
单词 门旁
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔PLACE〕Her packed suitcase was lying near the door. 她整理好的手提箱平放在门旁朗文写作活用〔RISK〕He risked a cautious glance over the wall, and saw a group of guards standing by the gate. 他冒险从墙头小心翼翼地看出去,看到大门旁有一队卫兵站着。朗文写作活用〔bull〕They did not see the sign by the gate saying "Beware of the bull".他们没有看见门旁边“当心公牛”的警示。剑桥高阶〔by〕Emma was by the door.艾玛站在门旁柯林斯高阶〔collide〕He collided with a pine tree near the North Gate.他撞到了北门旁边的一棵松树上。柯林斯高阶〔cringe〕A stray dog was cringing by the door.一条流浪狗畏缩在门旁朗文当代〔hawk-eyed〕Hawk-eyed store detectives stood by the doors.目光锐利的店探站在门旁剑桥高阶〔leave〕Leave the milk bottles by the front door.把牛奶瓶放在前门旁边。牛津同义词〔on〕We could hang this picture on the wall next to the door.我们可以把这幅画挂在门旁边的墙上。剑桥高阶〔pin up〕A list was pinned up by the door.门旁钉着一份名单。外研社新世纪〔plate〕A brass plate beside the door said ‘Dr Alan Tate’.门旁的铜牌上写着“艾伦 · 泰特医生”。牛津高阶〔plate〕He read the brass name plate by the door.他看了一下门旁铜制的姓名牌。牛津搭配〔poised〕They hovered by the door, poised for flight.他们在门旁徘徊,随时准备撒腿就跑。牛津搭配〔ready〕The suitcases were standing ready by the front door.手提箱已经放在前门旁准备好了。牛津搭配〔recess〕There are small recesses in the wall beside the door.门旁的墙上有些小小的壁凹。牛津搭配〔set up〕They set up the movie camera next to the door.他们在门旁边架好了摄像机。韦氏高阶〔surprised〕He looked surprised to see Cassie standing by the front door.他看到凯茜站在前门旁,显得很吃惊。朗文当代The cows had gathered in a herd by the gate.母牛在大门旁聚集成群。剑桥国际We could hang this picture on the wall next to the door.我们可以把这张相片挂在门旁的墙上。剑桥国际Your shoes belong under the bed or in your cupboard, not beside the door.你的鞋应该放在床底下或鞋柜里,而不是放在门旁边。剑桥国际

