
单词 triclinic
释义 triclinic, a. Cryst.|traɪˈklɪnɪk|
[f. Gr. τρι- tri- + κλῑ́ν-ειν to incline, lean, slope + -ic.]
Applied to that system of crystalline forms in which the three axes are unequal and obliquely inclined (also called anorthic, tetartoprismatic, or doubly oblique); belonging to this system.
1854Dana Min. Introd. (ed. 4) 29 In the Triclinic System, the three axes are unequal, and all the intersections are oblique.1869Roscoe Elem. Chem. (1871) 267 Copper sulphate..crystallizes in large blue crystals belonging to the triclinic system.1897Geikie Anc. Volcanoes Gt. Brit. I. 27 The bottom of the flow was thickly crowded with triclinic felspars and augites.

