
单词 melling
释义 melling, vbl. n. Obs.|ˈmɛlɪŋ|
Also 4 meling.
[f. mell v.2 + -ing1.]
The action of the vb. mell.
1. Blending, combining; mixture.
c1350Will. Palerne 5257, & to meliors his quene bi messageres nobul, as to here lege lord lelli bi riȝt, þurth meling of þe mariage of meliors þe schene.c1375Sc. Leg. Saints xxi. (Clement) 399, & of þe planetis sic mellynge In þe tyme of engendryng gerris weman do adultery.1375Barbour Bruce v. 406 Meill, malt, blude, and vyne Ran all to-gidder in a mellyne.
2. Copulation.
c1375Sc. Leg. Saints xxxii. (Justin) 339 For gyf sic mellyng suld nocht be..al kynd of man..suld falȝe.14..Lydg. Life Our Lady xx. vi. (MS. Ashm. 39. lf. 32), Eke certeyn birdes called vultures Wt outten mellyng [v.r. medelinge] conceyven by nature.
3. The action of mixing in fight or joining in combat. melling while, time of combat.
c1350Will. Palerne 3858 Meliadus in þat meling while a sturne strok set William on his stelen helm.1375Barbour Bruce vii. 481 It is hard till vndirtak Sic mellyng vith ȝow for to mak.c1475Partenay 1326 Ther full gret affray was at ther mellyng.
4. Dealing; intercourse; meddling.
c1440W. Hylton's Mixed Life (MS. Thornton) in Hampole (ed. Horstman) I. 276 By-cause of mellynge [c 1375 MS. Vern., medlyng] with swilke besynes.1564Reg. Privy Council Scot. I. 279 Nane of oure Soverane Ladiis liegis have traffique, cumpany, or melling with thame.1579Sc. Acts Jas. VI (1814) III. 182/1 Inhibiting the personis now displacet of all further melling and intromissioun with the saidis rentis.1596Spenser F.Q. v. xii. 35 That euery matter worse was for her melling.1603Philotus (1835) cxlv. Than how could wee twa disagree, That neuer had na melling.

