
单词 蓄水
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔aquifer〕An underground bed or layer of earth, gravel, or porous stone that yields water.地下蓄水层,砂石含水层:含有水的泥、砂砾或多孔石的地下河床或地层美国传统〔catchment〕The amount of water collected in such structure.蓄水量:在此种容器中的水的收集量美国传统〔cistern〕A receptacle for holding water or other liquid, especially a tank for catching and storing rainwater.蓄水池:容纳水或其它液体的一种容器,特指汇集和贮存雨水的水箱美国传统〔cistern〕Pipes in the loft begin lagging at the cistern.阁楼的管道开始慢慢地往蓄水箱里蓄水了。外研社新世纪〔dam〕The government has plans to build a dam and flood the valley.政府计划建一座堤坝,用这片凹地来蓄水韦氏高阶〔dryness〕The aquifer which had once fed the wells was pronounced dry.曾为水井供水的蓄水层正式宣告干涸了。柯林斯高阶〔fill〕At the moment, most reservoirs are filling fast.此时,大多数水库蓄水很快。牛津搭配〔fill〕I could hear the tank filling.我能听见往蓄水池里注水的声音。剑桥高阶〔filter bed〕A layer of sand or gravel on the bottom of a reservoir or tank, used to filter water or sewage.滤垫:在蓄水池或大容器底部铺的一层沙或砾石,用于过滤水或污水美国传统〔flashboard〕A board or structure of boards extending above a dam to increase its capacity.闸板,决泄板:水坝上突出的、用以增加蓄水量的大板子或板状结构物美国传统〔header〕A raised tank or hopper that maintains a constant pressure or supply to a system, especially the small tank that supplies water to a central heating system.蓄水塔:一个处于高处的用以维持某系统的稳压或供给状况的水箱或漏斗,尤指将水供给中央供暖系统的小水箱美国传统〔impound〕A dam impounds water.水坝蓄水英汉大词典〔impound〕By damming the stream, the engineers impounded its waters for irrigation.工程师们通过筑坝蓄水来灌溉美国传统〔leak〕Radioactive water has leaked into the reservoir.放射性水已渗进了蓄水池。麦克米伦高阶〔reconcile〕Research is being undertaken in how to reconcile conservation needs with growing demand for water.正在研究如何协调保持总蓄水量与不断增加的供水需求之间的矛盾。麦克米伦高阶〔reservoir〕A natural or artificial pond or lake used for the storage and regulation of water.蓄水池:用于贮存和控制水量的天然或人工池塘或湖泊美国传统〔run〕There were cisterns to catch rainwater as it ran off the castle walls.雨水顺着城堡的墙壁流下时会流入蓄水池。柯林斯高阶〔seep〕Radioactive water had seeped into underground reservoirs.放射性水已经渗入地下蓄水层中。柯林斯高阶〔tank〕Somehow the chemical got from a storage tank into water supplies.不知怎么的,这种化学物从蓄水箱进入了供水系统。朗文当代〔water tower〕A standpipe or elevated tank used as a reservoir or for maintaining equal pressure in a water system.水塔:用作蓄水池或保持供水系统内等压的竖管或直立水箱美国传统There has been so little rain recently that the reservoirs are low (= do not have much water in them).最近降雨很少,以致水库蓄水量很低。剑桥国际Water is stored against the dry season. 蓄水以备旱季使用。译典通

