
单词 那个年代
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔DISADVANTAGE〕In those days, a politician's wife who did not hold traditional views could be a liability. 在那个年代,一位政治家的妻子如果不持传统观点就可能成为他的累赘。朗文写作活用〔TRAVEL〕It took a lot of courage to cross the Rocky Mountains in those days. 在那个年代穿越洛基山脉需要很大的勇气。!朗文写作活用〔common〕Shakespeare's work was popular among the common people in his day.莎士比亚的作品在他那个年代很受平民百姓的欢迎。牛津高阶〔could〕In those days you could get a job easily.在那个年代人们可以轻松地找到工作。外研社新世纪〔day〕Things were very different in my grandfather's day.祖父的那个年代情况大不一样。牛津搭配〔flogging〕Flogging was a common form of punishment in those days.在那个年代,鞭打是常见的惩罚方式。韦氏高阶〔hot stuff〕His music was hot stuff back in those days.他的音乐在那个年代十分流行。韦氏高阶〔intellect〕He was one of the greatest intellects of his time.他是他那个年代里最具才华的人之一。麦克米伦高阶〔lampoon〕His cartoons mercilessly lampooned th e politicians of his time.他的漫画毫不留情地嘲讽了他那个年代的政治人物。牛津高阶〔manifest destiny〕They were living in a time when expansion to the Pacific was regarded by many people as the Manifest Destiny of the United States.在他们生活的那个年代,许多人把向太平洋扩张视为美国的天定命运论。韦氏高阶〔old maid〕In my generation, you were considered an old maid at 25.在我那个年代,25岁就被认为是老姑娘了。韦氏高阶〔plough〕In those days the land was plowed by oxen.在那个年代是用公牛来犁地的。朗文当代〔recapture〕The film really recaptures the atmosphere of those days.影片真实重现了那个年代的氛围。朗文当代〔shape〕His generation firmly believed they could shape the future.他那个年代的人都坚信他们可以创造未来。麦克米伦高阶〔shocked〕They were easily shocked in those days.在那个年代,他们动不动就对一些事情看不顺眼。柯林斯高阶〔shock〕They were easily shocked in those days.在那个年代, 他们动不动就对一些事情看不顺眼。外研社新世纪〔thing〕Drag racing was the thing then.障碍赛跑是那个年代的时尚美国传统〔thing〕It was not the done thing. In those days the man was supposed to be the provider.那不符合社会习俗。在那个年代,养家的应该是男人。柯林斯高阶That was an era when many Americans felt it was their patriotic duty to buy bonds to support the war effort.那个年代,很多美国人感到买公债支持战争的努力是他们的爱国职责。剑桥国际

