
单词 的徽章
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔badge〕An emblem given as an award or honor.荣誉徽章:作为奖励或荣誉而授予的徽章美国传统〔button〕She wore a 'Vote Yes' lapel button.她在翻领上别了一枚“投赞成票”的徽章牛津搭配〔button〕They all wore buttons saying 'Stop the war'.他们全都戴着写有“停止战争”字样的徽章牛津搭配〔coat of arms〕An arrangement of bearings, usually depicted on and around a shield, that indicates ancestry and distinctions.盾形纹章:表示家世和级别的徽章配置,通常在铠装上并环绕徽章雕出美国传统〔colour〕He gained his school colours for rugby.他因为打橄榄球而赢得了一枚学校的徽章麦克米伦高阶〔deflect〕The policeman's badge deflected the bullet.那名警察的徽章使子弹偏转了。21世纪英汉〔favour〕The Tory candidate and his supporters wore blue favours.英国保守党候选人及其支持者戴蓝色的徽章英汉大词典〔garter〕The badge of the Order of the Garter.徽章:嘉德勋位的徽章美国传统〔glance〕She glanced briefly at his lapel badge.她扫了一眼他翻领上的徽章牛津搭配〔heraldry〕Armorial ensigns or similar insignia.纹章:纹章樗或相似的徽章美国传统〔impresa〕An emblem or a device with a motto.箴言徽章:带有箴言的徽章或图样美国传统〔letter〕An emblem in the shape of the initial of a school awarded for outstanding performance, especially in varsity athletics.校名字首形式的徽章:以学校名字首字母的形状制成的徽章,奖给那些表现优异的人,尤指那些大学体育竞赛中表现优异者美国传统〔medallion〕An emblem of registration for a taxicab.驾驶执照章:作为计程车执照象征的徽章美国传统〔pin〕He handed out pins with the peace sign on them.他分发了带有和平标志的徽章韦氏高阶〔pin〕He supports the group and wears its pin on his lapel.他支持这个团体,为此在翻领上佩戴该团体的徽章牛津高阶〔pin〕The American peace activists wore pins shaped like doves.那位美国和平活动家身上别着鸽子形状的徽章外研社新世纪〔red ribbon〕An emblem, a badge, or a rosette made of red ribbon that is awarded as the second prize in a competition.红绶带:用红带子制成的徽章、勋章或玫瑰形物,做为给比赛中第二名的奖励美国传统〔regalia〕The emblems and symbols of royalty, such as the crown and scepter.王位标志:如王冠和权杖等王权的徽章或象征物美国传统〔shield〕A police officer's badge.警章:警官的徽章美国传统〔sign〕The sheriff's badge was shaped like a star.治安官的徽章是星状的。美国传统〔standard〕A long, tapering flag bearing heraldic devices distinctive of a person or corporation.旗:有区别个人或组织的徽章的长长的尖旗美国传统〔target〕A small, round shield.小而圆的徽章美国传统〔unstick〕The stewards' badges are made so they do not unstick from a car.乘务员的徽章经特别制作, 在车厢上不会脱落。外研社新世纪She'd just had a birthday and was wearing a badge with a nine on it.她刚过生日,戴了个上面有9字的徽章剑桥国际These cute badges are easily saleable.这些精巧的徽章卖得很好。剑桥国际

