
单词 负疚感
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔MIND〕People who come to me for counselling are very often suffering from unconscious feelings of guilt. 来我这里做心理咨询的很多人潜意识里都有负疚感朗文写作活用〔conscience〕I'm so glad he had a pang of conscience.我很高兴他会有负疚感柯林斯高阶〔crawl〕He is crawling with guilt.他因负疚感到浑身上下不自在。英汉大词典〔destructively〕Guilt can be very destructive.负疚感会具有很强的杀伤力。柯林斯高阶〔feeling〕I don't have those guilt feelings any more.我已不再有那些负疚感了。牛津搭配〔guilt trip〕I never call her and every time she calls me I have a guilt trip.我从来不给她打电话,所以她一给我打电话我就有种负疚感剑桥高阶〔guilt-ridden〕In the first week of January, thousands of guilt-ridden people signed up for fitness courses or embarked on diets.在元月的第一个星期,成千上万的人在负疚感的驱使下报名参加健身班或者开始节食。柯林斯高阶〔piercing〕She felt a piercing guilt.她感到揪心的负疚感麦克米伦高阶〔root〕His sense of guilt had its roots in his childhood loss of his younger sister.他的负疚感源于他在童年失去了妹妹。柯林斯高阶〔silence〕She silenced the feeling of guilt.她强自压下心头的负疚感英汉大词典〔survivor〕She is wrestling with survivor guilt.作为幸存者,她还在负疚感中挣扎。牛津搭配A guilty conscience was preventing her from sleeping at night.负疚感使她晚上辗转难眠。剑桥国际He was so eaten up with guilt he became ill.他一直被负疚感纠缠着,生起病来。剑桥国际I've been gnawed by guilt about not having replied to the letter I had from Liz some months ago.我一直被负疚感折磨着,因为我没有回复莉兹几个月前的一封信。剑桥国际She was unable to divest herself (= get rid) of the guilt she felt about her husband's death.她摆脱不了对丈夫死亡的负疚感剑桥国际

