
单词 alchemister
释义 ˈalchemister Obs.
Forms 4–5 alcamister, -ystre, alkamyster(e, -istre, 5–6 alchymister, 6 alcumister.
[f. OFr. alquemiste, alkemiste + -er1, the native termination of the agent being added, as in barrist-er, chorist-er, astronom-er, etc.]
The earlier form of alchemist.
c1386Chaucer Can. Yeom. Prol. & T. 651 Whan this alcamister saugh his tyme [v.r. alcamystre, alkamystre, -mistre, -mystere, -mistrie].1477Norton Ord. Alch. in Ashm. (1652) 10 An Alchimister wise.1576Baker tr. Gesner's Jewell of Health 173 b, A certaine Alchymister in Padua.1586J. Ferne Blaz. Gentrie Of the nature of Alcumisters.

