helpless〕The audience was helpless with laughter.观众情不自禁地大笑。牛津高阶〔help〕It was not a time for laughter but I could not help myself.这不是笑的时候, 可是我情不自禁外研社新世纪〔impulsive〕He gave her an impulsive hug.他情不自禁地拥抱了她。外研社新世纪〔laugh〕He couldn't help it; he burst out laughing (=suddenly started laughing) .他情不自禁地放声大笑。朗文当代〔laugh〕I couldn't stop laughing.我情不自禁地笑个不停。剑桥高阶〔love〕I just couldn't help falling in love with that magnificent painting.我情不自禁地喜欢上了那幅美妙动人的画。英汉大词典〔overflow〕They were overflowing with emotion at the birth of their baby.看到孩子出生,他们喜不自禁剑桥高阶〔repress〕I could not repress a shiver whenever I thought about what had happened to him.每想到他的遭遇,我总是情不自禁地打个寒战。英汉大词典〔spontaneous〕We spontaneously started to dance.我们情不自禁地跳起舞来。牛津高阶〔stop〕He couldn't stop himself talking.他情不自禁地说个没完。英汉大词典〔tide〕They were carried along on a tide of euphoria.他们也喜不自禁牛津搭配〔up〕After receiving the award, the performer was really up.在接受了颁奖后,这位表演者真是喜不自禁美国传统I laughed in astonishment when I heard the news.听到这消息时,我情不自禁地笑出声来。剑桥国际

