
单词 结果是
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔LEAVE〕As a result of the Paris peace negotiations, most American forces withdrew from Vietnam in 1973. 巴黎和谈的结果是,大部分美国军队于1973年撤出越南。朗文写作活用〔PRAISE〕The book is a vain attempt to glorify the name of one of the worst dictators in modern history. 该书试图美化现代史上一名最残暴的独裁者,结果是白费劲。朗文写作活用〔PROBABLY〕The most likely result is a win for the Democrats. 最有可能的结果是民主党人获胜。朗文写作活用〔RESULT〕One of the by-products of the peace treaty was the growth of trade between the two nations. 和平条约的一个附带结果是两国之间的贸易增加了。朗文写作活用〔RESULT〕The new system is designed to spread payments over several months but the net effect is that people pay more in total. 这个新制度是为了把款项分摊在几个月里支付,但是最后的结果是合起来人们付得更多。朗文写作活用〔RESULT〕The results of the attack included two helicopters burnt out, and three groundcrew wounded. 这次袭击的结果是两架直升机焚毁,三名地勤人员受伤。朗文写作活用〔abstention〕The voting was 15 in favour, 3 against and 2 abstentions.表决结果是 15 人赞成,3 人反对,2 人弃权。牛津高阶〔acceleration〕The result was an acceleration of economic growth.结果是经济增长加速。外研社新世纪〔accuracy〕It is possible to predict the outcome with reasonable accuracy.预测出一个大致准确的结果是有可能的。牛津搭配〔acquittal〕The trial ended in his acquittal.审判结果是他被宣告无罪。麦克米伦高阶〔acquittal〕The trial resulted in acquittals on all but one count.审判结果是除一项罪名之外其他罪名都不成立。柯林斯高阶〔acquittal〕The trial resulted in an acquittal.审判的结果是无罪释放。牛津搭配〔agony〕Waiting for the results was agony.等候结果是很难熬的。麦克米伦高阶〔attempt〕That's not bad for a first attempt.对首次尝试来说,这样的结果是不错的。牛津搭配〔beyond〕The result was beyond doubt.这个结果是毋庸置疑的。外研社新世纪〔blowout〕The game was a blowout, 8–1.这场比赛赢得易如反掌,结果是 8 比 1。牛津高阶〔bogus〕The dinosaur bones turned out to be bogus.这些恐龙骨骼结果是伪造的。牛津搭配〔bogus〕The document turns out to be bogus.那份文件结果是伪造的。文馨英汉〔calculation〕The calculations are based on average annual data.这些计算结果是根据年度平均数据得来的。牛津搭配〔charge〕The investigation resulted in criminal charges against three police officers.调查的结果是3名警察将面临刑事指控。麦克米伦高阶〔comparability〕The result is a lack of comparability between the accounts of similar companies.结果是相似公司之间的账目缺乏可比性。外研社新世纪〔comparable〕The result is a lack of comparability between the accounts of similar companies.结果是同类公司的账目之间缺乏可比性。柯林斯高阶〔consistent〕These results are consistent with the findings of the previous study.这些结果与以前的研究结果是一致的。麦克米伦高阶〔dead end〕The first street we tried turned out to be a dead end.我们走的头一条路,结果是条死胡同。牛津高阶〔descending〕In descending order, the results are …按降序排列, 结果是外研社新世纪〔diagnosis〕The diagnosis was a mild concussion.诊断结果是轻微脑震荡。韦氏高阶〔drastically〕As a result, services have been drastically reduced.结果是服务业急剧萎缩。柯林斯高阶〔draw〕Italy has been drawn against Spain in the first round.第一轮比赛的抽签结果是意大利队对西班牙队。牛津高阶〔draw〕The result was a draw.结果是平局。剑桥高阶〔encouraging〕The early results are encouraging.初步的结果是令人鼓舞的。英汉大词典〔end result〕If tasks are too challenging, the end result is that learners are discouraged.如果任务太具挑战性,最终结果是学习者会灰心丧气。朗文当代〔end result〕The end result is the waste of dozens of hours of police time.最终结果是警方浪费了好几十个小时。外研社新世纪〔endorsement〕The ruling Socialist Party says the results are an endorsement of their policies.执政的社会党说这些结果是对自己政策的支持。外研社新世纪〔end〕He talks for hours on end about absolutely nothing.他滔滔不绝地谈论了数个小时,结果是废话连篇。麦克米伦高阶〔enemy〕Worst of all is to make an enemy of the Minister.最坏的结果是与部长为敌。麦克米伦高阶〔eventuate〕War eventuated from the dispute.争端的结果是一场战争。21世纪英汉〔far〕I guessed it would cost $100 and it was $110, so I was not far out.我猜这东西要 100 美元,结果是 110 美元,所以我差不多猜对了。朗文当代〔finding〕The findings are based on interviews with more than 2 000 people.这些研究结果是在与 2,000 多人进行访谈之后得出的。牛津搭配〔foregone〕Most voters believe the result is a foregone conclusion.多数投票者认为这个结果是意料之中的。柯林斯高阶〔free〕In vain he tried to free the rope around his hands.他想挣脱掉捆住他双手的绳子,结果是白费力气。剑桥高阶〔glaring〕However, this calculation was based on a glaring error.然而, 这个计算结果是基于一个明显差错得出的。外研社新世纪〔hopeful〕The vote is a hopeful sign that attitudes in the church are changing.投票结果是个好征兆,表明教会的态度正在转变。朗文当代〔hugely〕The result was human suffering on a huge scale.结果是人类遭遇深重的灾难。柯林斯高阶〔immediate〕The most immediate effect of retirement is a dramatic reduction in living standards.退休的最直接结果是生活水平的大幅度下降。朗文当代〔in/out of pocket〕The last time I went out with you, I ended up seriously out of pocket! 上次跟你出去,结果是我花了好多钱。剑桥高阶〔inconclusive〕The results of the test were/proved inconclusive.实验结果是/证明是非结论性的。韦氏高阶〔intend〕I never intended things to turn out the way they did.我从未想过事情的结果是那样的。朗文当代〔jealously〕She got insanely jealous and there was a terrible fight.她妒忌得发疯,结果是大吵一架。柯林斯高阶〔modification〕The review resulted in the modification of our security procedures.这次审查的结果是我们的安全措施得到了改进。朗文当代〔multiply〕If you multiply seven by 15 you get 105.用15乘以7,结果是105。剑桥高阶〔nay〕The tally was two ayes and three nays.投票结果是2票赞成3票反对。英汉大词典〔negative〕The vote was in the negative.投票的结果是否决。英汉大词典〔net〕The net effect of this policy has been higher employment but lower wages.这项政策的最终结果是高就业率和低工资。麦克米伦高阶〔net〕The net result is a massive trade surplus.最终结果是巨额的贸易顺差。外研社新世纪〔percentage〕The results were analysed in percentage terms.结果是按百分比分析的。牛津高阶〔plunge〕He would want to see markedly better results this time before taking the plunge.这一回,他非先看到确实比较令人满意的结果是不会冒险行事的。英汉大词典〔reduction〕The result is a 75 to 80% size reduction.结果是尺寸减少了 75% 至 80%。牛津搭配〔result〕It was the predictable result of their negligence.这个因他们的疏忽所造成的结果是可以预料到的。牛津搭配〔result〕The final results saw Canada holding on to first over Italy.最终结果是加拿大队打败意大利队,继续保持第一名。牛津搭配〔reverse〕The results were read out in reverse order (=with the worst first and the best last) .结果是按逆序宣读的。朗文当代〔roll〕As the result of our appeal, the money came rolling in.我们呼吁的结果是钱滚滚涌来。朗文当代〔sensational〕The result was a sensational 4–1 victory.比赛结果是轰动性的,以 4:1 狂胜对手。牛津高阶〔side effect〕A side effect of the new law is that fewer people will take out insurance.这项新法律的一个未曾预料的结果是购买保险的人少了。剑桥高阶〔sore〕The result is that they are now all feeling very sore at you.结果是他们现在都对你感到非常恼火。外研社新世纪〔spot-on〕Your judgment turned out to be spot-on.你的判断结果是正确的。文馨英汉〔start〕A lot of people who lose weight gain it back over time, and end up back where they started.许多减了肥的人过一段时间又恢复了体重,结果是白费力气。朗文当代〔the upshot〕The upshot of the discussions is that there will be no layoffs.讨论的结果是不会进行裁员。剑桥高阶〔toss〕The final result was decided on/by the toss of a coin.最后的结果是掷硬币决定的。牛津高阶〔trichomoniasis〕An infection caused by trichomonads, as a disease of cattle that commonly results in infertility or abortion in infected cows.毛滴虫病:一种毛滴虫引起的感染,是一种家畜牛的疾病,一般的结果是使被感染的母牛不孕或流产美国传统〔triumph〕The election result was a personal triumph for the party leader.选举结果是该党领袖的个人胜利。外研社新世纪〔unpredictable〕The result is entirely unpredictable.结果是完全无法预料的。牛津高阶〔upshot〕So the upshot is we're going for lunch on Friday.结果是我们周五一起去吃午餐。柯林斯高阶〔upshot〕The upshot is that we're going for lunch on Friday.结果是我们周五要一起去吃午餐。外研社新世纪〔upshot〕The upshot was that he was banned from driving.结果是他被禁止开车。麦克米伦高阶〔vaccinee〕First results were obtained from20 sera of vaccinees.首批结果是从20份受接种者的血清报告中取得的。英汉大词典〔verdict〕The verdict was upheld at appeal.上诉的结果是维持原判。牛津搭配〔vote〕The vote was in her favor.投票的结果是她赢了。韦氏高阶〔vote〕Was the vote for or against the resolution? 表决结果是赞成还是反对决议?英汉大词典After all that media attention, the whole event turned out a bit of a damp squib with almost nobody attending.媒介对此事都十分关注,而结果是因为几乎无人参加而使整件事泡了汤。剑桥国际As a direct result/consequence of what she said, he decided to leave his job.她一番话的直接结果是,他决定离职。剑桥国际Calculations are based on a projection of existing trends.计算结果是根据对现行趋势的预测作出的。牛津商务Competition between firms results in an increased emphasis on product innovation.公司间竞争的结果是日益注重产品创新。牛津商务If we can prove the falsity of the forensic tests (= If we can prove that the results are false), the case against him will have to be dropped.如果我们能证明法医检验的结果是错误的,对他的诉讼就不得不撤回。剑桥国际In vain he tried to free the rope around his hands.他努力要松开捆住他双手的绳子,结果是白费力。剑桥国际Liz's new job has turned out to be very demanding of (= it takes a lot of) her time.里兹的新工作结果是很花时间的。剑桥国际My wife spent a lot of money on a leather jacket, but it turns out to be made of faux fur. 我老婆花了许多钱买了一件皮大衣,结果是仿造皮做的。译典通She thought she was pregnant, but it turned out to be a false alarm (= she discovered she was not).她以为她怀孕了,但结果是虚惊一场。剑桥国际The election results were announced to the accompaniment of loud cheering. 选举结果是在欢呼声中宣布的。译典通The first trial ended in a hung jury, the second in acquittal.一审由于陪审团意见不一而无法判决,二审结果是宣判无罪。剑桥国际The initial results of the survey are indecisive -- more data is needed to make any sense of them.调查的最初结果是不明确的----需要更多的资料才能对他们有所理解。剑桥国际The life-long rivalry between the brothers ended tragically in fratricide.那对兄弟一辈子势不两立,最终结果是悲剧性的自相残杀。剑桥国际The net result is that small shopkeepers are being forced out of business.最终的结果是小店主们被迫停业。牛津商务The result was a fix! 那结果是受人操纵的。剑桥国际The results are based on case studies of 27 leading companies.这结果是根据 27 家龙头企业的个案研究所得的。牛津商务The rumor proved true. 这谣传结果是真的。译典通The tests for hepatitis were negative. 肝炎检查结果是阴性。译典通The upshot of the discussions is that there will be no redundancies.讨论的结果是将不进行裁员。剑桥国际The vote is in the negative. 投票表决的结果是反对。译典通We thought the chair was an antique worth a lot of money, but it turned out to be a valueless replica.我们以为那张椅子是件古董,值很多钱,但结果是件一文不值的复制品。剑桥国际What were the main findings from the survey? 主要的调查结果是甚么?牛津商务

