
单词 leally
释义 leally, adv.|ˈliːlɪ|
Forms: 4 lellik, -ich(e, -yche, leellich(e, leelly, lelli, leleli, lelyly, lelik, leeliche, leli, leyly, 4–5 lelly, lely, lele, 4–6 lelely, 5–6 lelile, -y, 6 leillellie, lelalie, lealie, leallelie, leily, 9 leally.
[f. leal a. + -ly2.]
1. Loyally, faithfully, truly.
a1300Cursor M. 1955 (Gött.) All þat wil leleli [Cott. lely; Fairf. lele] hald þair lede.Ibid. 3818 (Cott.) Of all þe god he dos me weild Lelik [Gött. lelely] his tend i sal him yeild.13..E.E. Allit. P. B. 1066 & lelly louy þy lorde & his leef worþe.c1340Cursor M. 22777 (Edin.) Þai foluis lellik al his laues.c1394P. Pl. Crede 639 Þat leeueþ fulliche on God & lellyche þenkeþ On his lore and his lawe.c1400Destr. Troy 3875 Was neuer kyng..lellier louyt ledys of his aune.c1460Towneley Myst. xviii. 182 Thise ar the commaundmentys ten, who so will lely layt.a1578Lindesay (Pitscottie) Chron. Scot. (S.T.S.) I. 21 [He] sould stand his freind leillellie and trewlie.1588in Beveridge Culross & Tulliallan I. iv. 125 They suld use the offices faythfullie and lealie till all persones.1597Skene De Verb. Sign. s.v. Iter, The dempster..sall leallelie and trewlie, vse and exerce his office.1773Fergusson Poems (1807) 304 Sae lealy I'll propone defences, As yet ye flung for my expences.1837R. Nicoll Poems (1843) 123 The men..Who by Scotland, my country, stood leally and true.
2. Truly, really, actually. Obs.
c1350Will. Palerne 95 Þere walked he a-boute þe walles to winne in siȝt; & at þe last lelly a litel hole he findes.Ibid. 117 But lelliche þat ladi in ȝouþe hadde lerned miche schame.1377Langl. P. Pl. B. xii. 174 He that knoweth clergye can sonner aryse Out of synne..than any lewed lelly [C. xv. 113 sothliche].a1400Relig. Pieces fr. Thornton MS. (1867) 30 For þat oure saule es lelly lyke vn-till þe lyknes of þe ffadyr, and þe Sone, and þe Haly Gaste.c1475Rauf Coilȝear 313 Tell me now lelely quhat is thy richt name.

