
单词 盘剥
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔batten on〕The few enormously rich battened on the poor.为数不多的富豪盘剥穷人,养肥自己。21世纪英汉〔daylight robbery〕They're just ripping the fans off; it's daylight robbery.他们这是在盘剥歌迷,简直是明目张胆的打劫。柯林斯高阶〔enrich〕He claimed that the large stores were enriching themselves at the expense of their customers.他声称大商店通过盘剥顾客而获利。剑桥高阶〔fall〕Almost without exception these women fall victim to exploitation.这些女性几乎无一例外都受到了盘剥柯林斯高阶〔milk〕The wastefulness needs tackling before the taxpayer is milked any further.必须制止铺张浪费, 以免纳税人受到更多盘剥外研社新世纪〔sin〕Usury is considered a sin.高利盘剥是一种罪过。牛津搭配It may be a small fee, but added together small fees will nickel-and-dime me to death.它可能是小费用,但累计起来的小费用会把我盘剥光。剑桥国际

