
单词 permanent
释义 permanent, a. (n.)|ˈpɜːmənənt|
[ad. L. permanēnt-em, pr. pple. of permanēre to stay to the end, f. per- 1, 2 + manēre to stay; perh. through F. permanent (14th c.), OF. perma-, parmenant (13th c. in Godef.).]
1. a. Continuing or designed to continue indefinitely without change; abiding, lasting, enduring; persistent. Opposed to temporary.
1432–50tr. Higden (Rolls) II. 255 Other thynges be permanente as thei were [Higden cætera autem permanent].1481Caxton Myrr. Prol. 1 Wordes ben perisshyng vayne & forgeteful, And writynges duelle & abide permanent.1526Pilgr. Perf. (W. de W. 1531) 16 We haue no dwellyng place ne Cite here permanent.1610Willet Hexapla Dan. 80 A stable and permanent knowledge.1780Harris Philol. Enq. Wks. (1841) 467 Human institutions perish, but nature is permanent.1832H. Martineau Demerara ii. 25 There was a permanent population of 300 slaves on the estate at that time.1869E. A. Parkes Pract. Hygiene (ed. 3) 117 In permanent barracks a man is allowed 600 cubic feet [of air].
b. That remains fixed, motionless. Obs. rare—1.
1588Greene Perimedes 32 Richesse is..as brittle as Glasse, standing vpon a Globe that is neuer permanent.
c. Bot. = persistent a. Opposed to fugacious.
1785Martyn Rousseau's Bot. v. (1794) 53 These [styles] are permanent, or continue after the petals and stamens fall off.1847in Craig.
d. In special collocations: as permanent alimony, alimony granted for life to a woman who obtains legal separation from her husband: see quot. 1833; permanent blue, artificial ultramarine; permanent dye, a long-lasting dye used in hairdressing; permanent gas, a name formerly given to those gases which were supposed to be incapable of liquefaction, as oxygen, hydrogen; permanent hardness, hardness of water that is not removable by boiling; permanent magnet, a magnet whose property continues after the magnetizing current has ceased to pass through it; so permanent magnetism; permanent pasture, land left unploughed for a long period, used for growing grass; permanent press, a process designed to produce lasting creases in materials for clothing; the fabric treated in this way; permanent rank: see quot. 1867; permanent revolution, a concept orig. attributed to L. D. Trotsky (1879–1940) which envisaged the dependence of Russia's bourgeois and proletarian revolution on a continuing process of European revolutions; also transf.; permanent secretary, a senior grade of the civil service, now normally denoting a permanent administrative officer of the highest grade in a Department of State; permanent set (Mech.), a deformation that remains after the removal of the stress that produced it; permanent tint = permanent dye above; permanent tooth, one of those which last during life, as opp. to a milk-tooth; permanent under-secretary, (a) a senior permanent adviser to a minister who is a Secretary of State; (b) a senior grade of the civil service below that of a permanent secretary and normally applied to the head of a division within a Department of State; permanent wave, a special process designed to produce a lasting wave in the hair (also as v.); the wave so produced; so permanent waver, permanent waving; permanent way (road), the finished road-bed of a railway, as distinguished from a contractor's temporary way; also attrib.; permanent white, ‘sulphate of barium, used as a water-colour pigment’ (Watts Dict. Chem. 1866–77).
1833Penny Cycl. I. 340/1 It [alimony] may be either temporary or permanent:..in the second case, when a decree of divorce has been obtained,..a permanent provision may be given to her [the wife].
1886H. C. Standage Artists' Man. Pigments iii. 32 Permanent Blue is a pale ultramarine with a cobalt hue.1895Montgomery Ward Catal. Spring & Summer 252/3 Artists Tube Oil Colors... Permanent Blue.1939–40Army & Navy Stores Catal. 372/2 Moist water colours... Permanent mauve..Permanent blue.1881Syd. Soc. Lex. s.v. Cartilage, Cartilage is..permanent when it remains such during life.1966J. S. Cox Illustr. Dict. Hairdressing 110/2 Permanent dye, a dye in which the susceptibility to lose colour under normal conditions has been reduced to a minimum.
1871B. Stewart Heat §65 The three permanent gases which have never been liquified.
1888Encycl. Brit. XXIV. 409/1 The remaining or permanent hardness consists of sulphate of lime and other soluble salts.1969H. T. Evans tr. Hägg's Gen. & Inorg. Chem. xxvi. 666 Carbonate precipitation on boiling causes the water to lose its carbonate hardness or temporary hardness while a permanent hardness remains.
1840Barham Ingol. Leg. Ser. 1. Jackd. Rheims, A Cardinal's Hat mark'd in ‘permanent ink’.
1828F. Watkins Pop. Sk. Electro-Magnetism 12 If a steel needle be inserted in a coil and removed again immediately, it will become a permanent magnet.1879tr. Du Moncel's Telephone 53 Operated by permanent magnets in place of batteries.
1827J. Cumming Man. Electro Dynamics 259 If it be possible to give permanent magnetism to steel by this species of electricity.1965A. H. Morrish Physical Princ. Magn. i. 1 Permanent and induced magnetism represent two of man's earliest scientific discoveries.
1861M. H. Sutton in Jrnl. R. Agric. Soc. XXII. 416 (title) Laying down land to permanent pasture.Ibid. 421 We offer the foregoing hints, on laying down permanent pastures, &c., founded on our own experience and observation during full thirty years.1897W. S. Everitt Pract. Notes Grass & Grass Growing E. Anglia iii. 44 First select the land which is suitable for a permanent pasture.1924W. J. Malden Grassland Farming viii. 101 If permanent pasture seeds are sown in the spring without a corn crop, they may or may not..make growth which will be valuable to feed during the first summer.1968F. W. Gould Grass Systematics i. 5 Geese feed extensively on rice..and also take significant amounts of forage from temporary and permanent pastures of the Gulf Coastal Prairie.
1964Mod. Textiles Mag. Dec. 55 (heading) Garments with permanent press finishes.Ibid. 55/2 The concept of permanent press finish... is being widely..exploited in the men's and boys' casual and work slacks market.Ibid. 59/1 There are a number of competing processes now being offered..with claims of permanent creasing, permanent pressing, permanent shape retention, etc.1965Observer 10 Apr. 3/4 This new material..is generally known as ‘permanent-press’, a description which applies to a new process for treating cotton-and-Dacron goods so that they will never lose their shape or pleating.1967Family Herald 6 July 35/1 Permanent press involves treating the fabric chemically with a resin compound and then setting or ‘curing’ it by high heat in an oven.1969Time 18 Apr. 61 Foreign competition is most severe in man-made-fiber textiles, the most rapidly growing segment of the industry since advancing technology gave the world wash-'n'-wear shirts and permanent-press pants.1978N.Y. Times 30 Mar. a6/1 (Advt.), Made just for us by this top maker, a handsome selection of short sleeve shirts in solids, stripes, plaids and patterns. All in easy care permanent press polyester and cotton.
1867Smyth Sailor's Word.bk., Permanent rank, that given by commission, and which does not cease with any particular service.
1928Permanent revolution [see Menshevism].1942S. Neumann (title) Permanent revolution.1964I. Deutscher in Trotsky's Age of Permanent Revolution 18 Trotsky is deeply committed to one element in classical Marxism, its quintessential element: permanent revolution.1972D. Bloodworth Any Number can Play xx. 206 My fidelity to the Maoist theory of permanent revolution is absolute.1975Guardian 22 Jan. 10/1 Trotsky was the hero..and the notion of ‘permanent revolution’ was the great hope.
1825Tredgold Railroads 33 For permanent roads the rails are usually fixed by spikes driven into wooden plugs in the blocks of stone.
1867E. E. Bridges Treasury (1964) 233 My Lords are of opinion that the office should now be given a more substantive character than that of Assistant Secretary and they are pleased to direct that its title shall be that of ‘Permanent Secretary to the Treasury’.a1974R. Crossman Diaries (1975) I. 25 She continued the war, capturing Fred Willey and putting him in a room by himself in our Ministry while she got hold of his new Permanent Secretary, Mr Bishop, and lectured him.1976H. Wilson Governance of Britain iv. 99 The Treasury took the lead in setting up official inter-departmental committees, some at permanent-secretary level.
1822T. Tredgold Pract. Ess. Strength of Cast Iron ii. 24 The second table..is intended to show the greatest weight a beam of cast iron will bear in the middle of its length, when it is loaded with as much as it will bear, so as to recover its natural form when the load is removed. If a beam be loaded beyond that point, the equilibrium of its parts is destroyed, and it takes a permanent set.1888Permanent set [see set n.1 16].1935Jrnl. R. Aeronaut. Soc. XXXIX. 554 The highest stress in service should be below the true elastic limit of the material in order to avoid ‘permanent set’.1972E. N. Simons Testing of Metals i. 21 The proof stress..is the load or stress that, applied for a minimum period of 15 min, gives a plastic extension or permanent set of 0·1% (or 0·5% with certain alloys).
1836Penny Cycl. VI. 380/1 A calf has usually two front teeth when he is dropped,..these milk-teeth..gradually wear and fall out, and are replaced by the second and permanent teeth.
1966J. S. Cox Illustr. Dict. Hairdressing 110/2 Permanent tint, a euphemism for Permanent Dye.1968J. Ironside Fashion Alphabet 191 One very rarely hears the word ‘dyeing’ nowadays; it is always ‘tinting’. There are permanent tints (which last through the life of the hair); semi-permanent tints [etc.].
1904Rep. War Office (Reconstruction) Comm. ii. 9 in Parl. Papers (Cd. 1932) VIII. 101 The Council should consist of seven members—four military and three civil— with the Permanent Under-Secretary as Secretary.1917G. Bell Let. 20 July (1927) II. 420, I wish you would go and see Sir A. Hirtzel, the Permanent Under-Secretary.1959P. Fleming Siege at Peking vii. 106 The fullest account of what they did do is contained in a confidential letter written on 4 September by Sir Claude MacDonald to Mr Bertie, the Permanent Under-Secretary of State at the Foreign Office.1974P. Gore-Booth With Great Truth & Respect 324 The Permanent Under-Secretary of any department of Government is the senior official or civil servant in that department. The word ‘permanent’ is accurate in the sense that, if there is a change of government or of Secretary of State, you do not have to move out or even go through a formal process of resignation and reappointment.1978Illustr. London News Nov. 134/3 He certainly was an extraordinary figure—the last of the permanent under secretaries (PUS in professional jargon) to spend the whole of his effective career in Whitehall.
1909Hairdresser June 6/1 Children who have undergone the X-ray treatment for ringworm are growing curly hair... Would it be possible for a lady who desires to secure a permanent wave to undergo the treatment?1919Honey Pot I. ii. 1 (Advt.), Permanent waves... T. Vasco Ltd.1922U. Sinclair They call me Carpenter ix. 27 Would you like to see how we make eet—the permanent wave?1925Scribner's Mag. July 20 (Advt.), You will enjoy your permanent wave at Nestle's.1928Daily Express 23 Aug. 3/6 The curling irons and the tentacles of the permanent waver will be busier than ever in the autumn season.1928R. Macaulay Keeping up Appearances viii. 70, I want a permanent wave at twelve o'clock to-day.1932Woman's Pictorial 12 Mar. 14/2 What is a permanent wave? Answer (so far as my experience goes): a wave that is anything but permanent.1946Mod. Beauty Shop Dec. 128/2 Some hair which I permanent waved did not take the permanent.1964N. G. Clark Mod. Org. Chem. xvi. 352 If these linkages are broken (by reducing agents), the fibres bent to an artificial shape, and new disulphide linkages formed (by oxidizing agents), the fibres retain their new shape. This is the basis of ‘permanent-waving’ hair.1967O. Wynd Walk Softly v. 70 The Katsugis, celebrated for having dyed their long black hair bright orange, then permanent-waving it.1968J. Ironside Fashion Alphabet 196 At first permanent waving tended to give tight waves and curls, but over the past twenty years or so the tendency has been for a softer more natural looking permanent.1975Times 26 Aug. 12/8 Beauty salons..in the hectic flush of the permanent wave boom.
1838Mechanics' Mag. 13 Oct. 32/2 The permanent way between Deptford High-street and the Greenwich terminus, is in a very forward state. This portion of the line is laid on longitudinal wooden sleepers, with three-feet bearing.1842J. Pope in Proc. Inst. Civ. Eng. 72 Description of the permanent way of the South-eastern railway.1869Bradshaw's Railway Manual XXI. 392 Upwards of 4,000,000 L. was expended in England for permanent way materials, locomotives, stores, &c., sent out from that country.1879E. J. Simmons Mem. Station Master (1974) iii. 37 The station and line were occasionally enveloped in a very thick fog. On these occasions, we were allowed to employ one of the permanent-way men to stand all night on the line beyond the signals with his hand lamp.1888Times 15 Oct. 10/2 A railway accident, causing great damage..to the permanent way.1906Daily Chron. 31 Jan. 4/5 Instructions had been issued to the permanent-way staff to adhere..to the regulations.1926T. E. Lawrence Seven Pillars vi. lxxviii. 409 It was impossible to leave them joined up to the exploder in the proper way, since the spot was evident to the permanent-way patrols as they made their rounds.1957J. Bledlow Cotswolds in Colour 47 Work was being done on the permanent way.1967G. F. Fiennes I tried to run a Railway iv. 40 They took Ticket Inspector Whipp at Liverpool Street and threw him off the platform on to the permanent way.1973Railway Mag. Mar. 129/2 Five of these engines were kept for permanent-way and shunting duties at Neasden.
1842Francis Dict. Arts etc., Permanent White,..the sulphate of barytes, a valuable color for many purposes, as no chemical substance will decompose it or change its colours.1854Permanent white [see constant a. 4 f].1860C. M. Yonge Hopes & Fears I. i. iv. 108 The front was all over scaffolds and cement, in all stages of colour, from rich brown to permanent white.1934H. Hiler Notes Technique Painting ii. 89 Permanent white (a special preparation of oxide of zinc prepared for oil painting).
2. Of persons: Continuing steadfast in a course.
1432–50tr. Higden (Rolls) IV. 349 The sonnes and doȝhters of the seide Nicholas were permanente [permanserint] in chastite alle the tyme of theire life.a1548Hall Chron., Edw. IV 213 b, All the tounes..wer permanent and stiffe on the parte of kyng Henry.
3. absol. or as n.
a. the permanent, that which endures or persists.
b. A permanent person or thing.
c. See quot. 1882.
1826Lamb Elia Ser. ii. Pop. Fallacies ii, Sharp distinctions of the fluctuating and the permanent.1856Dove Logic Chr. Faith vi. §6. 413 This spiritual life is the permanent of humanity.1882Caulfeild & Saward Dict. Needlework, Permanents, these are cotton cloths, of a light description, similar in texture to Turkey Cambrics; some of them have a slight glaze. They are dyed in a variety of colours, and are much employed for the trimming of dresses.1891H. Jones Browning 229 If man be..a permanent that always changes from earliest childhood to old age.
d. = permanent wave above.
1926Hairdressing 10 Sept. 241/1 This can only be done by superior work; namely, excellent setting of the finished permanent.1932New Yorker 4 June 64/3 (Advt.), A deep-wave marcel permanent styled for you alone in the modern manner.1939A. Huxley After Many a Summer ii. i. 6 Facials, Permanents, Manicures... Next door to the beauty shoppe was a Western Union office.1941J. C. Furnas How Amer. Lives 324 Twice a year she goes to a beauty shop to have a new ‘permanent’.1948E. Waugh Loved One 78 Permanents, facials, wax—everything you get in a beauty parlour.1951E. Paul Springtime in Paris v. 117 Is there anything wrong with Yvette's beauty parlour..? I'm going there this afternoon—for a permanent. I hope it lasts a week.1974New Yorker 3 June 90/2 It is not uncommon for a woman to be receiving a permanent in one barber chair while a man is shaved in the other.1976N. Thornburg Cutter & Bone xii. 283 Their women were..constantly fussing with yesterday's permanents.

