
单词 whilend
释义 whilend, a. Obs.
[OE. hwílende, rare var. of hwílwende (cf. whilwendlic), f. hwíl while n. + wend- to turn, wend v.]
a1050Liber Scintill. ix. (1889) 49 Hi na to þære hwilendre mihtan dædbote becuman.c1175Lamb. Hom. 7 Þeos world is whilende and ontful and swiðe lewe.a1225Ancr. R. 182 Vorte beon martirs efning, þuruh a wilninde [v.r. hwilinde] wo.c1230Hali Meid. 35 For þat hwilende [v.r. hwilinde] lust.a1272O.E. Misc. 94 Þis world fareþ hwilynde hwenne on cumeþ an oþer goþ.

