
单词 nitta
释义 ˈnitta Bot.
Also nutta.
[Native name.]
A West African tree (Parkia africana or biglandula), also found in tropical Asia and introduced into the West Indies, bearing pods which contain edible pulp and seeds. Also nitta-tree.
1797M. Park Trav. (1799) 336 The yellow powder which is found in the pods of the nitta, so called by the natives, a species of mimosa.1805Jrnl. Mission Africa 14 May, One of the soldiers having collected some of the fruit of the Nitta trees.1847Nat. Encycl. I. 264 In the tropical regions of Africa we meet with..the nitta or doura tree.1866Treas. Bot s.v. Parkia, The African Locust tree (Nitta or Nutta of the negroes),..attaining thirty or forty feet in height.1887C. A. Moloney Forestry W. Africa 339.

