
单词 one-sided
释义 one-sided, a.
(ˈwʌnˈsaɪdɪd, with shifting stress)
[Parasynthetic from one side: see one 34 d; after Ger. einseitig.]
1. Relating to, considering, or dealing with only one side of a question or subject; partial.
1833De Quincey Autobiog. Sk. Opium-eater in Tait's Mag. (1834) 483/1 What the Germans mean by a one-sided (ein-seitiger) judgment. [Note in Wks. 1853 I. 290 ‘It marks the rapidity with which new phrases float themselves into currency,..that this word now (1853) familiarly used in every newspaper, then (1833) required a sort of apology to warrant its introduction’.]1838–9Hallam Hist. Lit. III. iii. vi. §100. 346, I think this well-written sentence a little one-sided.1839S. Ellis Women of England xii. 297 To use a popular Germanism, it is but a one-sided view of the subject that we take.1841Gen. P. Thompson Exerc. (1842) VI. 315 A partial, or as the Germans call it a ‘one-sided’ view of things.1842Miall in Nonconf. II. 1 The marriage was a one-sided one.1850Bushnell God in Christ 52 They can endure none but a one-sided view of truth.1885Law Times LXXVIII. 388/2 A one-sided report of a trial was not a privileged publication.
2. In physical sense.
a. Leaning to one side; larger or more developed on one side than on the other.
a1845Hood Charity Serm. iii, For the plaguy one-sided party wall fell in.1857Hughes Tom Brown ii. v, Tom's face begins to look very one-sided—there are little queer bumps on his forehead.Mod. The one-sided leaf of the elm, of the begonia.
b. Having the constituent parts (e.g. the flowers of an inflorescence) all on one side; unilateral.
1813H. Muhlenberg Catal. Plantarum Americæ Septentrionalis 49 One-sided Hawthorn.1832J. Lindley Introd. Bot. iv. 413 One-sided..; having all the parts by twists in their stalks turned one way; as the flowers of Antholyza.1875W. McIlwraith Guide Wigtownshire 48 On the right is a one-sided street.a1902Mod. Bot. The one-sided inflorescence of the lily of the valley, of the toothwort.1945Step & Jackson Wayside & Woodland Ferns (ed. 2) 25 Wilson's Filmy-fern... Known also as the One-sided Filmy-fern.
c. Existing or occurring on one side only.
1864Webster, One-sided..2. (Bot.) Growing on one side of a stem; as, one-sided flowers.1884Bower & Scott De Bary's Phaner. 360 The usually one-sided sclerosis of the endodermis.1899Allbutt's Syst. Med. VI. 580 Cases in which local syncope is predominantly and perhaps exclusively, one-sided.
Hence one-ˈsidedly adv.; one-ˈsidedness.
1856Mem. Fred. Perthes II. xvii. 272 Insisting onesidedly on the authority of the Church.1899Sweet Hist. Lang. i. 1 To look at language from a more or less onesidedly formal or logical point of view.
1831J. S. Mill Let. 20–22 Oct. (1910) I. 11 The next thing that struck me was the extreme comprehensiveness and philosophic spirit which is in him [sc. Wordsworth]. By these expressions I mean the direct antithesis of what the Germans most expressively call one-sidedness.1835Penny Cycl. IV. 246/2 What has been aptly termed one-sidedness of mind.1838E. FitzGerald Lett. 8 June (1889) I. 44 With a good deal of pedantry and onesidedness (do you know this German word?).1893J. Orr Chr. View God ii. 55 Opposite one-sidednesses correct each other.1974tr. Wertheim's Evolution & Revolution i. 20 Another factor contributing to a rather general rejection of ‘evolutionism’..was connected with a certain one-sidedness in evolutionary views, as propagated about 1900.1977South China Morning Post (Hong Kong) 13 Apr. 13/6 To avoid accusations of one-sidedness and to round out the image of his subject, Dr. Abrahamsen spoke to a number of Mr. Nixon's admirers.

