
单词 crease
释义 I. crease, n.1 Obs.
Also 5 crese, cres.
[f. crease v.]
= increase n.
c1440Promp. Parv. 101 Crese, or increse..excrescencia.1530Palsgr. 210/2 Crease, encrease, reuenues, augmentation.1568T. Howell Arb. Amitie (1879) 19 The more it comes vnto the crease of yeres, The more it faylth.1575Art of Planting 13 In the crease of the Moone.
II. crease, n.2|kriːs|
Also 6 creaste, 7 creast.
[Origin and early history unknown.
Goes with crease v.2; it does not appear whether the n. or the vb. had priority. In the n. the spelling creast(e appears in the 16th and 17th c., but perh. merely by confusion with crest, of which creast was a variant. The verb had from the beginning very frequently the form cress, which is the current form both of vb. and n. in Sc. The spelling ea suggests French origin, as in cease, grease, lease, peace, please, etc. But no cognate Fr. word has been found. The suggestions of connexion with Breton krīz, crease, wrinkle, or Ger. kraus, MHG. krûs, must on obvious phonetic grounds be discarded.]
1. The line or mark produced on the surface of anything by folding; a furrow in a surface, such as is caused by folding; a fold, wrinkle, ridge. spec. In trousers.
1578Lyte Dodoens vi. xl. 709 [Peach] a fleshy pulpe..in the middest whereof is a rough harde stone full of creastes and gutters.1665Hooke Microgr. 83 In the little furrows or creases of my skin.1665Phil. Trans. I. 84 Having..a hollow Crease cut into it round about.1696J. F. Merchant's Ware-ho. 20 Wove so extream thick, that it frets in the creasts under Men or Womens cloaths.1705Lond. Gaz. No. 4144/4 A..Saddle Nag..with..a Crease on his near Shoulder.a1745Swift (J.), An ivory knife, with a blunt edge..which cut it even..whereas a sharp penknife would go out of the crease, and disfigure the paper.1865M. E. Braddon Sir Jasper III. i. 3 Never mind the creases in that blue frock of yours.1897G. B. Shaw Our Theatres in Nineties (1932) III. 247 The same sort of young man,..the same crease down his new trousers.1939Joyce Finnegans Wake 404 What a pairfact crease!
2. a. Cricket. The name of certain lines scratched or marked on the ground to define the positions of the bowler and batsman.
These are the bowling-crease, drawn in the line of each wicket, from behind which the bowler delivers the ball; the return-crease, a short line at each end of the bowling crease, and at right angles to it, beyond which the bowler must not go; and the popping-crease, a line in front of each wicket parallel to the bowling-crease, behind which the batsman stands to defend his wicket.
1755Game at Cricket 6 The Bowling-Creases must be cut in a direct line from each Stump.Ibid. 7 The Bowler must deliver the Ball, with one foot behind the Crease.1849Laws of Cricket in Crick. Man. (1850) 53 The Popping-Crease must be four feet from the wicket and parallel to it, unlimited in length, but not shorter than the bowling-crease.1875‘Stonehenge’ Brit. Sports iii. i. i. §3. 667 If the striker at his wicket go outside the popping crease..the bowler may put him out.1880Boy's Own Bk. 105 Within the return-crease..and behind the bowling-crease, the bowler must stand when he delivers the ball.
b. In ice hockey and lacrosse, the area marked out in front of the goal past which the players may not carry the puck or ball.
1897E. T. Sachs in Hockey & Lacrosse 94 (caption) Goal crease.1962Globe & Mail (Toronto) 28 Dec. 33/3 Delvecchio scooped in Detroit's fourth goal with Bower trapped outside his crease from an earlier save.1966Evans & Anderson Lacrosse Fundamentals i. 22 There is usually a crease attack man assigned to play just in front of the circular crease with a 9-foot radius around the goal.1968J. Proudfoot Pro Hockey 119 The goalkeeper is granted a small protected area in front of his cage. This is called the crease.1969Rules Box Lacrosse (ed. 24) 3 The goal crease shall be in the shape of a circle having a radius of nine (9) feet from the centre of a straight line drawn between the goal posts.
In the following, app. error for crest.
3. Arch. A curved or ridge tile; = crest 6.
1703T. N. City & C. Purchaser 270 Crease..These are such Tiles as are us'd to cover the Ridge of a House; they being made..like a half Cylinder.1847–78Halliwell, Crease, a curved tile. West.1880W. Cornwall Gloss., Crease, a ridge tile.
4. dial. ‘The top of a horse's neck’ (Halliw.); = crest 8.
5. Comb., as: crease-resistant adj., applied to fabrics which by a process of manufacture are given greater ability to recover from creasing. Also crease-resist, crease-resisting, adjs.; crease-resistance.
1935Times 16 Oct. 17/6 Made of yards and yards of crease resisting material.1936Brit. Pat. 449,243 1/1 It has..been proposed to condense urea and formaldehyde to form intermediate condensation products and to apply such products to textiles..for the purpose of obtaining crease resistant and recovery effects.1947Brit. Pat. 587,572 1/1 Textiles such as cloth..have..been treated with finishing compositions containing melamine–formaldehyde condensation products in order to impart crease-resistance, crush resistance [etc.].1957Textile Terms (ed. 3) 33 Crease-resist finish.1957Woman 16 Nov. 25/4 Cottons and rayons..that have been made crease-resistant.1960Guardian 8 July 6/6 One can see..how crease resistance is obtained.1970New Yorker 1 Aug. 28/1 The spirited styling of his..crease-resistant jacket.
III. crease, n.3
Malay dagger: see kris.
IV. crease, v.1 Obs.
Forms: 4 creese, creesse, cresce, 4–5 crese, 5 cresse, crece, 5–7 crease.
[app. aphetic form of acrese, accrease, also found in sense of earlier encrese, increase. A direct formation from creiss- stem of OF. creistre to grow, is possible in some cases.]
= increase v. a. intr.
c1380Wyclif Serm. Sel. Wks. II. 148 Þe fame of Crist must creese.1393Gower Conf. III. 276 He..bad hem cresce and multiply.1398Trevisa Barth. De P.R. ii. xix. (1495) 45 Alwaye as the trespaas..creasyth, Soo the payne creasyth also.c1420Pallad. on Husb. i. 227 As fatter lande wol crece and thrive.c1440Promp. Parv. 102 Cresyn or encresyn, accresco.1547Boorde Introd. Knowl. 130 My anger..creaseth more and more.
b. trans.
c1475Partenay 4262 Which ofte cressith hurt.
V. crease, v.2|kriːs|
Also 6–9 cress.
[See crease n.2]
1. a. trans. To make a crease or creases in or on the surface of; to wrinkle; to fold in a crease.
1588J. Mellis Briefe Instr. F viij b, A leafe of paper..cressed in the middes.1594Nashe Terrors of Nt. C iv b, The clearest spring a little tucht is creased wyth a thousand circles.1665Hooke Microgr. 9 They double all the Stuff..that is, they cresse it just through the middle of it, the whole length of the piece.1824Galt Rothelan I. ii. viii. 212 Seeing Sir Gabriel de Glowr cressing and cross-folding..the broidered vestments.1853Kane Grinnell Exp. iv. (1856) 34 The clean abrupt edge of the fractures..creased their otherwise symmetrical outline.
b. To cut deep furrows in the flesh (of mackerel, cod, etc.); to crimp. Cf. creasing vbl. n.2 3, quot. 1883.
2. intr. To become creased, fall into creases.
1876Geo. Eliot Dan. Der. III. 106 ‘The legs are good realistically’, said Hans, his face creasing drolly.Mod. A material that is apt to crease.
3. trans. To stun (a horse, etc.) by a shot in the ‘crest’ or ridge of the neck. Also, to stun (a person); to kill; to exhaust physically; to crease it, to die. slang (orig. U.S.).
1807Pike Sources Mississ. ii. 159 We fired at a black horse, with an idea of creasing him.1841Catlin N. Amer. Ind. (1844) II. xli. 58 We would try the experiment of creasing one [buffalo], which is done by shooting them through the gristle on the top of the neck, which stuns them so that they fall.1909R. A. Wason Happy Hawkins 46 ‘Where was you hit, Jabez?’ I sez, ‘I was creased—I was creased the same as they crease a mustang.’1913Mulford Coming of Cassidy vii. 119 The drawing bar-tender,..dazed from shock of a ball that ‘creased’ his head.Ibid. x. 162 They creased you!1925Fraser & Gibbons Soldier & Sailor Words 66 To be creased, fainted. Laid out.1934‘D. Hume’ Too Dangerous to Live x. 109 One of you has got to crease a watchman—just a tap to make him dumb for half an hour.a1935T. E. Lawrence Mint (1955) ii. xvi. 142 Cunninghame threatened..to crease us tomorrow.1936J. Curtis Gilt Kid vi. 61 If he hit him hard, he'd probably crease him... He'd get topped for that.1959J. Braine Vodi iv. 75 The lovable old character who can tell who's going to crease it before even the doctors do.1962D. Warner Death of Bogey i. viii. 51 Christ..you creased him... It's a topping job.1966F. Shaw et al. Lern Yerself Scouse 60 I'm dead creased, I am very tired.
VI. crease
(Mining): see craze n. 3.

