
单词 nase
释义 I. nase, n. Obs.
Also 5 nace, nasse.
[OE. nasu = MDu. nase, OHG. nasa fem., nose (MHG. nase, nas, G. nase), ON. nǫs (:—*nasu) nostril (pl. nasar), related to Lith. nósis, OSl. nosŭ (Russ. nos), Skr. nas-, and with difference in vowel-grade to L. nāsus nose, nārēs nostrils, Skr. nāsā nose. The relationship to OE. nosu nose is obscure; see also nese.]
The nose.
a1000Laws Ethelb. in Thorpe Laws I. 14 ᵹif nasu þyrel weorð.Ibid. 16 ᵹif man oðerne mid fyste in naso slæhþ.c1050Vocab. in Wr.-Wülcker 264 Columpna, eall seo nasu. Pirula, forewerd nasu.1390Gower Conf. III. 202 His nase of and his lippes bothe He kutte.c1400Destr. Troy 7031 The noble kyng in the nase hade an euyll wound.c1407Lydg. Reson & Sens. 3553 Huge boolys of metal, With flavme..Which yssed out at nasse and mouthe.c1440J. Capgrave Life St. Kath. ii. 1321 To ȝeue mankynd bothe nase, eye & tothe. [1886Rochdale Gloss., Nase (old), the nose.]
II. nase, a. Obs. Cant.
[Of obscure etym. Cf. nazy.]
Drunken, intoxicated; intoxicating (liquor).
a1550Hye Way to Spittel Hous in Hazl. E.P.P. IV. 69 With bousy cove maimed nace.Ibid., For my watch it is nace gere.1567Harman Caveat (1869) 86 Now I tower that bene bouse makes nase nabes.
III. nase, adv. Obs. rare.
[f. na adv.1 + -se, as in OE. nese no, ᵹese yes.]
Not, by no means.
c1315Shoreham i. 1862 Ne forþe þe moder þet hyt beer, Ne woldest þou nase y-faȝe.Ibid. 1873, 1890.
IV. nase
variant of naze, headland.

