
单词 给予支持
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔DO/NOT DO〕Her husband never gave her much support in her artistic pursuits. 她丈夫对她的艺术追求从不给予支持朗文写作活用〔ORGANIZATION〕All the major political parties have given their support to this initiative. 所有主要政党都对这个新方案给予支持朗文写作活用〔assurance〕We now have a firm assurance of support from the government.现在我们得到了政府将给予支持的明确承诺。牛津搭配〔assure〕We assured him of our support.我们向他保证给予支持牛津高阶〔centre-left〕Most of the centre-left will give their support.大多数中左派将给予支持牛津高阶〔crisis center〕A center staffed especially by volunteers who give support and advice to people experiencing personal crises.急难事务顾问中心:一个主要由志愿者组成的中心,他们向那些有个人急难事件的人给予支持和提供建议美国传统〔lending〕He was approached by the organisers to lend support to a benefit concert.主办方找过他,希望他能对慈善音乐会给予支持柯林斯高阶〔mobilize〕Representatives for all the main candidates are trying to mobilize voter support.所有主要候选人的代表正在努力鼓动选民们给予支持剑桥高阶〔note〕The White House has noted his promise to support any attack that was designed to enforce the UN resolutions.白宫注意到他保证对任何旨在执行联合国决议的打击活动给予支持外研社新世纪〔onside〕The party needs to keep the major national newspapers onside if it's going to win the next election.这个政党要想在下次大选中获胜,就需要全国各大报纸继续给予支持牛津高阶〔pledge〕Philip pledges support and offers to help in any way that he can.菲利普保证给予支持,并主动提出尽其所能提供帮助。柯林斯高阶〔support〕They had failed to mobilize trade union support.他们没能动员工会给予支持外研社新世纪〔undergird〕To support or strengthen from beneath.从底层支持,加固:从下方给予支持或加固美国传统They succeeded in getting members of Parliament to take their resolution seriously and a respectable number agreed to give their support.他们成功地使议员们严肃考虑他们的决议案,并使相当一部分成员同意给予支持剑桥国际

