
单词 spele
释义 I. spele
var. speel n. and v.
II. spele, v.1 Now dial. and rare.
Forms: 1 spelian, 3 spelien, 4 spelie, -ye; 3 Orm. spelenn, 4 spele, s.w. dial. 8 speal, 9 spale.
[OE. spelian, related to ᵹespelia and spala substitute (see spale n.1), of obscure origin.]
1. trans. To take or stand in the place of (another); to represent.
c960Rule St. Benet (Schröer) 114 For Cristes arwurðnysse and for þæs lufe, ðe he spelað.c1000ælfric Gram. v. 8 Pronomen is ðæs naman speliend, se spelað þone naman, þæt ðu ne ðurfe tuwa hine nemnan.c1000Hom. II. 62 Næs ðeah Isaac ofsleᵹen, ac se ramm hine spelode.c1730Dorset Voc. in N. & Q. 6th Ser. (1883) VIII. 45 Speal, to spare one and take his place.
2. To spare or save (something); to leave over; to use sparingly or frugally.
c1200Trin. Coll. Hom. 31 Ȝef þu ani þing spelest and leuest, þat þu forlest.c1200Ormin 10133 Þatt te birrþ hellpenn iwhillc mann..Wiþþ all þatt tu mihht spelenn wel & libbenn þær wiþþutenn.1303R. Brunne Handl. Synne 1204 Wykkedlyche al þat gode he dyspendyþ þat hys fadyr for godenesse spelyþ.c1330Chron. Wace (Rolls) 14470 Schipes he hadde, y ne wot how fele; Alle he tok, & non wold spele.1393Langl. P. Pl. C. vii. 432 As an hounde..so gan ich to brake, And spilde þat ich spele myghte.c1400St. Alexius (Trin.) 208 Al þat he spelye myȝte,..His pouere feren he delde.1880W. Cornwall Gloss. 53/2 Spale,..to make anything last a long time. To spare.
absol.1393Langl. P. Pl. C. xiv. 77 Boþe [to] spele and spare to spene vpon þe needful.
b. To set aside; to neglect. Obs.
1338R. Brunne Chron. (1810) 96 He & oþer fele sent vnto Roberd, Þat stound suld he not spele, sen he þat tiþing herd.
3. To spare (a person); to leave unpunished or unharmed. Obs.
a1300Body & Soul in Map's Poems (Camden) 339 Forlorn wretches that tou miȝtest spele,..wȝi lestouȝ hem be born?c1330R. Brunne Chron. Wace (Rolls) 12428 Arthur..smot hym sore woundes fele, Nought of hym ne wolde he spele.c1380Sir Ferumb. 458 Þar-for y am to þe y-sent to spelie þai doȝty men.
b. To respite from death. Obs.
13..Seuyn Sages (W.) 542 To-dai tho hast him fram deth i-speled.
Hence ˈspeling vbl. n., sparing. Obs.
c1420Anturs Arth. xx. (Douce MS.), Þes arne þe graceful giftes of þe holy goste, Þat enspires iche sprete, withe oute speling.
III. spele, v.2 Obs. rare.
Also 7 speale.
[ad. OF. espeler (mod.F. épeler), espelir: cf. spell v.2]
1. trans.
a. To interpret or explain as.
b. To signify or mean.
a1225Ancr. R. 170 Þes nome Assuer is ispeled eadi,..& bitocneð God: eadi ouer alle.Ibid., Mardocheus speleð ‘amare conterens impudentem’.
2. intr. To spell.
a1400Minor Poems fr. Vernon MS. 694/76 Sum leueþ on hit, As children leorneþ for to spele.1611Cotgr., Espeler, to spell, to speale; to ioyne letters, or sillables together.Ibid., Espelement, a spelling, or spealing of words.
Hence ˈspeler (in 7 spealer), = speller2 1.
1611Cotgr., Appelleur, a caller; or spealer.

