
单词 速记
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔anemograph〕A recording anemometer.风速记录仪美国传统〔court reporter〕A stenographer who makes a verbatim record and transcription of proceedings, as in a court.书记官,法庭记录员:法庭上对程序进行逐字逐句记录并翻译的速记美国传统〔decide〕I have decided to learn shorthand.我已决意学习速记21世纪英汉〔deem〕I was deemed to be a competent shorthand typist.我被视为是一名能干的速记打字员。柯林斯高阶〔gorgeous〕She is gorgeous at shorthand.她的速记高明极了。英汉大词典〔note down〕Please note down what I'm about to say.请把我要说的话快速记下来。外研社新世纪〔phonography〕A system of shorthand based on phonetic transcription.表音速记法:基于语音表述的速记方法美国传统〔phonotypy〕The practice of transcribing speech sounds by means of phonetic symbols.表音速记法:通过音标来描述语音的方法美国传统〔phraseogram〕A symbol, such as one used in shorthand, that designates a particular phrase.代表短语(词组)的符号:代表某一特定短语的符号,如速记中使用的代词符号美国传统〔pothook〕Informal Stenographic writing.【非正式用语】 速记文字美国传统〔quick study〕One who is able to memorize something easily and quickly or is able to understand and deal with something easily and successfully.学得很快的人:一个能够轻易并迅速记住事物或能够轻松并成功地理解和处理事物的人美国传统〔read〕Can you read my shorthand? 你能读懂我的速记吗? 英汉大词典〔register〕The court stenographer registered the trial proceedings.法院速记员作了审判记录。英汉大词典〔shorthand〕A shorthand writer will make a transcript.速记员会根据速记记录整理出文字稿。牛津搭配〔shorthand〕A system of rapid handwriting employing symbols to represent words, phrases, and letters.速记法:一种采用符号来代表词,词组和字母来愉速书写的方法美国传统〔shorthand〕Ben took notes in shorthand.本用速记法记笔记。柯林斯高阶〔shorthand〕He took the speech down in shorthand.他用速记方式记下了演讲内容。牛津搭配〔shorthand〕Her secretary was taking shorthand.她的秘书正在做速记牛津搭配〔shorthand〕The report was written in shorthand.那篇报告是以速记写的。文馨英汉〔shorthand〕The reporter took notes in shorthand.这名记者用速记做记录。朗文当代〔shorthand〕Their conversations were taken down in shorthand by a secretary.他们谈话的内容由一位秘书速记了下来。剑桥高阶〔shorthand〕Will they teach you to take shorthand(=write using shorthand)? 他们会教你速记吗?麦克米伦高阶〔speedwriting〕A form of shorthand that uses letters of the alphabet instead of symbols.速记法:不使用符号而使用字母的一种速记形式美国传统〔squiggle〕Shorthand just looks like a series of funny squiggles to me.速记在我看来就像是一串扭来扭去的奇怪线条。朗文当代〔stenographer〕One who is skilled in stenography, especially one employed to take and transcribe dictation or testimony.速记员:有速记技能的人,尤指受雇记录抄写口述或陈述的人美国传统〔stenography〕Material transcribed in shorthand.速记下来的东西美国传统〔stenography〕Secretaries must be able to do stenography.秘书必须会速记韦氏高阶〔stenography〕The art or practice of transcribing speech with a stenograph machine.速记术:用速写机抄写讲话的技术或应用方法美国传统〔stenography〕The art or process of writing in shorthand.速记法:速写的技术或过程美国传统〔stenograph〕A character in shorthand.速记文字美国传统〔stenograph〕A keyboard machine for reproducing letters in a shorthand system.速记机:一种用于以速记方式复制文字的键盘机器美国传统〔stenotype〕A keyboard machine used to record dictation in shorthand by a series of phonetic symbols.表音符号速记机:使用一系列表音符号速记讲话的一种键盘机器美国传统〔stenotype〕To record or transcribe (matter) with a stenotype machine.按音速记:用表音符号速记机记录或记下的声音美国传统〔stenotypy〕The art or process of transcribing with a stenotype machine.按音速记术:用表音符号速记机记录的技术或过程美国传统〔steno〕A stenographer.速记美国传统〔steno〕Stenography.速记美国传统〔tachygraphy〕The art or practice of rapid writing or shorthand, especially the stenography of the ancient Greeks and Romans.速记:快速书写或速记的技巧或实践,尤指古代希腊人和罗马人的速记美国传统〔take down〕I took down his comments in shorthand.我用速记法把他的评论记录了下来。柯林斯高阶〔take〕He took a letter in shorthand.他速记下一封信。21世纪英汉〔transcribe〕She made shorthand notes which she later transcribed.她以速记记录,随后又把所作记录译出。英汉大词典Do you do shorthand? 你会速记吗?牛津商务He learnt how to do shorthand when he was a journalist.当他是个记者时学会了速记剑桥国际He picked up a shorthand pad and a pen and went into her office.他拿起速记本和钢笔走进了她的办公室。剑桥国际He took the notes in shorthand. 他用速记法记笔记。译典通I have to translate these shorthand notes into longhand. 我得将这些速记的笔记译成普通文字。译典通The new secretarial college (= where people learn to be secretaries) offers courses in shorthand, typing, word-processing and office management.新的秘书专业学校会开设速记、打字、文字处理和办公室管理课程。剑桥国际Their conversations were taken down in shorthand by a secretary.他们的谈话由秘书速记下来。剑桥国际

