
单词 tourmalinize
释义 ˈtourmaliˌnize, v.
[f. tourmaline + -ize.]
trans. To impregnate or charge with tourmaline. Hence ˈtourmalinized ppl. a., ˈtourmalinizing vbl. n.; ˌtourmaliniˈzation, the process or state of being tourmalinized.
1899Bull. Geol. Soc. Amer. X. 23 As the vein widens the tourmalinizing of the schist becomes less and less marked.Ibid., Fragments of this tourmalinized schist are thickly strewn along both sides of the road.Ibid. 24 A more intense tourmalinization is to be noticed in the immediate vicinity of the veins.Ibid. 26 The hornfels..has been tourmalinized on both sides of the vein.1908Amer. Jrnl. Sc. Apr. 323 Along the margin..the granite is often strongly tourmalinized.1946Geol. Survey Nigeria Bull. No. 17. 56 The altered country-rock on the hanging-wall has been recrystallized and tourmalinized to form a rock composed of brown biotite..and tourmaline.1982D. S. Sutherland Igneous Rocks of Brit. Isles xxiii. 318/2 The second stage of tourmalinization followed the second stage of greisening, using the same channels.Ibid. 524/1 The tourmalinized varieties of the granitic rocks are of such striking appearance that they have given rise to several special names.

