
单词 whatliche
释义 whatliche, adv. Obs.
Forms: 1 hwætlice, 3 hwatliche, Orm. whattlike; compar. 3 watloker, 4 whatloker(e, -likere; superl. 4 whatlokest.
[OE. hwætlíce, f. hwæt what a.2 + -líce -ly2.]
a1000Ags. Ps. (Th.) cxxxvii[i]. 4 [3] Ᵹehyr me hwætlice.c1200Ormin 12166 Þatt deofell let te Laferrd seon Whattlike inn an hanndwhile Off all þiss wide middellærd Þe kinedomess alle.a1250Owl & Night. 1708 Þeos hule spac wel baldeliche, For þah heo nadde swo hwatliche Ifare after hire here, Heo walde neoþeles ȝefe answere.
b. compar. Sooner, more readily, rather; superl. soonest.
c1200Vices & Virtues 87 Bute ðu iswik, ðe hwatliker hit te scall æure ma rewen.1297R. Glouc. (Rolls) 8846 Worri he wolde watloker mid worde þan mid arme.c1300Beket (Percy Soc.) 1249 And whatlokere [v.r. wel raþur] scholde such an heȝ man ne come he noȝt so sone, And nother ich ne he habbeth with oure bischops to done.a1305St. Kenelm 315 in E.E.P. (1862) 56 Wheþer of þuse tuei schires whatlokest miȝte awake Al sauf scholde wende forþ.13..Leg. Rood 30/142 Þe raþer [v.r. whatlikere] it him was uorȝeue.

