
单词 fleshly
释义 fleshly, a. and adv.|ˈflɛʃlɪ|
[OE. flǽsclic, f. flǽsc, flesh + -lic, -ly1.]
A. adj.
I. Of or pertaining to the flesh, i.e. the body.
1. a. Of or pertaining to bodily appetites and indulgences; carnal, lascivious, sensual. Rarely of persons: Given up to bodily lusts; = carnal 3.
c888K. ælfred Boeth. xxxi. §1 Hwæt godes maᵹan we secᵹan on þa flæsclican unþeawas.c1000ælfric Hom. II. 100 Unrihtlic bið þæt se cristena mann flæsclice lustas ᵹefremme.c1200Trin. Coll. Hom. 63 Wiðtieð ȝiu fro flesliche lustes.a1300Cursor M. 26364 (Cott.) Flessely sin es lucheri.1382Wyclif 1 Pet. ii. 11 Fleschly desijris..fiȝten aȝens the soule.c1440Hylton Scala Perf. (W. de W. 1494) ii. viii, All the flesshly felynge of this synfull ymage.1533Frith Answ. Fisher (1829) 194 Fleshly men..that follow their own lusts and appetites.a1592H. Smith Wks. (1867) II. 410 The religion of Mahomet is fleshly, consisting in natural delights and corporal pleasures.1602Marston Antonio's Rev. iv. ii. Wks. 1856 I. 119 Shall justice sleepe In fleshly lethargie?1714Pope Epil. Rowe's Jane Shore 21 The godly dame, who fleshly failings damns.1826Scott Woodst. xxix, What he called a fleshly frailty..was in truth an attachment to strong liquors.1872R. Buchanan (title) The Fleshly School of Poetry and other Phenomena of the day.1881W. S. Gilbert Patience, Dramatis Personae..Reginald Bunthorne (a Fleshly Poet).1882[see æsthetic a. 4].1961New English Bible John i. 13 Not born of any human stock, or by the fleshly desire of a human father.
b. Sexual; = carnal 3 b. Obs.
a1300Cursor M. 10874 (Cott.) Hu sal i brede, Þat neuer hadd part of flessli dede of man?1483Caxton G. de la Tour E vj b, [She] coueyted to haue his flesshely companye.1485Act 1 Hen. VII, c. 4 Advoutry, Fornication, Incest, or any other fleshly Incontinency.
2. Connected by, or based upon, ties of flesh and blood; natural. = carnal 2. Obs.
c900Bæda's Hist. i. xvi. [xxvii.] (1890) 68 Ða goodan fædras ᵹewuniað heora flæslecu bearn.a1225Juliana 5 Hire fleschliche feder wes affrican ihaten.a1300Cursor M. 20068 (Cott.) Saint iohan þat was his flexsli kinesman.14..Prose Legends in Anglia VIII. 117 This mayden was his fleschly cosyn.1513More in Grafton Chron. (1568) II. 760 Fleshly consanguinitie.1578Gude & G. Ball. (1868) 29 We our fleschely father dreid.
3. ‘Natural’, unredeemed, unregenerate; = carnal 5.
971Blickl. Hom. 19 Þa flæslican willan.c1200Ormin 17276 To shæwenn himm whatt wise Flæshlike mann maȝȝ wurrþenn gast.1526Tindale Rom. viii. 7 That the flesshly mynde is enmyte against God.1550Crowley Epigr. 1035 That wyth theyr fleshly fansey They may make it [Scripture] agre.1871Ruskin Fors Clav. xxiv. (1872) 10 Avaricious..in an instinctive, fleshly way.
4. Of or pertaining to the material body, mortal; material as opposed to spiritual; human as opposed to divine. the fleshly eye: the bodily eye. Now rare. = carnal 1.
c1200Ormin 12112 Ne mihhte he nohht þurrh flæshlic eȝhess sihhþe Seon þære [etc.].a1225Leg. Kath. 914 Ðus he schrudde & hudde him..wið ure fleschliche schrud.13..E.E. Allit. P. A. 1081 An-vnder mone so gret merwayle No fleschly hert ne myȝt endeure.1382Wyclif 2 Chron. xxxii. 8 With hym is the fleschely arm; with us the Lord oure God.1413Pilgr. Sowle (Caxton) i. i. (1859) 1, I had made an ende and fully fynyshed my fleshely pylgremage.1435Misyn Fire of Love (E.E.T.S.) 61 With fflescly eyn bodily þingis ar seyn.1590Spenser F.Q. ii. x. 50 Th' eternall Lord in fleshly slime Enwombed was.1607Rowlands Famous Hist. 67 My golden Scepter, in a fleshly hand, Is taken from me by another King.1732Berkeley Alciphr. iv. §14, I never imagined it could be pretended that we saw God with our fleshly eyes.1874Blackie Self-Cult. 10 The soul of a man underlies his features and his fleshly framework.
5. Pertaining to, concerned with, or influenced by the present life, and considerations connected with it; worldly. Now rare. = carnal 4.
c1200Ormin 4852 All flæshliȝ care & serrȝhe.1450–1530Myrr. our Ladye 33 The hartes.. of flesshely people be harde.1531Tindale Exp. 1 John (1537) 38 They preach hym falselye vnto theyr fleshly vauntage.a1591R. Greenham Short forme Catechising Wks. (1599) 418 Fleshly hatred of our enemies.1648Cromwell Let. 25 Nov. in Ann. Reg. (1765) 52 Our fleshly reasonings ensnare us.1798Missionary Mag. No. 24. 217 Simplicity and godly sincerity, as opposed to fleshly wisdom, strongly marked his character.1875Manning Mission H. Ghost i. 22 The man of flesh and blood, of fleshly reasons.
II. With reference to flesh (as a substance).
6. Well furnished with flesh; fat, plump; = fleshy 1. Obs.
c1374Chaucer Troylus iii. 1199 (1248) Her sidis longe, fleishely, smoothe, and white He gan to stroke.1422tr. Secreta Secret., Priv. Priv. (E.E.T.S.) 226 Men whyche haue fleshly theghes and not bony.1562Turner Baths 8 b, They are good for them that are to fatt and fleshlye.1651Life Father Sarpi (1676) 97 Looking him in the face you would rather have thought it fleshly than otherwise.1694Acc. Sev. Late Voy. ii. (1711) 92 They are very good Food..fleshly and fattish.
7. a. Consisting of flesh: = fleshy 2. ? Obs.
1541R. Copland Guydon's Quest. Chirurg. E iv a, Substaunce flesshely, bony, and cartilagynous.1591Spenser M. Hubberd 1090 The Tygre, and the Bore..seeking to take occasion Upon his fleshly corpse to make invasion.1654Vilvain Epit. Ess. v. lxxx. 116 b, Caling such Animals as liv on Land Flesh; and thos that dwel in Water Fish; yet in Nature the Bodies of both are Fleshly.1853Kane Grinnell Exp. xlvi. (1856) 423 A smiling country, like a smiling face, needs some provision of fleshly integuments.
b. esp. of the heart: Soft, as opposed to ‘stony’; tender; = fleshy 2 c.
1382Wyclif 2 Cor. iii. 3 Not in stoony tablis, but in fleischly tablis of herte.1541Barnes Wks. (1573) 362/2 Then taketh hee awaye our stony hart, and geueth vs a fleshly hart.1590Marlowe 2nd Pt. Tamburl. ii. ii, Can there be such..treason in the fleshly heart of man.1856Mrs. Browning Aur. Leigh iv. 1192 Enough for me and for my fleshly heart To hearken the invocations of my kind.
c. Of a leaf: = fleshy 2 d. Obs.
1657W. Coles Adam in Eden lxviii, The common Orpine riseth..with fat and fleshly Leaves.
8. Of a hound: Fond of flesh. Obs. rare.
1576Turberv. Venerie 25 You should not feede haryers with fleshe..for if you do, they will become fleshly and gyuen to hunte great beastes of chace.
III. 9. Comb., as fleshly-minded adj., fleshly-mindedness.
1528Tindale Wicked Mammon Wks. I. 105 Were altogether worldly and fleshly-minded.1621Burton Anat. Mel. iii. iv. ii. i. (1651) 685 They are in a reprobate sense mere carnalists, fleshly minded men.1840Hare Mission Comf. iii. (1850) 77 In every man there is a root of carnal or fleshlymindedness.
B. adv. Obs.
1. a. In bodily form, corporeally; as regards the body, ‘in the flesh’; = carnally adv. 1.
c1230Hali Meid. 19 Þat ȝet þer he wuneð fleschliche on eorðe.c1250Old Kentish Serm. in O.E. Misc. 27 And offre we Gostliche to ure lorde, þet [h]i offrede flesliche.c1440York Myst. xlvi. 77 To rise flesshly, i-wis.
b. In a material or physical sense or manner; materially as opposed to spiritually.
c1200Ormin 16257 Flæshlike follc, i flæshliȝ lif Flæshlike all unnderrstondenn Þe Laferrd Cristess word, tatt wass Gastlike tunnderrstanndenn.c1386Chaucer Pars. T. ⁋259 Of þilk adam..flesschly descendit be we alle.1635E. Pagitt Christianogr. i. iii. (1636) 196 If any man taketh it fleshly; it profiteth nothing.
2. a. Carnally, sensually.
a1225Ancr. R. 58 Þu þæt dest eni þing hwarof þer mon is fleschliche ivonded of þe.c1386Chaucer Pars. T. ⁋128 Children that whylom loueden so fleshly euerich other.1612T. Taylor Comm. Titus ii. 4 Nature can loue naturally, that is, fleshly..but not holily.
b. In the way of sexual intercourse, sexually; = carnally adv. 2.
c1175Lamb. Hom. 77 Na mon mine likame irineð ne mid me flesliche nefde to donne.1303R. Brunne Handl. Synne 2009 Ȝyf þou euer þy wyfe lay by Yn tyme of penaunce, to seye flesshely..Þou synnest gretly.1494Fabyan Chron. vi. cc. 224 He put her nat from his bedde, nor yet delte wt her flesshely.1585T. Washington tr. Nicholay's Voy. iv. xxxiii. 155 b, If.. he was found not able to live with her so fleshly, as his youth required.
3. Comb., as fleshly-wise adj.
1542Becon Pathw. Prayer xviii. I j a, Seme it neuer so godly, vertuous and good in the syght of fleshly wyse men.

