
单词 jaboticaba
释义 jaboticaba|dʒæbɒtɪˈkɑːbə|
Also jabuticaba.
An evergreen Brazilian tree, Myrciaria (or Eugenia) cauliflora, of the family Myrtaceæ, which bears clusters of white flowers and purple fruits directly on the trunk and branches; also, the fruit of this tree.
1824H. E. Lloyd tr. Spix & Martius's Trav. Brazil II. iii. ii. 85 A light and agreeable wine is also prepared from the fruits of the jabuticaba (Myrtus cauliflora).1862Chambers's Encycl. IV. 161/1 E[ugenia] cauliflora, a Brazilian species,..yields a very fine fruit of a black colour, about the size of a greengage plum, called the Jabuticaba.1931B. Miall tr. Guenther's Naturalist in Brazil iv. 79 In the Jaboticaba, a myrtle-tree, even the trunk looks as though beaded with the blue-black fruits, about the size of a damson, that seem to be nailed on to the bark.1974F. N. Howes Dict. Useful Plants 132 Jaboticaba (Braz[il]) Myrciaria, esp. M. cauliflora, (Braz. grape), fr[uit] ed[ible], used for wine and jelly.

