
单词 生产部门
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔manufacturing〕He now works on the manufacturing side of the business.他现在在公司生产部门工作。牛津搭配Because of falling sales the company has decided to convert its tobacco division (= department) to paper production.由于销售额的降低,公司已决定将烟草部改成纸品生产部门剑桥国际The exploration and production division is responsible for locating oil reserves, drilling wells and pumping crude oil and natural gas.探测与生产部门负责探明石油藏量,钻油井,并用泵将原油与天然气抽出来。剑桥国际You might have more chance of getting a job if you write directly to a line manager rather than the personnel director.如果你直接写信给生产部门的经理而不是人事主管的话,你找到工作的可能性就大了。剑桥国际

