
单词 货色
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔WORSE〕Cheap, plastic-wrapped cheese is nowhere near as good as the real thing. 塑料纸包装的廉价干酪远远不如正宗的货色朗文写作活用〔brush〕When you fraternize with people like him, you get tarred with the same brush.跟他这类人交往,你就同他们是一路货色了。英汉大词典〔cleaning〕It would be better if you come clean about it and let her know what kind of man she is seeing.你最好一五一十地告诉她,让她知道她正在交往的那个男人是个什么货色柯林斯高阶〔diversify〕The shop has diversified into a wider range of goods.店铺的货色增添了种类。牛津同义词〔scumbag〕You know what this scumbag world is made of.你知道这个他妈的世界上都是些什么样的货色英汉大词典〔stuff〕There's some very good stuff in the sale.有一些很好的货色在削价出售。英汉大词典〔stuff〕What stuff he writes! 他写的都是些什么无聊货色!英汉大词典〔tar (someone) with the same brush〕It's a shame that when a few people get caught cheating everyone else gets tarred with the same brush.因为某些人作弊被当场发现其他人也被认为是一路货色,实在令人惋惜。韦氏高阶〔tar〕I am a football supporter and I have to often explain that I'm not one of the hooligan sort because we'll all get tarred with the same brush when there's trouble.我是足球迷,经常要解释我不是那种足球流氓,因为一旦出事,我们就会被当成是一路货色柯林斯高阶〔tar〕I'm your partner and I'm tarred with the same brush.我是你的搭档, 别人会认为我们是一路货色外研社新世纪〔tar〕My brothers are both tarred with the same brush —they're both very lazy.我的两个兄弟是一路货色,都很懒惰。英汉大词典

