
单词 water-drinker
释义 ˈwater-ˌdrinker
1. A drinker of water, one who drinks water in preference to wine or other liquors; now usually spec. a total abstainer.
c1440Promp. Parv. 518/2 Water drynkare, aquebibus.1546J. Heywood Prov. ii. v. (1867) 59 A falser water drinker there liueth not.1599B. Jonson Cynthia's Rev. i. iv. 1 What! the wel-dieted Amorphus become a water-drinker?1638T. Whitaker Blood of Grape 31 When as water or small-beere-drinkers look like Apes rather then men.1765Sterne Tr. Shandy viii. v, A water-drinker, provided he is a professed one, and does it without fraud or covin, is precisely in the same predicament.1815Wordsw. Poems Pref. ad fin., Though myself a water-drinker, I cannot resist the pleasure of transcribing what follows.1882F. M. Crawford Mr. Isaacs 7 A water-drinker in India is always a phenomenon.
b. In the early Christian Church, an epithet applied to those who in the celebration of the Sacrament used water instead of wine. Obs.
1562[T. Cooper] Answ. Def. Truth viii. 59 Cyprian wrate against those that were called Aquarij, waterdrinkers.
2. One who drinks the ‘waters’ at a spa.
1707Jos. Browne (title), An Account of the Wonderful Cures Perform'd by the Cold Baths, With Advice to the Water Drinkers at Tunbridge, Hampstead,..and all the other Chalibeate Spaws.1837Dickens Pickw. xxxvi, A golden inscription [in the pump-room], to which all the water-drinkers should attend.1889Gretton Memory's Harkback 188 It was great fun to see the troop of water-drinkers in the early morning marching up and down..each with an empty wine-glass in hand, which from time to time they got replenished, according to the dose of mineral water prescribed for them.

