
单词 amanse
释义 aˈmanse, v. Obs.
Forms: 1 amánsumi-an, ? amánsi-an, 2–3 amansi-en, amansi, 4 amonsi.
[f. a- prefix 1 out, away + mánsum familiar, intimate + -i-an verbal formative; lit. to dis-familiarize, to put out of intimacy. (Has been erroneously said to be derived from somnung, samnung, congregation.) The contraction to amansi-an app. began in OE. as one MS. of Cnut's Secular Laws has pa. pple. amánsod = amánsumod.]
To excommunicate, anathematize.
c800Bæda iv. §17 (Bosw.) We amansumiaþ mid heortan & mid muþe ða ðe hi amansumedan.c1175Lamb. Hom. 45 Amansed beo þe mon þe sunne-dei nulle iloken.a1250Owl & Night. 1307 Heo were ifurn of prestes muþe Amansed.1297R. Glouc. 474 He amansede alle thulke, that such vnriȝt adde ido.c1308Pol. Songs 196 To extredite and amonsi al That lafful men doth robbi.

