
单词 铁矿石
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔club together〕Three iron ore producers have clubbed together to argue for new railways.三家铁矿石生产商联手, 主张修建新铁路。外研社新世纪〔contract〕The steel mill contracted for ten milion tons of iron ore.炼钢厂立约订购1000万吨铁矿石英汉大词典〔ironstone〕A rock containing enough iron to permit commercial extraction; an iron ore.铁矿石:含有足够商业开采用铁量的岩石;铁矿石美国传统〔maw〕Iron ore and coal pour into the maw of the steel mill.铁矿石与煤源源不断地运进钢铁厂这个消耗原材料的无底洞。英汉大词典〔ore〕The mine is an important producer of iron ore.这座矿是重要的铁矿石产地。韦氏高阶〔speiss〕An arsenic compound or a mixture of arsenic compounds resulting from the smelting of iron, cobalt, nickel, and copper ores.黄渣:一种含砷的化合物或砷化物的混合物,是通过熔炼铁矿石、钴、镍及铜矿石而成美国传统〔taconite〕A variety of chert containing magnetite and hematite, mined as an iron ore.铁燧岩:一种含磁铁矿和赤铁矿的燧石,做为一种铁矿石被开采美国传统〔troilite〕A nonmagnetic variety of the mineral pyrrhotite, FeS, present in almost all meteorites and having almost no ferrous iron deficiency.无磁黄铁矿:磁黄铁矿石的无磁性种类,FeS,存在于所有的陨石中且几乎不含铁质美国传统Iron ore fuses when it is smelted.铁矿石在冶炼时熔结。剑桥国际Iron ore is the country's principal natural resource.铁矿石是这个国家的主要自然资源。牛津商务The country is rich in natural resources, particularly oil and iron ore.这个国家拥有丰富的自然资源,尤其是石油和铁矿石牛津商务The main iron ores are oxides, which are combinations of iron with oxygen.主要的铁矿石都是氧化物,即铁和氧的化合物。剑桥国际The ship was not carrying its usual payload of gravel or iron ore.这艘轮船没有装载通常的碎石或铁矿石牛津商务They used to extract iron ore from this site.他们过去在这个地点挖掘铁矿石剑桥国际

