
单词 玻璃片
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔PAINT〕The temple was decorated with brightly painted figures and bits of colored glass. 那座庙的墙上装饰着色彩鲜艳的人像和彩色玻璃片朗文写作活用〔bottleneck〕Music A style of guitar playing in which an object, such as a piece of glass or metal, is passed across the strings to achieve a gliding sound.【音乐】 瓶颈吉他乐:一种吉他演奏风格,用一种玻璃片或金属片划过琴弦以产生滑奏声美国传统〔chipped〕Teichler's eyes gleamed like chips of blue glass.泰希勒的眼睛像蓝色的玻璃片一样闪亮。柯林斯高阶〔echelon grating〕A diffraction grating made of parallel glass plates, each of which extends slightly beyond the next, used to examine extremely fine structures.梯状光栅:用来检查极小结构的衍射光栅,由平行的玻璃片组成,每块玻璃片都比邻近一块长出一点美国传统〔fragment〕The road was covered with fragments of glass from the shattered window.公路上到处是车窗的碎玻璃片剑桥高阶〔gash〕One day Frank gashed his hand on a bit of broken glass.一天,弗兰克的手被一块碎玻璃片划了一道大口子。朗文当代〔get〕Mike got a splinter of glass out of Jenny's toe.迈克从珍妮的脚趾里取出了玻璃片麦克米伦高阶〔harmonica〕An instrument consisting of tuned strips of metal or glass fixed to a frame and struck with a hammer.玻璃键琴:一种固定在架子上用锤子演奏的、由能发音的金属或玻璃片组成的乐器美国传统〔inset〕The frame is inset with pieces of coloured glass.这个画框镶有一些彩色玻璃片麦克米伦高阶〔microscope〕Place the specimen on a microscope slide.把标本放到显微镜载物玻璃片上。牛津搭配〔mount〕A glass slide for use with a microscope.载片:显微镜承物玻璃片美国传统〔muntin〕A strip of wood or metal separating and holding panes of glass in a window.窗格条:窗户上用来隔开和固定窗玻璃片的木条或者金属条美国传统〔nick〕He dropped a bottle in the kitchen and nicked himself on broken glass.他在厨房不小心打碎了一个瓶子,被碎玻璃片划伤了。柯林斯高阶〔piece〕She picked bits of glass off, piece by piece with her bare hands.她直接用手一点一点地拣出碎玻璃片外研社新世纪〔pile〕He began to sweep the pieces of glass into a pile .他动手把碎玻璃片扫成一堆。朗文当代〔prick〕The piece of glass pricked his tyre and it burst.玻璃片扎破了他的车胎,车胎爆裂了。英汉大词典〔shattered〕Shattered glass lay all over the road.路上到处都是碎玻璃片剑桥高阶〔slide〕She sent the slides to the lab.她把载物玻璃片送到实验室。韦氏高阶〔smear〕Biology A sample, as of blood or bacterial cells, spread on a slide for microscopic examination or on the surface of a culture medium.【生物学】 涂片:涂抹在玻璃片上供显微镜观察或培养基表面上的标本,例如血细胞或细菌细胞美国传统I've cut myself/my hand on that glass/with that knife.我被那玻璃片/那把小刀割伤了(手)。剑桥国际The specimen can be mounted on a glass slide and examined under a microscope.标本可以被安放在承物玻璃片上,放在显微镜下观察。剑桥国际

