
单词 铁棒
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔HIT〕Evidence shows that the victim had been struck several times with an iron bar. 证据表明,受害者曾被人用铁棒打了好几下。朗文写作活用〔T-bar〕A ski lift consisting of a bar suspended like an inverted T against which skiers lean while being towed uphill.丁字型滑雪吊车:由悬挂的象倒挂的T字形的铁棒组成的滑雪吊车,滑雪者在被拖上山时可以靠在上面美国传统〔assault〕The gang assaulted him with iron bars.那伙人用铁棒袭击了他。外研社新世纪〔bar〕He smashed the window with an iron bar.他用铁棒敲碎了窗户。牛津高阶〔bend〕It isn't easy to bend an iron rod.使铁棒弯曲并不容易。文馨英汉〔clamp〕They clamped the iron rods together.他们用夹具把铁棒紧夹在一起。英汉大词典〔go〕They went over him with an iron bar.他们用铁棒揍他。英汉大词典〔handspike〕A bar used as a lever.用作杠杆的铁棒美国传统〔hook〕We were all astonished to see him force a bar hooking.看见他用手把一根铁棒掰成钩形,我们都惊呆了。21世纪英汉〔project〕An iron bar projected from the surface.一根铁棒从表面伸出。外研社新世纪〔screw〕A cylindrical rod incised with one or more helical or advancing spiral threads, as a lead screw or worm screw.螺钉:切割成有一个或好几个螺旋形或呈螺纹的一个圆管形铁棒,如导螺旋或转轮螺旋美国传统〔tyre〕The victim had been beaten with a tyre iron.受害者被人用撬胎铁棒打了。牛津搭配〔wedge〕Sports An iron golf club with a very slanted face, used to lift the ball, as from sand.【体育运动】 楔形铁头球棒:一种打高尔夫球用的棒面倾斜的铁棒,用于把球如从沙地中向高空击起美国传统An iron bar can be made magnetic (= able to attract iron and steel objects) by wrapping wire around it and passing an electric current through the wire.可以通过在铁棒上缠绕电线并通电的方法使其具有磁性。剑桥国际He prized the box open with an iron bar. 他用一根铁棒把那箱子撬开。译典通She balanced an iron bar on a stone and used it as a lever to lift open the drain cover.她把一根铁棒搁在石头上,用它作为撬杠来打开下水管道盖。剑桥国际

