
单词 迅速发展
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔BIG〕Medical insurance companies expanded rapidly during the 1980s. 医疗保险公司在20世纪80年代迅速发展朗文写作活用〔INCREASE〕The business was growing rapidly and beginning to expand abroad. 该企业迅速发展并开始向海外拓展业务。朗文写作活用〔Internet〕Internet businesses are booming as never before.网上交易正在以前所未有的速度迅速发展着。麦克米伦高阶〔TOWN〕After 1850 Paris grew quickly into a busy metropolis. 1850年以后,巴黎迅速发展成为一个繁忙的大都会。朗文写作活用〔advance〕The company tries to keep up with advancing technology.公司努力跟上迅速发展的技术。韦氏高阶〔boom〕Housing construction has boomed in the past year.住宅建设在去年得到迅速发展韦氏高阶〔boom〕Public transport has not been able to cope adequately with the travel boom.公共交通系统还不能充分满足迅速发展的旅游业的需求。柯林斯高阶〔boom〕The housing market is booming.房产市场在迅速发展麦克米伦高阶〔boom〕The war boomed the aircraft industry.战争使航空工业迅速发展起来。英汉大词典〔boom〕To cause to grow or flourish; boost.使繁荣:引起成长或暴涨;使迅速发展美国传统〔boom〕Tourism on the island has boomed.该岛的旅游业迅速发展朗文当代〔burgeon〕Japan's burgeoning satellite-TV industry.日本迅速发展的卫星电视产业柯林斯高阶〔burgeon〕Their photography venture has burgeoned into a full-time operation.他们的摄影活动迅速发展成为全日制工作。外研社新世纪〔concomitant〕Concomitant with the rapid economic growth, the volume of exports rocketed.随着经济的迅速发展出口量猛增。英汉大词典〔develop〕Industry is developing rapidly.工业正在迅速发展21世纪英汉〔develop〕Knowledge in the field of genetics has been developing very rapidly.遗传学知识一直在迅速发展朗文当代〔develop〕The place has rapidly developed from a small fishing community into a thriving tourist resort.这地方由原来的小渔村迅速发展成一个繁荣的旅游胜地。牛津高阶〔erosion〕Coastal erosion is aggravated by the rapid expansion in tourist development.海岸线侵蚀随着旅游业的迅速发展越来越严重。外研社新世纪〔event〕Events moved quickly.情况迅速发展英汉大词典〔fetish〕What began as a postwar fetish for sunbathing is rapidly developing into a world health crisis.开始是战后对日光浴的极度痴迷, 而后迅速发展成世界性的健康危机。外研社新世纪〔fetish〕What began as a postwar fetish for sunbathing is rapidly developing into a world health crisis.开始是战后对日光浴的极度迷恋,而后迅速发展成世界性的健康危机。柯林斯高阶〔grew〕Cities grew rapidly, a large labouring class developed.城市的迅速发展产生了一个强大的劳动阶级。21世纪英汉〔move〕Events were moving rapidly.形势在迅速发展麦克米伦高阶〔mushroom〕A sleepy capital of a few hundred thousand people has mushroomed to a crowded city of 2 million.几十万人的沉寂首府迅速发展成为拥有两百万人口的拥挤都市。柯林斯高阶〔mushroom〕The little town mushroomed into a big city.这座小镇迅速发展成一座大城市。21世纪英汉〔mushroom〕The organization quickly mushroomed.该组织迅速发展起来。外研社新世纪〔mushroom〕Trade between the two countries has mushroomed.两国之间的贸易迅速发展麦克米伦高阶〔mushroom〕We expect the market to mushroom in the next two years.我们期望未来两年内市场会迅速发展牛津高阶〔organically〕Organic farming is expanding everywhere.有机农业正在各地迅速发展起来。柯林斯高阶〔progression〕Doctors were surprised by the rapid progression of the disease.医生们对这种疾病的迅速发展感到惊讶。韦氏高阶〔quickly〕Europe has moved a long way since then at a very quick pace.从那以后,欧洲迅速发展,并取得了长足的进步。柯林斯高阶〔raging〕The fire quickly turned into a raging inferno.火势迅速发展成烈焰冲天的火海。韦氏高阶〔science〕The science of genetics has developed rapidly.遗传科学已迅速发展英汉大词典〔snowball〕From those early days the business has snowballed.自开创之日起, 这家企业如滚雪球般迅速发展起来。外研社新世纪〔sprout〕My firm has sprouted into a major group in the country.我的公司已迅速发展成了我国的一个大集团公司。21世纪英汉〔suburb〕The middle-class suburbs are growing fast.中产阶级居住的郊区正在迅速发展牛津搭配〔technology〕Telecommunications technology is developing fast.电信技术正在迅速发展牛津搭配〔trumpet〕The government has been trumpeting tourism as a growth industry.政府一直把旅游业作为迅速发展的行业大力宣传。 外研社新世纪〔wing〕Quail farming takes wing.鹌鹑饲养业开始迅速发展英汉大词典After years of decline caused by the video boom, cinema/movie-going is now enjoying a revival.电影业由于电视的迅速发展而连年不景气,但现在正在东山再起。剑桥国际He set up a finance company / house and rapidly expanded from lending to investment in real estate to building golf courses.他成立了一个信贷公司,从为房地产投资贷款迅速发展到建高尔夫球场。剑桥国际In those happy, carefree days love burgeoned between them.在那些快乐而无忧无虑的日子里,他们之间的爱情迅速发展剑桥国际The car market has boomed over the past year, and sales of luxury marques like Porsche and BMW are rising.汽车市场近几年迅速发展,如保时捷和宝马等豪华车销量上升。剑桥国际The company enjoyed meteoric growth in the 1990s.这家公司在 20 世纪 90 年代迅速发展牛津商务The company hoped to profit from the burgeoning (= quickly developing) communications industry.公司希望在通讯业的迅速发展中获利。剑桥国际The group flourished under her firm leadership.在她强有力的领导下该集团得到迅速发展剑桥国际Use of the Internet has boomed in recent years.最近几年互联网的使用迅速发展牛津商务

